Tagged: WinTotal

First American Financial and ACI software 13

Software Provider Conflict of Interest(s)?

ACI software & “restricted appraisals” that suffer from schizophrenia… It’s been awhile since I reviewed or researched influences affecting products offered by appraisal software providers. It’s hardly been a number one priority lately. However, I just noticed something I’ve missed for I can’t even begin to guess at how long. Like many appraisers, I use a variety of software providers. Some do some things better than others, or easier. It’s usually been a matter of preference. I started out back in the 1980’s with Formfil PC+, back on my old DOS based system. It was a decent appraisal software. Pretty...

National Data Collective - NDC Shift a la mode 4

National Data Collective Launches “Shift”

National Data Collective Launches “Shift” an Exclusive a la mode TOTAL Integration Tool February 2, 2015 San Diego, CA — Today, NDC (National Data Collective), a leading national provider of property data for real estate professionals, has released a new and improved export tool for a la mode customers only called Shift. Shift allows NDC users to export NDC’s highly-rated collective property data directly into a la mode’s industry leading form filling software with just a push of a button. The tool is compatible with the legacy WinTOTAL system, TOTAL 2013, and the upcoming release of the next-generation TOTAL Titan....

FNMA Big Data to Check Appraisals 2

Data Services to Appraisers

a la mode and National Data Collective Form Partnership to Offer Real Estate Data Services to Appraisers November 10, 2014 — Naples, FL — a la mode announced today that NDC (National Data Collective), a leading national provider of property data services for real estate professionals, has agreed to integrate its data services with a la mode’s full range of appraisal formfilling systems. NDC offers a subscription-based data service to appraisers covering more than 130 million properties in all 50 states, with full property profiles, assessor records, deed history and comparables data. Its products are available on desktop and mobile...


New Data Courier with XML File Upload via SmartBrowser

DataCourier is built into WinTOTAL and TOTAL to help appraisers securely deliver MISMO XML report files to their clients. The new DataCourier equipped with SmartBrowser now allows appraisers to securely transmit XML and PDF files to any client via secure e-mail or their web portal. It also lets save XML and PDF files directly to PC for delivery via portable storage or archive purposes. 3 ways to send XML and PDF report files: Send XML and PDF via secure e-mail Upload XML and PDF to a website Save XML and PDF to computer Watch this 3 minute video with step...

Tutorial webinar video 0

UAD Tutorial for WinTOTAL or TOTAL

Step by Step UAD Tutorial for WinTOTAL or TOTAL With the UAD deadline coming up on Thursday, a la mode recently released a 40 minute video tutorial showing step by step instructions for each UAD fields. In an effort to enhance appraisal data quality and consistency and to promote the collection of electronic appraisal data, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Government Sponsored Enterprises or GSEs) have developed the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD). The UAD modifies 4 of the industry standard appraisal reporting forms: the URAR, the Individual Condominium Unit Report, the Exterior Only Residential Inspection Report and the Exterior Only...


a la mode Releases UAD Recorded Webinar

a la mode recently released a recorded video of the live “Intro to UAD” webinar. This hour long video includes: Part 1: Intro to UAD Part 2: What is the UMDP? Part 3: UAD Overview Part 4: UAD FAQ’s Part 5: Examples of Common Inconsistencies Part 6: UAD Rules Part 7: Using UAD in the software


TOTAL 2011 vs. WinTOTAL Aurora

How is TOTAL 2011 different from WinTOTAL Aurora? In this webinar you will find the differences between these two versions. Each serve different purposes. TOTAL 2011 was designed with ease of use in mind while WinTOTAL was designed with a lot more features. When deciding which software to go with, make your choice based on the features you need. For example only WinTOTAL Aurora has comparables and photos databases, auto-adjuster, billings/accounts receivable and custom financial reports among other features. Rentals and listings in side-by-side view, undo, redo, find and replace feature, as well as text overflow options are among some...


DaVinci for Android is here!

DaVinci for Android is here and you can dowload it now for free in the Android Market. Anyone with a Smartphone or tablet with Android 2.1 or later can download it. Click here to go to the DaVinci download page in the  Android Market. Click here to download the WinTOTAL update from the labs page. This will allow for file syncing between WinTOTAL and your device. With DaVinci for Android you can: Fill out an entire 1004 from the field by simply tapping on the screen, or use Android’s “talk-to-type” feature to fill out the report using your voice Create QuickLists within DaVinci...


a la mode’s UAD solution to the GSE’s Uniform Appraisal Dataset

Required as of September 1, 2011, the Uniform Appraisal Dataset or UAD changes how appraisers fill out the URAR and 2055. a la mode UAD solution let the appraiser fill out the form as easily and quickly as possible. There are no pop up windows with okay or cancel buttons. Clicking into a field simply expands part of the form if necessary where appraisers can check any boxes, select any appropriate pull downs, and fill out any additional comments. Tabbing or clicking out of the field will automatically combine the appraiser’s answer in the exact format that the GSEs need....

WinTOTAL - Aurora Formfilling Essentials Tutorial 1

WinTOTAL Formfilling Essentials Webinar

WinTOTAL merging tutorial If you are a WinTOTAL user, you may be in in the habit of starting a report by cloning a template instead of merging a template. This class shows you how to start a report by merging a template instead of cloning it, or merging different sections of a report or several reports. Cloning overwrites everything while merging fills in the blanks. In other words, you can merge parts of one report or several reports over and over again without overwriting the fields you have already filled in. For example, let’s say you have done a report...

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