VaCAP Supports Shane Lanham’s Legal Fight

VaCAP Supports Shane Lanham's Legal Fight

The outcome of this case will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the future of the appraisal industry, making Shane Lanham’s fight one that concerns us all. 

A fellow appraiser is in need of your assistance. Many of you may have heard of a Maryland Appraiser, Shane Lanham, the defendant in a lawsuit for a “low opinion of value based on the race of the homeowner.” Shane is counter suing the accuser for defamation as this has been a very publicized story. Let’s be clear, he is not just fighting for himself, he is fighting for each and every appraiser.

As you can imagine, Shane’s legal expenses are high and Shane has reached out for some assistance.

VaCAP is supporting Shane as he fights to clear his name and the reputation of all appraisers. Racism claims have gotten the media attention and not one story has told the appraiser side. Shane’s determination and dedication in this fight are endless. VaCAP supports Shane and all appraisers in this tiresome fight.

VaCAP will contribute a $1,000 to Shane’s GoFundMe page. We encourage every appraiser to donate what you can. You can see Shane’s story and donate on his GoFundMe page.

The Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals Challenges every Appraiser organization to support Shane and his fight in matching VaCAP’s donation of $1,000.

Shane’s 9/9/24 update:

Hello everyone,

Discovery has ended and all fact/character witnesses involved on both sides have been interviewed… next up, expert witness depositions in September and October. The Plaintiffs did not retain an expert appraisal witness to either dispute my value or support the value of the second appraisal (Dodd $750k). Instead, they retained Junia Howell. She is described on the internet as an “urban sociologist and race scholar.” If you are unfamiliar with her, you can listen to some of her testimony at an Appraisal Subcommittee hearing on appraisal bias in the link below (about minutes 28 – 35) and get a feel for her opinion of appraisers and the appraisal industry in general (spoiler alert, she does not have a high opinion of either). In the interest of being agreeable, and having nothing to hide, I provided all appraisals I have since I started my business in 2015-2016 to the Plaintiffs as they requested (this was provided before I knew Junia Howell would be involved). That information appears to have been used by Plaintiffs to pivot away from the initial complaint that claims the Dodd appraisal at $750k in January 2022 is accurate, and proves how much I undervalued the same house in June 2021; they have now turned their attention more to an analysis of my history of appraising. To rebut the study that Howell performed using those appraisals I supplied, I have retained the services of Tobias Peter of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Mr. Peter has participated in studies and analysis that addresses flaws in the methods used by the Brookings Institution to proclaim that disparities in home values between white and black owners is the result of appraiser bias. While I am thankful for Mr. Peter’s involvement, this was an unexpected but necessary expense that comes at a heavy cost. Coupled with the fact that my original codefendant LoanDepot decided to settle and move on from the case, which is forcing me to fight the accusations on my own, the expenses for my defense have increased exponentially. I want to reiterate how thankful I am for the donations I have received from all of you and given the cost to live these days I am not asking for you to donate again. However, from what I understand there are 80,000 +/- appraisers countrywide and 400+/- have donated. While my particular case has been highly publicized thanks to the interviews done by Plaintiffs, I realize that doesn’t mean every single appraiser is aware of what’s going on with me. What I am asking is to please spread the word of my fundraiser to as many people as possible, by any means necessary, and encourage them to donate as it is more important than ever that I not only meet my goal of $50k but exceed it. Again, thank you for your support and words of encouragement. I will continue to keep you posted on the progress of the process.

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VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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11 Responses

  1. > “urban sociologist and race scholar.”

    lol, a what?

  2. Avatar Frustrated Appraiser says:

    Thank you for sharing this. Thank you Virginia coalition of appraisers. Shane needs and all the support he can get. We need to prove that these claims and stories of bias are false until proven, by peers That they are accurate. The plaintiffs choice of experts is completely irrelevant because they have little to no appraisal knowledge. Just more fluff.

