Category: Appraisal Organizations

Call to Action About Risky Appraisal Waiver Program 1

Call to Action Againt Risky Appraisal Waivers

Call Congress about Fannie/Freddie’s Risky Appraisal Waiver Program! VaCAP has received the following from the Appraisal Institute. Please contact your representative concerning Fannie and Freddie. Appraisers, Appraisal Organizations and NAR are all uniting to stop this. Make your voice be heard. Contact your representatives today. All, FYI — An action alert has been set up for appraisers to call their members of Congress relative to the GSE appraisal waiver issue. Click here to find the contact information of your member of Congress. Please let me know if you need assistance or have any questions. Bill Garber Director of Government and...

Bond on TC Valuations: A Defunct AMC's Bond 1

A Defunct AMC’s Bond

What happens after you file a claim against a defunct AMC’s bond? One appraiser has shared the response received from Western Surety Company, the company that issued the surety bond on TCValuations. “Western Surety Company is in receipt of several claims to date. If the amount of claims exceeds the penal sum of the bond, Western Surety Company will be required to do a pro-rata distribution of funds or file an interpleader action. In an interpleader action, the court will decide the amount that is due each individual claimant and generally represents a pro-rata amount of each individual claim based on the total...

Transcontinental Valuations AMC Bites the Dust 9

Another AMC Folds

Transcontinental Valuations has gone out of business and stated that it can pay only 25% of the amount owed to each appraiser. VaCAP has been forwarded the following email from the North Carolina Appraisal Board. Please use this as a reminder to watch your receivables. No appraiser should go unpaid for their work! From: NCAppraisal Board [mailto:n…] Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 10:20 AM Subject: Transcontinental Valuations (NC-1174) On August 23, 2017, we sent out an email letting you know that Transcontinental Valuations has gone out of business. Since then, the Board received a cancellation notice from the bond company...

Appraisal Waivers Pushback, Treasure Valley Clarification & More 11

Pushing Back Against Appraisal Waivers

AI & 37 Appraisal Organizations pushing back against Appraisal Waivers… Clarification on Treasure Valley Factors: Last week we shared with you information about Treasure Valley Factors no longer accepting invoices from Managed Appraisal Services. Many interpreted this to mean Treasure Valley Factors was no longer accepting appraisal management companies’ invoices. This is not correct. Managed Appraisal Service, Inc. is an Appraisal Management Company located in Horsham, PA. It is this company’s invoices Treasure Valley Factors is no longer accepting. Treasure Valley Factors is still accepting invoices from other Appraisal Management Companies. Treasure Valley Factors reviews each company individually and makes decisions...

Appraisal Waiver Programs Risky for Taxpayers and Homeowners 4

Appraisal Waiver Programs… A Risky Business

ICAP (and 36 other industry groups) signed a Letter To The Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Over The New Appraisal Waiver Programs ICAP along with 36 other industry groups signed a letter to the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs to raise concern over the new appraisal waiver programs recently implemented by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the “Government Sponsored Enterprises.”) The letter states that these programs will create unnecessary and unacceptable risks for taxpayers and homeowners, and they come at a time when markets are at all-time highs – when risk mitigation should be tantamount. The...

Treasure Valley No Longer Accepting AMC Invoices, PIW & ACE Programs 10

Not Such a Quiet Week

For a quiet Holiday Week and the first week of school for many localities, many things to report: VaCAP has learned Treasure Valley Factors is no longer accepting “Managed Appraisal Services Inc.“ invoices. Treasure Valley Factoring has been highly promoted by Phil Crawford and many appraisers utilize their service. VaCAP does not know the reasoning behind their decision, but we can only assume it is risk based, or this AMC simply is not paying. This could be a sign of things to come. Be mindful of your receivables and take early action the first sign of trouble. It is a business...

Non Payment to Appraisers by Diligent Asset Valuations - BREA vs DAV 9

Anatomy of a Substantiated (AMC) Complaint 

Diligent Asset Valuations Alleged Multiple Non Payment to Appraisers Anyone that knows me, or who has read past comments concerning California BREA’s non enforcement of C&R fees also knows I’m not generally their (BREA) biggest fan. However, it would be intellectually dishonest not to recognize a case where they did the right thing. The case in question, BREA vs Diligent Asset Valuations (DAV), involved alleged multiple order non payment to appraisers by an AMC where orders were placed or assigned through the MERCURY NETWORK. The specific logistics of how Mercury is involved could be of interest to those that use...

MAY be Offered at the Lenders Discretion per FNMA Disaster Relief Notice 0

Fannie Mae Disaster Relief

FNMA announced on August 25, 2017 that they permit lenders to offer forbearance for between 90 to 180 days on property that value / marketability or habitability has been negatively affected by Hurricane Harvey. Similarly, owners whose ability to earn income due to the storm may be offered temporary reprieves. Like all things GSE related, the devil is in the details. Hopefully this is going to be an exception with no hidden demons. One concern I have is the use of the word ‘may’ as opposed to a more directive word such as ‘shall’. Apparently this is only an option...

Let's get back to real appraising 23

Let’s Get Back To Real Appraising!

Let’s Get Back to Real Appraising: We have all encountered the glass is half full / half empty perspective. This perspective could be applied to everything life throws at us. The appraisal industry is no different. We are hearing a lot of doom and gloom over Fannie Mae’s Property Inspection Waivers (PIW) and Freddie Mac’s Automated Collateral Evaluation Program (ACE). On the surface the glass appears half empty. Well, the glass is definitely half full; maybe even 3/4 full. We can now get back to real appraising……. No more UAD, No more 1004mc, No more scope creep, No more false...

Barton, Robert, the First Licensed Appraiser in Virginia Passed Away 4

Robert Barton Passed Away

We are saddened to learn Bob Barton has passed way. Bob was a true pioneer to the profession and a leader for Virginia. Bob entered the Real Estate Industry in 1965 as a sales agent, later to become the first licensed appraiser in Virginia. His license number is 4001-000001. Bob was also the first Chairman of the Real Estate Appraiser Board and a true friend to Virginia appraisers. He will be greatly missed. The funeral Services are Tuesday August 22 at 11:00 AM. VaCAP has received many expressions of sadness and sorrow. We will forward those condolences to Bob’s Family....

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