UAD Composite Property Data Info Released to the Public
Appraisers, since 2011, the GSEs (called the ‘Enterprises’) have been collecting and analyzing appraisal data using their proprietary Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) which was overlaid on four of the standard GSE appraisal forms, SFR’s and Condo’s only.
Ever since then, appraisers and other users have complained that none of that data was available. Well, now it is available, but not highly detailed down to specific properties. See below for the web site link.
Some of that data is granular down to specific Census Tracts, which appraisers seldom, if ever, use in their market analysis to determine comparable sales and their locations.
This granular Census Tract data has been used against appraisers in various research reports, with the belief that “we” are not valuing properties correctly when there is a population of minorities (primarily Black) present, or not present. Our GSE designed appraisal forms specifically say that ‘race’ cannot be considered in the analysis and resulting appraised value, but many researchers (even within the GSEss) seem to think that it is, or should be, a primary factor in the valuation decision.
Sandra L. Thompson is the Director of FHFA, the GSEs ‘conservator’ agency which took over following the financial crash in 2008. She appeared at the Mortgage Bankers Association annual convention this past Monday, Oct. 24, 2022, and made these remarks in a keynote speech to the attendees (I bolded and underlined some of the text):
“The Uniform Appraisal Dataset
Another issue that we’ve been working on is modernizing the home valuation process by leveraging the vast amounts of property and appraisal data that the Enterprises collect to reduce costs and bring efficiencies while minimizing subjectivity in the process.
Our efforts were accelerated during the pandemic, and at last year’s convention, I announced that desktop appraisals, a pilot started at the beginning of the pandemic, would become a permanent option.
In further support of enhancing the public’s understanding of how homes are valued, we are committed to increasing public access to privacy-protected data. Not only does this promote transparency, but it also provides valuable insights on appraisals and drives better policymaking.
After a rigorous process to ensure protection of personally identifiable information, today, I am pleased to announce that FHFA is releasing the Aggregate Statistics Data File which is sourced from the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) as well as accompanying Dashboards of the data.
This release represents the first ever public access to the Enterprises’ aggregated and anonymized appraisal data. We view this as a significant first step in sharing the vast amount of valuation data retained by the Enterprises.
With the more than 23 million statistics about single-family home appraisals, the public will be able to:
- better monitor industry trends;
- compare appraisal gaps in minority neighborhoods across states and metropolitan areas;
- evaluate national, state, regional, and local trends in appraised values; and
- gain a better understanding for how appraised values differ among neighborhoods and housing features.
I encourage you to go to our website today and view this data and the dashboards.
FHFA, meanwhile, will continue to seek ways to release data and increase transparency, while protecting people’s privacy and personally identifiable information.”
You can get to this released data by clicking this link.
This is designed so that the public (and appraisers) are able to access and download various kinds of data primarily relating to SFR’s. These downloads can be used as a CSV file, PDF or PowerPoint.
Some of what this data includes may be useful as exhibits in your appraisal reports, at least for data up to the end of 2021.

- New UAD Overhaul: What Appraisers Can Expect in 2025 & Beyond - September 19, 2024
- Cindy Chance Terminated - September 16, 2024
- Key Part of USPAP Not Available from TAF - July 19, 2024
Danny Wiley, senior director, property valuation for Freddie Mac, brought up the use of inspection technology to help eliminate bias.
“The data tells us we actually get more accurate condition ratings with a third party inspection,” said Wiley. “I don’t think people see that as potentially something to help with the bias but the data clearly shows that that is a contributor to improving our results and getting less bias in those condition ratings.”
“We came to the conclusion that the percentage of undervaluation in each one of those markets didn’t vary according to the race or the demographics of that area,” said Hogan. “Now, obviously, that would make sense because AVM doesn’t know the race, it’s pretty much blind to those things.”
In short, the false narrative being pushed is that there is no bias in AVMs and third party inspections and will help fight bias in appraising!
I went to the site you provided and found a link to employment. Out of curiosity, I went to the link assuming I would find a list of positions including appraisers. I was a bit surprised (not really) when I read the attachment below in which they describe who they employ; not one appraisal position mentioned. That seems odd given their concern with appraisers without benefit of any appraiser insight from within their own ranks. Just saying.
“FHFA is a key player in the current and future U.S. housing market as the safety and soundness regulator of the Federal Home Loan Bank System and regulator and conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
At FHFA every employee plays a vital role in meeting our mission and we depend on them to aspire to excel in every aspect of their work; have the highest ethical and professional standards; respect each other, information and resources; and, promote diversity in our employment and business practices.
Our team primarily consists of examiners, accountants, economists, financial analysts, information technology specialists, and attorneys. We also recruit for a variety of other positions such as policy experts, budget and procurement specialists, human resources specialists, facilities and space management professionals and student interns.”
So where are the stats that prove appraisers are bias??
The “unbiased” NAR National survey recently completed (that included participants in the mortgage industry) showed a racism factor of 2% (keep in mind that is based on perception) however that was not broken down further. It is reasonable to assume it includes any and all differing ethnicity, color and backgrounds; hardly seems to be an appraisal pandemic let alone one specific race being singled out. Of course, none of this is being discussed by anyone at the Government or industry level as that would undermine their predetermined conclusions as they have their “pet” project in their sights, appraisers.
