Author: Dave Towne

Buggy Whip Makers' Fate Chasing Appraisers 20

Appraisers = Buggy Whip Makers?

Appraisers Going the Way of the Buggy Whip Makers? Ken Harney has another article all appraisers should read: Refinancing mortgage? Maybe you don’t need that appraisal after all This discusses and discloses the Fannie and Freddie initiatives to eliminate appraisals ON CERTAIN TYPES OF LOANS. Of course, the loan sellers/salespeople are all in favor of speeding up the process, eliminating costs, and promoting a ‘better relationship’ for their loan customers. Appraisers, on the other hand, are wary of the processes which rely on dated property info kept in giant data bases, and disinterest by ‘those with the gold’ to really...

Flagstar Bank Eliminating Use of AMCs: Direct Vendor Appraisers Wanted 29

Flagstar Bank Eliminating AMCs

Flagstar Bank’s Direct Vendor Appraisers Appraisers, I have just learned from reading a forum that Flagstar Bank is doing away with the AMCs they use, and bringing appraisal ordering back in-house. However, you must agree to this: PLEASE NOTE: We only pay via ACH (automatic deposit twice a month on the 1st and 15th) so your bank information is also mandatory. There are no other payment methods available at this time so if you prefer not to use automatic deposit we unfortunately cannot add you to the panel. Also effective July 24th, 2017 there will be a click fee charge...

Conservative Appraisers Blamed By Economist 5

So-Called Economist Slams Appraisers

Is the cost-benefit of conservative appraisers worth it? Appraisers, Mr. Adam Ozimek, who is described as a ‘senior economist’ at Moody’s Analytics (from a search I did) penned this gawd-awful piece: Appraisers May Be Holding Back the Housing Market, And That Might Be Okay. This piece appeared in on July 5 – the focus of which is to nearly blame ‘conservative’ appraisers for “holding back the market,” … but maybe it’s OK, he says. Where do they find these people, anyway? I love it when so-called authority figures start off with speculations, not backed with any facts, and fill the...

Concession Adjustments Missing in Appraisal Reports 41

Concession Adjustments Missing

Concession Adjustments are expected to be made… Appraisers, As noted previously, I ‘observe’ various reports from various sources. A new one arrived last week. In looking over the grid, I noticed the concession adjustments are missing in the grid, as shown below. Commentary continues below the image. The appraiser correctly shows the concession amount in the left portion of the comp grid (Comp 1 & 2 – Green Arrows), but does not put a corresponding adjustment for the concession in the actual grid column (Red arrows). This is NOT the first time I have seen this in reports. Apparently this...

Weighting Process & Gridding of Comparable Sales - AppraisersBlogs 2

Results of Comps Grid Placement Survey

Weighting Process & Gridding of Comparable Sales Couple of weeks ago, I sent out a survey to NW WA State appraisers asking how they organize the comps grid page(s) on completed reports. Of the appraisers emailed, approximately 10% responded. Thank you. I did a limited distribution to keep my compiling time to a minimum, but I wanted to share the results with appraisers across the country as an FYI. I also sent a similar query to review appraisers I know. I offered 6 possible ways to do the grid, but as often happens, several appraisers wrote back saying they did it differently...

Photographs in Reports & 2 Refers 12

Photographs in Appraisal Reports

Photographs, 2 refers & Nat’l RE Appraiser’s Day… I’ve been asked to formally review a recent report. When looking over the report pages, the subject photo pages contain a mix of horizontal and vertical photographs, about half ‘n half. And there are lots of subject photos. Bear in mind, most report photo pages are formatted for horizontal photographs. It appears to me the appraiser used a smart phone for photos, as there would be no normal tendency to hold a regular camera vertically except in rare occasions to emphasize height of some feature. But people do that with phones. The...

Preferred Appraiser, the Latest AMC Ploy 15

The Latest AMC Ploy

Oh what fun it is to become PREFERRED… Folks, From various sources I’m learning that you now have the outstanding opportunity to become a "preferred appraiser" with certain AMC’s. What does that mean…really? It means you will have assignments automatically assigned to you at a set (lower than C&R) fee and with a mandated report delivery date pre-selected. This process might even 'help you out' by also pre-scheduling the home visit with the borrower or RE agent for a certain day and time. It matters not that many of the assignments will be the left over highly complex junk properties...

E&O Binder Page in Appraisal Reports: Just Say No 21

Quit Doing This. Just Say NO!

E&O coverage has nothing at all to do with underwriting mortgage loans… Do not include your E&O binder page in any appraisal report. Period. End of story. Especially if you are being ‘managed’ by an AMC who has that in their engagement agreement, claiming it’s a lender requirement. A while ago, I received a “correction notice” via a prominent AMC for a report I submitted: “Per lender requirements, evidence of E&O coverage must be included in the report.” My response to the AMC directly via email, not in the report, was this: “To: AMC rep Is there any way you...

Modular Homes vs. Manufactured Home: “Pre-built” Housing Explanations 4

“Pre-built” Housing Explanations

I used to work for a MODULAR homes manufacturer, before becoming an appraiser… Folks, If you’ve ever wondered about the differences between various ‘pre-built’ housing “types”, this 4 part series (below) is a good explanation. See the links below. These are written by a California contractor/real estate agent who has 30 years’ experience (according to his info). I used to work for a MODULAR home manufacturer, before becoming an appraiser. This series does not really fully explain how MODULAR is different from “Manufactured.” In simple terms, MODULAR homes are constructed in a factory to specifications in the International Building Codes...

Hybrid Appraisal Products & Public Trust 7

Hybrid Appraisal Products & Public Trust

Are busy appraisers doing Hybrid Appraisal products? Appraisers, The article titled First American launches new appraisal solutions technology popped in my system Tuesday early morning as I was getting ready to park my slippers. This article touts another ‘major’ company’s effort to design and implement a new version of what’s become to be known as a Hybrid Appraisal product. These products are designed to have a real estate sales person do the on-site property observation and photos, which are then provided to an appraiser, who completes a USPAP compliant ‘desktop’ appraisal. The whole point of these Hybrid appraisal products is...

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