Appraisers Freed from DEI Propaganda

Appraisers Freed from DEI Propaganda

This bold move immediately resulted in the removal of all appraisal bias propaganda from the official website. 

With a few swift strokes of the pen, President Trump has dismantled the divisive and misguided diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) apparatus that had taken root across the federal government. On just his second day in office, Trump ordered the closure of all federal DEI offices, placing their employees on paid leave and signaling a decisive end to the era of government-sanctioned social justice activism masquerading as fairness and equality.

This bold move immediately resulted in the removal of all appraisal bias propaganda from the official website. Attempts to access remarks previously made by Vice President Harris regarding alleged racial bias in home appraisals now return a “page not found” error message. The implications are clear – the lies and false accusations maligning real estate appraisers as discriminating against people of color, along with calls to forcibly diversify the appraisal profession for political reasons, have been firmly rejected by the new administration. Appraisers across the nation are breathing a sigh of relief, knowing these baseless attacks on their integrity and professionalism have been halted, freed at last from the slanderous accusations of discrimination leveled against them and their industry by agenda-driven bureaucrats and race-baiting politicians.

One of the first casualties was the insidious Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) initiative, which had promulgated pernicious propaganda falsely maligning the integrity of America’s hardworking real estate appraisers. In the end, PAVE’s legacy was little more than baseless smears against an industry that already operated under strict non-discrimination laws and regulations. PAVE’s dissolution marked a return to common sense and a rejection of the previous administration’s misguided crusade against a vital cog in the nation’s housing market.

With the DEI cancer now excised from the body politic, the days of appraisers being unfairly targeted by activist bureaucrats appear to be over, at least for now.

opinion piece disclaimer


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179 Responses

  1. Avatar JM2C says:

    The next critical step is to compel FHFA and GSEs to thoroughly review and clean up the blatantly agenda-driven research on appraisal bias they’ve been aggressively pushing for the past 4 years, and retract the flawed and misleading studies, reports and papers that have done so much to unfairly criticized an entire industry and provide cover for a destructive, politically-motivated assault on the appraisal profession.

    • Avatar Pray Hard says:

      I still haven’t seen even one proven case of appraiser bias against any so-called protected class. What I’d like to see is even one case where an appraiser appraised a house where a protected class was involved and where the appraiser went door to door on all potential comparable asking the owners if they were a member of a protected class so the appraiser could utilize those sales as comparables in the report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      The latest USPAP course idiotically implies that this is a common practice.

    • Avatar Charles Haley says:

      There will always be racial bias in appraising and the need for oversight.

  2. Avatar Kenneth Mullinix says:

    This ending of the DEI mandate and PAVE does not resolve the issues of HUD putting appraiser through harmful and unjust persecutions. I am still going after HUD/PAVE in order to get restitution from there harm done to appraisers for years now. Anyone out there feel the same way they can email me. I will not give up on a “Class Action” lawsuit for us appraisers who have been attacked by HUD and PAVE. They are still liable.

  3. Avatar Raymond says:

    In the big picture, the appraisal profession has a multitude of other issues that are not going away anytime soon.

    • Avatar Eric Kretz says:

      Now focus on fixing or repealing Fannie, Freddie, the AMC model, and anything related to Dodd-Frank.

      • Avatar C L says:

        I agree – the GSEs have crippled our profession to the point of being field inspectors, report fillers, and similar. We once had an honorable profession being the balance between realtors and lenders and could earn a decent living.

  4. Avatar Chris says:

    Awesome! Maybe we can soon go back to normalcy and stop letting ignorance and little minds afraid of words run things.

  5. Avatar Tracy Sosebee says:

    Does this mean I can use the word “retirement” or “church” in my reports again?

    • Avatar Pray Hard says:

      My first WTF experience with that was when a concrete tilt-wall building behind a subject turned out to be a church and not industrial use and I said so and caught a terse “you can’t say church” response from an AMC. Oh, well, at least the appraiser-hating JB is out of office.

      • Avatar C L says:

        I have a long list of ‘comments/red flags” that come from the language – even something as simple as “legal” in reference to zoning. It’s on the URAR, for goodness sakes! It’s gone beyond rediculous.