Why not just come out and say it. “We no longer have any need for appraisers, computer generated values and non-regulated inspectors are working as intended.” My license is active until 12/31/2023 I will just let it expire as my clients are already disappearing. I do have one question, when some of the loans start go bad in the next 1-3 years, who will they use as the scape goat when most of the insured/licensed appraisers are gone?
I agree with your sentiment totally and have been saying this for years. They have finally found a formula that works. No one can just come out and say they no longer want appraiser’s (because how would that look) so every effort is being made using intimidation, accusations and criminal threats hoping appraisers will voluntarily just disappear into the night and its working. Face it, we are perceived as a stumbling block to allowing the mortgage industry (big business) to have free, unbridled reign. No one cares about the taxpayers, and this movement to eliminate the appraisal industry (voluntarily) is proof positive.
Totally worthless data. There is literally nothing we can do with such a limited dataset.
I agree!!
Bread for the masses. When will we be given access to the raw CU Collateral Underwriter data set? This data release is nothing more than a simple parsing of a larger data set, a limited window of pointed analysis.
Learn how the game is played. The supposed regulators are actually corporate advocates for lender interests and ancillary interests whom feed off of lender activity. Revolving doors and all. What they say is more like a marketing slogan or solicitation rather than statements of fact. The vast majority of well qualified and capable real estate appraisers are not acceptant of new programs which relegate our detailed observation and analysis skills as irrelevant. Third party inspectors, they’re not hiring qualified home inspectors, builders, structural or construction and utility pros, etc. People that appraisers would actually prefer to hire and sub out duties to if there was an affordability factor to allow such integrated assistance of well qualified people. They’re hiring entry level delivery drivers and putting cell phone apps in their hands.
After a cursory review of this data, here is what I think, below sales contract percentages are far LESS than above sales contract numbers. Roughly 8-12 % below contract price and 50-60% or more above. I was looking at GA my home state, compared to New York and National. So noone is talking about how high the numbers are OVER contract price only those BELOW contract price. This should be discussed. Of course in past 2 years many appraised values were over contract price due to ongoing rise in values. They should be commending us for keeping up the PACE of values in our respective market areas and not holding value to just the SALES PRICE. As for the minority data % . YES the values are lower in most areas and the percentage below contract price are higher than those in under 50% minority areas. WHY???? Not because of the Appraiser, but because of the issues at hand in these areas plain and simple. The minority numbers had more appraisals below contract price than in less minority % population areas, but again..WHY? Has not a thing to do with the Appraiser. The Quality of Construction had no pattern meaning Q1, Q2 did not have fewer or greater below contract prices compated to Q4 -Q6 rated homes. This tells me 2 things; minority housing locations have problems, they need to fix those problems and values will rise. 2. Minorities are paying MORE for the homes than they should. Why is it that they have a higher percentage of appraisals below the contract price? Because for one reason they are not being advised appropriately about values in the area, they are not be represented as they should bey their Realtor to NOT overpay. There are so many other things that could be gleened from these number to JUSTIFY the narrative that Appraisers MUST be biased. Instead of dealing with the hard issues. Fix neighborhood and financial issues in minority populations and lets make sure minorities are not paying more for homes than they should! AMEN!
I believe that the values submitted from a client are contingent offers, not value. The appraisers also include a trend for the estimate. Price may always be the same whether the property sells or not. Federal Census Tracts should begin with quarterly begin and which period, like fourth quarter??
FHA normal time estimate of six months can be dealt with at this point. Today’s paper STATED that FHA, & FNMA’s rates are the highest in 30 years. Fewer sales are occurring. Does that mean values in six months SHOULD be predicted downward? Remember the markets years ago went down 40%, how much will it go down today. Or is it already down because many buyers cannot afford the payments?
I remember years ago that I used RE-Negotiated trust deed as value evidence as they were too few sales. Tough to verify and find.
Who is easier to take advantage of? A well financially educated borrower, or one whom has less financial education? As far as downward market value effects go, sorry, most instances of default which would otherwise be visible and deflate this housing bubble, are channeled via gse’s as first purchase opportunities to investment entities, thereby artificially propping up market values as well as rental values as the same time. aka; holding first purchase opportunities which should have otherwise gone to citizen based first look programs, as reits instead. Learn our coms.
Thats an invitation to be BULSHTED!
What ever the answer is from another’s view.
What’s the most prestigious MONEY or Power! Ask the Candidates?
Please clarify. Do you support the view that there is market manipulation, or something else?
Will it ever be different?
Entertainment is wonderful, ain’t it.
I’ve got a meme for that!
Great hooks, weak cane. Mabe should oughta have some of the Justise’s in there helping.
It’s all staged, one big lie. Corporate people form their own conclusions, then push puppet politicians and paid for scripted news stories to convince the public why and how to play along. We live in a sea of fake news and illusionary regulatory structure which is meant to enrich corporations, long since abandoning the cause of protecting the American consumer. For the appraisal industry, a little slander here, a little shift there, look the other way now and then, consumers be damned, the investors demand profits. The entire appraisal industry is just another casualty and they’re all happy we’re being phased out of relevance. Functional checks and balances systems are the enemy to the insiders. Stakeholder capitalism appears to be socialism in disguise at this point. We can’t we be ‘stake holders’ too? Where is our vote for our industry? Why can’t the public vote on how they’d like the GSE’s to be ran? The public pays for these institutions but suspiciously never gets a vote.