Tagged: business development

Valu+ Logo Powered by NDC 3

Valu+ Discounted for AppraisersBlogs Readers

NDC’s Appraiser Product is now Valu+ with exclusive 20% off for all Appraiser Blog Readers. Valu+ is a standalone valuation product under the NDC Brand. San Diego, CA: In the appraiser data market there has been one constant for many years, NDC. Until now NDC was both the name of the business and the research product supplying thousands of appraisers and real estate leaders with accurate public records data on over 130,000,000 parcels of land. NDC is evolving and growing rapidly and because of this growth we are excited to announce that the NDC research and valuation product will be known...

Good news appraisal profession 5

Good News….For a Change?

Appraisers to be paid within… It is all-too-rare that we hear positive news regarding the appraisal profession. There is an awful lot of complaining that goes on, most of it justifiable, but little good news that gets shared. Part of the problem is that there is no central source for information regarding our profession which appraisers might utilize in order to find out what is going on across the country and affecting our profession, and could be used to enhance our industry and our citizens in our own state. From what I have seen, most of any good news is being...


Borrower’s Commonly Asked Questions and How an Appraiser Should Answer Them

One of the aspects I love most about appraising is that every day is different.  I inspect an average of 3.25 houses per day.  Since every house is different, every day is unique.  Despite the variety we enjoy, I have also recognized that, though the setting varies each time, there is some repetition.  Specifically, the questions we get from borrowers seem to be similar over and over again. One of the best lessons I have learned as a businessman is that, if there are any processes which are often repeated, developing a system for handling them will allow you to...


Appraisal Advisor Now Completely Free for Appraisers

Appraisal Advisor is completely free for appraisers from here on out. They will not be charging appraisers anything to rate and review clients, and appraisers won’t be charged to view other appraisers’ reviews either. The OCC is now requiring that lenders “assess the third party’s reputation, including history of customer complaints or litigation,” and “assess the third party’s financial condition.” What does this mean for appraisers? It means that lenders are required to listen to what you’re saying about AMCs based on your scores, the invoices, reviews, and fees


OCC bulletin regarding AMCs, lenders, and Appraisal Advisor

On October 30, the OCC issued a bulletin to all national banks and savings associations entitled “Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management Guidance.” The bulletin, in a nutshell, outlines how lenders should manage and ensure compliance of their third party vendors. AMCs, third parties in the OCC bulletin, must be managed by specific guidelines in order for lenders to maintain compliance. Appraisal Advisor offers compliance with that regulation by providing lenders, AMCs, and appraisers with its ratings and reviews system. Appraisers’ constant scoring of AMCs on Appraisal Advisor is now, more than ever, THE key deciding factor in which AMCs lenders use....

Appraisal businesses risk 2

Greatest Risk Facing Appraisal Businesses

Greatest risk: low fees or low cash flow? A Recent Report From Texas There has been a lot of buzz about the recent survey from Texas. The Texas Appraisers and Appraisal Management Company Survey published by Texas A&M Real Estate Center in conjunction with the University of Houston’s Hobby Center for Public Policy and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago reports the current condition of the appraisal industry in the state of Texas. 1,584 appraisers and 55 Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) doing business in Texas were surveyed and findings from the report were released to the public...

Collecting invoices from problematic clients 9

Collecting Invoices from Problematic Clients

Chasing unpaid invoices… Recently, I have been receiving numerous emails and phone calls from appraisers asking if they can factor appraisal orders from JVI Solutions with our company. Appraisers from Hawaii and California to Texas and New Jersey have grown tired of the runaround and are looking for ways to get paid on the work they have done. Unfortunately, because of non-payments and the unknown status of the Florida-based appraisal management company, whether a larger Fortune 500 company is acquiring it or going bankrupt, our company has currently placed a hold on factoring any JVI Solutions orders until we receive...

Small business cash crunch 0

Small Business Cash Crunch

Appraisers & their frustration with cash flow… I recently attended the Association of Texas Appraisers (ATA) Mid-Year Meeting in New Braunfels, TX. I met many wonderful ATA members and the meeting was well organized.  Much of the meeting consisted of discussions on Texas Appraiser Licensing Certification Board (TALCB) commission activities, technology tools for appraisers, and USPAP. Since the topic of cash management rarely is presented in any appraisal meeting or event (but it should), I took the time during the networking sessions to learn more about the financial successes, struggles, and conditions of appraisers and their businesses. Some appraisers shared they are...

Factoring your cash flow 3

Where Is My Money? Factoring Your Cash Flow

Factoring is the solution! Appraisers have shared a common concern with me when I visit with them and learn more about their businesses  – “When am I going to get paid?”  Many tell me that on average they do not collect their fees for 45 to 60 days. You have financial obligations to meet: payroll, taxes, travel expenses, etc. Cash flow delays can cause great stress for you and your appraisal business. You must understand and be aware of the importance of cash. Cash is the lifeblood of any business and without it your business will fail. One of the main challenges...


Playing the Violin and your Company’s Image

If I said to you the name Joshua Bell, would it mean anything to you? No fair Googling. Well, it did not mean anything to literally thousands of commuters in a Washington D.C. subway terminal recently either. Neither did the music he played mean much to them as they hurried past. Here, watch the video: So, who is Joshua Bell? He is a Grammy award-winning violinist who is considered by some to be the best in the world! The experiment you just viewed was sponsored by the Washington Post. They placed one of the best violinists in the world, holding...

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