Appraisal Reform or System Reform
It is my hope that the Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development and Insurance consider long-term impact. The existing regulatory burden, a proven failure, may insure a repeat of the past.
The body of a letter to the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services about systems reform.
Appraisal reform or Appraisal industry reform? It is critical to understand that ‘appraisal’ does not equal ‘valuation’, or risk analysis, or anything else. It is a precise definition of a nebulous product.
The current U.S. House Committee on Financial Services is asking the question: “What’s Your Home Worth? A Review of the Appraisal Industry.”
I believe it is critical that there be clarity on what an ‘appraisal’ is and what it is not. The definition is revealed in the (Congressionally mandated) standards of the Appraisal Foundation, under the Appraisal Subcommittee. What is not an appraisal may be called a valuation, an evaluation, a Broker Price Opinion, an AVM (Automated Valuation Model), a CMA (Competitive Market Analysis), or even the homeowner’s opinion.
An ‘appraisal’ is precisely defined in USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice).
Appraisal practice is provided only by appraisers, while valuation services are provided by a variety of professionals and others.
To review the industry, it is important that the Committee distinguishes between the various valuation services. The only thing that counts in the long run is long term risk – to homeowners, consumers, taxpayers – from the next (current?) economic downturn.
And now, Fannie Mae is intending a ‘bi-furcated‘ valuation, where the licensed/certified appraiser is relieved of the responsibility of inspecting and quantifying the property. A second, non-licensed person goes into the home, takes pictures, and makes only ‘factual’ observations about effective age, obsolescence, safety issues, adjacent influences, remodeling, maintenance, and other elements of appeal. The partial-scope appraiser simply sits at a desk, and enters the data provided into the proposed new form. Presumably a non-licensed, unregulated ‘inspector’ can be hired by the lender to do the viewing much faster and cheaper. This concept appears to be a hybrid of service partly by an appraiser, and partly by “others”.
No one views the comparable sales. No one observes neighborhood nuances.
What is important for the public trust is risk. The risk that consumers and homeowners will again lose their homes. That taxpayers will again pay the price of ignoring the risk of the “black swan” – the inevitable downturn in the economy, and in home prices.
The Appraisal Foundation was “Authorized by Congress as the Source of Appraisal Standards and Appraiser Qualifications.” The intent of USPAP is to promote and maintain a high level of public trust. Given the worst real economic turndown (ten years ago) since the great depression, it appears this experiment failed. Homeowners and consumers suffered. Some perpetrators gained immensely, with the artificial playing field allowing them to game the system for their own gain. Few of them suffered repercussion or penalty.
What is missing, I believe, are some simple underlying truths and needed policy:
- Market price does not equate to property value, even in the short run.
- Property price is a small part of the collateral security equation.
- Collateral risk requires more:
- Reliability measures for every valuation (by appraisers or others);
- Fundamental value to replace the mis-named “market value”;
- Revaluation on an annual basis — easily accomplished given data science technology.
Layers of regulation place a burden on appraisal that is not placed on other forms of valuation The loan appraisal ‘profession’ has been decimated. Layers of regulation place a burden on appraisal that is not placed on other forms of valuation. Innovation has been stymied in the same manner. AMCs (Appraisal Management Companies) succeed when they are able to employ the cheapest, fastest bidder — who hits the required number in an ongoing manner. Integrity and ethics have no value.
And this is perhaps my main personal issue — I teach modern data science methods to appraisers. The bureaucratic hoops necessary to teach one class in the United States require 54 state/province approvals, plus the Appraisal Foundation. This requires about 120 separate and different ‘approval’ forms. Sometimes months are required for the state boards to meet and grant approval.
Each jurisdiction requires forms and fees. Total fees for one class, for two years, is over $7,000, requiring some 70 separate payments. Administrative burden to start and continue ‘approval’ to teach a single class costs several times this amount.
Education provided by of our professional organizations has been reduced to teaching for money. Innovation and research in valuation data science is effectively halted.
There is resistance to change on many fronts. It may require a clear public policy to effect the change. A change enabled by the merge of technology and human competence.
The solution is prognostic:
- Judgment based, point-value “market value” appraisals have limited future usefulness;
- Automated, bifurcated, “kinda-sorta-appraisals” give partial collateral results, and higher risk;
- The answer is the proper blend of computer/algorithmic power and human input/competence.
It is my hope that the Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development and Insurance consider long-term impact. The existing regulatory burden, a proven failure, may insure a repeat of the past.

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you have to have a strong back to be a successful appraiser….the weather changes quick and the buck stops here… the blame lands on your desk and they skimmed the meat off the bone yet the integrity remains..if that is no longer important to the banksters then somethins wrong
Ones interpretation of physical characteristics is always different that another’s. And what about the external factors, neighborhood characteristics that also play a role in value. Why is no one taking the initiative to ask the obvious questions. It’s much more than just inside the property boundaries
One of George’s best articles in my humble opinion.
The solutions are still up for debate, but reading between the lines of current regulatory agency policies proposed regulations and advocacy by public agencies it appears the decision has already been made.
Whatever is necessary to achieve MISMO full automation goals of mortgage lending is decreed to be ‘good’ for America and above all else “Protecting the Public Trust” through whatever the con job artifice of the moment is.
Agreed. Great article. 5 year maximum effective reliability shelf life of all appraisals, a higher risk assignment for anything other than the officially defined appraisal, move accountability back to the originators by removing taxpayer insurance backing, wind down the gse’s.
Do you ever get the feeling you’re not fairly represented? If I’m reading these disclosures correctly NAR gave 554m to this house financial services committee. Ring them up and ask why they’re not doing anything to protect the traditional appraisal industry. They’re one of the biggest donors. Click on the various tabs and highlighted links to explore more.
Nobody is going to give an F about Appraisers as long the media keeps spreading LIES. Public perception of our industry may very well be at an all time low.
That is a good example of how statistics can go very wrong. We have a low unemployment rate because most are self employed and those not currently employed don’t want to be an appraiser given the current environment. All this is going to do is push more people to a career they don’t even remotely understand.
Hilarious, or sad, there was an article with appraisers on the chopping block.