  3. Avatar steve says:

    it would be nice if the judge would summary judgement in Shane’s favor..and then dress down Relman Colfax for not verifying the two reports before sending Connolly out on his media tour..i’m not holding my breath..THANKS VaCAP !!!

  4. Donna Halfpenny on Facebook Donna Halfpenny on Facebook says:

    Thank you so much!

  5. Avatar Pat says:

    VaCap has issued a challenge!!

  6. EVERYONE here needs to donate what they can and then SHARE, SHARE, SHARE on all social media pages and elsewhere. I saw the pitiful Congressional hearing with Junia and Tobias Peter. Junia was crazy, she talked so fast it was like she was on speed and she has it in for Appraisers clearly YET Congressional members who wish to continue the RACE argument questioned her more. When Tobias Peter made a very valid, complete and thorough investigation into the bias argument and stated it was a FINANCIAL issue not a bias issue not one of the Congress members that clearly had it in for Appraisers asked more questions about his very valid report. They ignored him! And the AI President at the time completely threw us under the BUS as he sat next to the couple from Marin County that everyone believes like they are GOD on this issue. It was disgusting. I surely hope Tobias helps Shane’s case as he was very coherent and intelligent and stated his case with great conviction. The fact that they are not even bringing in another Appraiser to testify is very telling. Why? Because they have NO proof of bias. They are trying to put on a dog and pony show and hope it sticks! I hope Shane wins and wins big and maybe those who want to sue will BACK the HELL off.

  7. Baggins Baggins says:

    In the interest of being agreeable, and having nothing to hide, I provided all appraisals I have since I started my business in 2015-2016 to the Plaintiffs as they requested / Oh my… Such an action is beyond the requirement of the jurisdictional exception rule. The appraiser should adamantly adhere to report confidentiality unless a judge or authorized agency orders the appraiser otherwise. Only share what is required and share no more. If there is confusion about this principal, the appraiser should cite both the judicial exception rule, and the client confidentiality rules.

    Perhaps consider a new strategy; ask for the entire appraisal data set to be scraped back and the judge orders them as inadmissible evidence. The judge can force an appraiser to violate uspap with the JE rule. But can the judge also compel plaintiffs to respect the spirit of the confidentiality rules as well?

    USPAP pg 17. / Law includes constitutions, legislative and court-made law, and administrative rules and ordinances. Regulations include rules or orders having legal force, issued by an administrative agency. Instructions from a client or attorney do not establish a jurisdictional exception.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      “When compliance with uspap is required by law or regulation, no part of uspap can be voided by a law or regulation of a state or local jurisdiction.”

      Pg 11. Ethics rule on confidentiality.

      AO 60, AO 68, AO 78. /

      Ask the judge to reel all of that back in, move back to the initial scope of the claim and complaint. Rule all but the initial appraisal as inadmissible evidence. Now the plaintiffs have manufactured new violations because of their unreasonable pressure applied to the appraiser. Is it now the courts responsibility to rectify this representative imbalance or declare a mistrial and allow the entire process to start over from scratch again?

  8. Avatar Coleen Courtney-Morrison, ASA says:

    Thanks VaCAP for your support in this matter for Shane Lanham.

  9. Avatar PJTC says:

    I don’t think the majority of appraisers gets how important this case actually is to this industry. But, I must say, I’m not surprised. The profession I have loved for 40 years has no lack of selfish, “I’d sell my mom for $25”, appraisers. This guy is going way out on a limb for all of us yet the stingyness of some defies logic and fully exposes why we are in the situation we are. If every appraiser donated $5 to his war chest could potentially save their livelihood, but, no, crickets; “let somebody else bail my a$$ out”. Those who can and have not donated the cost of a grande Starbucks should be ashamed of themselves and you only have yourself to blame when the lights are turned off.


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VaCAP Supports Shane Lanham’s Legal Fight

by VaCAP Board time to read: 3 min