    • Avatar Bill Starnes says:

      For over 20 years my neighborhood descriptions have very often included the word, “places of worship’ etc. About a month ago a new client said I had to take that out of my report, that the word worship was prohibited. I changed the wording and sent the report back to them. I have not accepted any new orders from them. As soon as I get paid for the one report I will fire them. Captain Blastoff

      • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

        Places of worship are often on a street. Can you just use the street name as a marker, rather than places of worship? Seems like a quick fix when initially writing the report.

  6. Avatar Spencer Paul says:

    FHA is still sending out letter that appear to be surrounding quality assurance, but this quality assurance only appears to take place on order where the value was no “hit” on the sales contract price. If that was eliminated we might be assured that HUD, as a whole, will have stopped the witch hunt. Stay safe out there.

  7. Avatar Joseph Stachow Jr says:

    The list of banned words kept getting longer and longer, maybe we can now write a real description of the subject, the neighborhood and surroundings that makes sense. Next someone (Mr President Trump) should EO the GSE’s requiring a real appraisal on every transaction, no waivers, no AVM’s, no “alternative valuation”, that would be a major step in stabilizing the entire mortgage industry.

    • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

      The list of banned words have been produced and enforced by the FNMA Seller Guides; therefore, using FNMA report products, this will not be going away. First #47 will have to kick FNMA to the street with no financial backing for bailouts when (not if) they fail from the lowered risk management brought forth from appraisal waivers and hybrid products, then and only then will the risk management “pendulum” swing back in the factor of actual risk management involving appraiser’s inspecting the interior and exterior of every MBS product completing full appraisal products on any given subject. This has a long way to go, but being PAVE, from an appraiser’s perspective on risk management and the termination of predatory investigations for individuals simply completing the job at hand with no ability to counter, this is a good thing.

    • Avatar Deborah L Smith says:

      He vowed to go all out on AI so tech will kill the house appraisal biz. How many bitcoins is this house worth. That will be the question.

      • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

        AI without the hand of licensed appraiser’s is the data cancer discussed in previous posts. AI in the hands of licensed appraiser is the trend for the future. Bitcoin will go belly up. Have a super computer hack the system and one can take the bitcoin with no enforcement to get any of it back.

      • Avatar james strickland says:

        We can’t fault him for using tech and progress throughout all industries. At least there’s a point and he’s not making decisions based on gender or skin color.

  8. Avatar Pray Hard says:

    Leftists are screeching about everything Trump says and does. We still have a very long way to go. I think I’ve done two appraisals since October. Everything I get to “bid” on is nothing but a time bomb and or I can tell up front that there’s fraud involved. I’ve been doing it too long when all I have to do is look at the sale price, MLS and the tax records and I know fraud is involved. I’ve chosen not to do any more of those. Still working on a different occupation. To those of you who choose to remain, good luck to you … sincerely. Until the appraisal/ real estate/ lending industries decide to get out of the BLM/ George Floyd/ Bad White Man mindset, I won’t be thinking about it too much.

  9. Avatar Frustrated Appraiser says:

    And yet, this is still on the Illinois Department of Financial and Profession Regulation Website. Released 1/1/25.

  10. Avatar Cassandra Vaughn says:

    Racism has very much been a part of real estate. Let us not forget government sanctioned bias with redlining practices. You may not like the policies but to act like there has not been an issue is fake as all get out. There have been issues. If not you this time, it has happened. Trump wants to be a dictator. But you can diminish truth only so long.

    • Avatar james says:

      It’s gonna be a tough 12+ years for you. Just because racism has been a factor in the past and in other parts of the process (lending in particular) doesn’t mean it’s been happening with appraisals. We look at properties and numbers for the most part. Pushing programs to favor a certain skin color or gender is wrong. If you support DEI then you are a racist and biased against certain groups.

      • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

        they never heard of Addie Polk…or an underwater mortgage.

      • Avatar Brian says:

        DEI is not about hitting diversity hiring quotas, since such quotas are illegal according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Instead, it’s about breaking barriers so all people have the opportunity to thrive in schools and the workplace.

        Racism might not be a factor like it was in the past but it remains a factor of life and I am not a racist as you suggest for supporting that all people regardless of color should have an equal opportunity in life. As you suggest please avoid any personal attacks. I don’t have any problem with your opinion or Cassandras’.

