Tagged: appraiser


We Need More Regulations?

“There oughtta be a law!” This is the typical rant from well-meaning Americans who feel they have been wronged in some way. In some cases, they may be right. There is a place for government and there are a reasons for regulations. The problems is, we have too dang many of them! Appraisers of any walk are usually the first ones to complain against excess government overreach. Yet surprisingly, they can also be the first ones to call for more when it appears to be in their favor. Take a recent thread I was reading on a popular appraiser web...

Top to Bottom Complaint Primer 0

Top to Bottom: Complaint Primer

“Why don’t you write about the complaint process from start to finish?” Howard Richter, MAI of IACREA made a great suggestion for an article. “Why don’t you write about the complaint process from start to finish?” Okay, Howard. Let’s do it! Whether complaints come from homeowners, lenders, AMCs, other government entities, they all find their way to my desk via Complaint Intake. The two-page complaint form is on-line and was designed to make it easy for the complainant and for the Department to get to the heart of the problem. Complaints come in all shapes and sizes. Some are vague...

Concessions - when & how much to adjust 8

Concessions – When & How Much to Adjust

There is a lack of consensus or understanding among appraisers regarding concessions paid to a buyer in a sales transaction. The focus here is on appraisals communicated via a current Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac form. The intent of this article is to bring some clarity to this topic, whether you’re appraising the property as a purchase transaction or using it as a comparable sale after it has closed. First, in your appraisal due to purchase, a concession to the buyer of the subject of your appraisal must be reported in the contract section of the appraisal report. However, you must remember...

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