New Data Courier with XML File Upload via SmartBrowser

DataCourier is built into WinTOTAL and TOTAL to help appraisers securely deliver MISMO XML report files to their clients. The new DataCourier equipped with SmartBrowser now allows appraisers to securely transmit XML and PDF files to any client via secure e-mail or their web portal. It also lets save XML and PDF files directly to PC for delivery via portable storage or archive purposes.

3 ways to send XML and PDF report files:

  1. Send XML and PDF via secure e-mail
  2. Upload XML and PDF to a website
  3. Save XML and PDF to computer

Watch this 3 minute video with step by step instructions:

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New Data Courier with XML File Upload via SmartBrowser

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: <1 min