        That said do I personally think that there was rampant bias in the appraisal business, no I do not but I have not been following any of these cases. Do I think that a little extra sensitivity training in USPAP hurt anything, I do not, and in fact it was actually refreshing to have the USPAP refresher be a little different this cycle. Is it stupid that AI is flagging my reports because I referred to anything as average, good, high, and low, no that is stupid. This afternoon I had to take a word out of my final comments that was copied directly from the zoning ordinance.

        Just my 2 cents for what it’s worth.

    • Avatar Pray Hard says:

      Redlining was a long time ago and it was done by lenders, not appraisers. Dream on …

      • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

        Redlining is still happening by lender as recent at 2024. It is not a “thing” of the past. FNMA is still providing the GSE’s with location adjustments based on the CBG. This is a form of redlining. It still happens, but nothing has ever been provide in a court of law that an appraiser was racially bias on any assignment. NOT ONE.

  11. Avatar james strickland says:

    So many appraisers told us to just accept the unfairness and bias being shoved down our throats 3-4 years ago. Not only that, they said WE were the biased and racist ones. If you were one of those appraisers, I hope it comes back to bite you in the a**. Cowards!

  12. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    November 1, 2023

    Introduction and summary

    Thank you for inviting me to testify before the Appraisal Subcommittee. I am Danny Wiley, Freddie Mac’s Senior Director of Collateral Risk Policy. I am a state certified residential appraiser, and I have worked in the appraisal profession since the early 1980s. I spent over 25 years as an independent fee appraiser. I also worked as the Chief Valuation Officer at a national appraisal management company for several years. I have been in my current position at Freddie Mac for four years.

    Appraisals play a critical role in the residential real estate purchase and financing processes. Homebuyers, lenders and investors rely on appraisers to develop credible, professional opinions of property values in an independent, objective and impartial manner. Accordingly, the appraisal profession and process are regulated at the state level to ensure appraisers are properly trained, credentialed, and independent. Freddie Mac has been asked to address four topics in our testimony. I’ll briefly summarize our responses to each. We provide our detailed answers beginning on page 5.

    The first topic is Freddie Mac’s role and responsibility in addressing appraisal bias. Congress created Freddie Mac to support the housing finance system by purchasing and guaranteeing home mortgages originated in the primary market. Moreover, Congress prohibited Freddie Mac from engaging in activities such as originating mortgages. In our statutorily defined role, we set requirements for the mortgages we purchase from approved lenders operating in the primary market, including requirements for appraisals and appraisal reports. Lenders must satisfy those requirements or the mortgages they sell to us are subject to repurchase and/or other remedies. Our requirements include identifying unacceptable appraisal practices for mortgages sold to us. Those unacceptable practices related to appraisal bias (which also are prohibited under federal law) include:

    • Considering race, color, religion, sexual orientation and other similar characteristics of current or prospective occupants of a property

    • Using terminology or language that could indicate underlying bias about the racial or ethnic composition of the neighborhood or community

    • Considering the age or location of a dwelling or the surrounding neighborhood in a manner that has a discriminatory effect

    don’t drink the kool aid…

    • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

      So why then does FNMA use the CBG location adjustment provided to the GSE’s for consideration of application at their discretion? CBG stands for Census Block Grid; therefore FNMA is providing the GSE’s with a location adjustment based on the very information that appraiser’s are not allowed to use. How is this not a form of redlining?

  13. Avatar Mark S. Davis says:

    The Communist Revolution in the USA has finally been slowed down, but not totally defeated. The racist true believers in the Marxist DEI cult would rather burn the USA to the ground than give up their racist agenda. I hope this public reversal of the official policy will give the many who just kept their heads down enough courage to speak up and help fight back. Reasserting common sense into populations that have gone insane doesn’t happen overnight. God help us.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Humans and groupthink, so easily influenced by peer pressure. I’m in agreement Mark, don’t get too excited just yet. There is no magic wand and politicians are not god. The world went mad all at once, and one person at a time, we seek to bring them back. The requirements imposed upon dutiful citizens for continued enjoyment of the fruits of liberty, such is a lifetime commitment.

      One of the most important movements has always involved shrinking government, not allowing sycophants to take advantage of or control others through the mechanisms of government control and power. Let them compete in the free market like the rest of us. Or, er, like the half of the remaining population who’s income is not somehow now tied to the government tax coffers. Taxed and taxed again, then taxed some more. There is the core of the problem which led us here, needing to apply a similarly radical solution from the other side of the coin, an excess sized government wielding too much power. Someone finally told them to get the hell off the lawn, took long enough. The purpose of our government is to protect our liberties, not to tell us how to think or how to live, nor to control or limit where our dollars are spent.

      I’ve still got this bumper sticker in the drawer. Maybe it’s finally time to put that on the truck.

      • Avatar Eric Kretz says:

        “There is no magic wand and politicians are not god.”

        If anything is to change at all, it will happen at the speed of government.

      • Avatar Mark S. Davis says:

        Well said, Baggins.

        Hopefully the government can get back to its purpose before it goes bankrupt (interest payments on the debt are going parabolic):

        “The purpose of our government is to protect our liberties, not to tell us how to think or how to live, nor to control or limit where our dollars are spent.”

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          Thanks Mark. The purpose of our government comment is actually Ron Paul’s standard line. We still watch him on youtube ‘The Liberty Report’ channel. He’s the president that never was, used to fill the venue’s to capacity and won over the hearts and minds of many people based on ideology rather than politics.

          His signature slogan; ‘Good ideas do not require force.’ In a free society good ideas and worthy expenditures are widely adopted voluntarily by the public because they are beneficial for most everyone. The people signal a demand, the free market fulfills the need. In a society that is not free, the people are required to comply and subscribe under threat of penalty and force. The tyranny of taxation is how the founding fathers described. The most simplistic yet most meaningful measurement for valid vs invalid government activity; Was the use of force and utilization of other peoples tax money necessary? Or was the change attributable to peoples voluntary choices?

          • Avatar Mark S. Davis says:

            Ron Paul is a national treasure. Paul’s courage, wisdom, and principled approach to politics emphasizing liberty and personal responsibility started the Revolution that has led us to today. I still follow his Liberty Report and writings.

  14. Avatar PNW appraiser says:

    Make “master bedrooms, walking distance, average, poor, good and very good” great again! HAHAHA IYKYK!

  15. Baggins Baggins says:

    Have you checked the ARCC website lately? Two important articles.
    CFPB urges States and AGs to Tackle Appraisal Regulatory Capture
    The Proposed Rule / The Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) has proposed the Appraisal Subcommittee Enforcement Authority Rule, which seeks to expand its authority. Public input is critical to determine whether this expansion is the solution or if a comprehensive overhaul of the regulatory framework for AMCs and appraiser licensing to meet modern criteria and eliminate conflicts of interest are needed. / The deadline for submitting comments is Feb. 4, 2025. Feedback can be shared directly on the Federal Register website. / Why Your Voice Matters
    The ASCAC also recommended twelve potential types of enforcement actions to be incorporated into the three sanction matrices.[55] The twelve potential types of enforcement actions included: (1) a warning letter, (2) training for State Appraiser Regulatory Agency staff, (3) training for State Appraiser Regulatory Agency board members, (4) consultation with other State authorities, (5) meeting with affected parties, (6) a requirement for a State Appraiser Regulatory Agency to use a disciplinary sanction matrix for complaints, (7) expedited or follow-up reviews, (8) continuous monitoring, (9) interim removal of appraiser(s) from the Appraiser Registry or AMC(s) from the AMC Registry, (10) other removal of appraiser(s) from the Appraiser Registry or AMC(s) from the AMC Registry, (11) interim derecognition, and (12) derecognition.[56] The proposed rule would directly address three of the ASCAC’s recommended enforcement actions: warning letters, suspension (interim derecognition), and non-recognition. The proposed rule would introduce and define a fourth enforcement action: a negotiated agreement.

    If a State Appraiser Regulatory Agency fails to have an effective Appraiser or AMC Program, the ASC would have the authority, under the proposed rule, to impose an enforcement action. This approach would enable the ASC to evaluate the underlying facts of each compliance review and take appropriate enforcement action against the State Appraiser Regulatory Agency for not maintaining an effective Appraiser or AMC Program. The proposed rule would set forth four enforcement actions: warning letters, negotiated agreements, suspensions, and non-recognition. This section provides a section-by-section analysis of the proposed rule.

    It’s probably not a coincidence that throughout this country as amc representatives sit on the boards, there has not been a single amc complaint recorded in many states. Per the ASC yearly report. Pg 66 & 67 for 2023 yearly totals of amc complaints.

    Read the public comments already submitted.
    Robert with heavy hitting commentary. I might just copy his letter. More constitutional over reach? What’s the right move?

  16. Avatar Vince Slupski says:

    This article itself reads like right-wing propaganda. That is certainly the author’s right. But who is the author? The only byline is “AppraiserBlogs Team at AppraiserBlogs.” I can’t find any identification on the web site of who publishes or writes this blog. The article includes the disclaimer that “The author bears sole responsibility for all statements, claims, and arguments presented.” What is the nature of an author’s responsibility when the author is anonymous?

    • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

      They are writing the article anonymously to prevent shadow banning, or black listing from FNMA, HUD, AMC’s or other lender out there. Retribution is a real thing.

    • Avatar Eric Kretz says:

      It’s hardly propaganda when everything is cited and can be fact-checked. A Google search will verify the authors claims.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        Identifying the blog manager is not all that difficult. You may be surprised to learn whom runs this site, as they do not align with most peoples notion of a stereotypical republican, in fact quite the opposite. Rather a person whom came to love the blessings of liberty and freedom in the USA. Not taking things for granted often brings a greater appreciation.

        Clarity of the mind can be assisted by good clean pure drinking water. If under this administration the EPA does not stop harassing New Millennium Concepts and allow them to begin manufacturing of black berkey sticks again, widely renowned as the most popular and effective gravity filter on the planet, things are going to get rocky.

  17. Avatar Mark E Hastert says:

    Given the lais-sez-faire leanings of the new administration I’m not optimistic about the future of appraisers. Anything that faster and cheaper will be considered better.

    • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

      That is actually the opposite proposed. In the project 25, the proposal is to end FNMA conservatorship with the full understanding there would be NO bailouts from American tax payers again AND a ban on appraisal waiver and hybrid appraisal product that proliferated under the past administration. This would produce strong risk management of MBS products and would be a sharp change in mind set from the past administrations going back to the great recession. Yes this includes #47’s first term. Since the tightening of the MBS from the great recession, toothless policies and deregulation for the efforts of equitable diversification will lead us to another crash form the appraisal waivers and hybrid products that (at present) expose the tax payers to great financial harm. IF, and it is a big if because sooo many administrations have promises that go unfulfilled, if this takes place, funds for any MBS will be harder to come by. There will be way more work back in the hands of appraiser’s, the way that it should be. They are no looking for faster and cheaper if the follow through with what is stated in project 25 – That’s one hell of an if.

      • Avatar Mark E Hastert says:

        I do hope you are right but given the atmosphere regarding banking regulation and his fluid use of “valuations” I am skeptical.
        I also agree that waivers and hybrids will result in crisis. Some poor schmuck writing code in the basement will end up being blamed.

  18. Avatar Chuck says:

    I see you have many names for a policy I admittedly do not know a lot about; “propaganda, misguided, divisive and cancer”. I guess my only question is do you have any actual problems with being diverse, equitable and inclusive ? If so, what are they ? If not, was the implementation flawed ?

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      What is DEI, and why was that considered a necessary activity? The movement used the force of government under threat and duress to penalize persons and businesses if they did not adhere to special rules prescribed by select groups whom sought elevated privileges and benefits for themselves but not others. Forcing agreement and confirmation of ideals and ideologies which at times ran contrary to peoples deeply held personal convictions and religious beliefs. The DEI movement was rejected by the majority because it did not respect the voluntary principal. Good ideas do not require force.

      To each his own. Self determination. The rewards of being productive. It is not the governments responsibility to provide equalization among different peoples whom have different life priorities. Nor are those educational or financial outcome differences a reflection of bias or discrimination. Rather a consequence of the cultural differences and priorities expressed by some groups of people, but not others.

      If anyone wants to help anyone else out in the USA, they are free to do so. There is no government prohibition on being charitable to other people. If anyone wants to assure better jobs or better outcomes for select persons or groups of people living in our society, to extend them better jobs or better opportunity, they are free to do so. However, this is not an activity which falls under the constitutional requirements or purview of our government. Nor is in an appropriate role for government to impose those types of standards on private persons, or private companies. In fact such activity is constitutionally odious, which is why the majority is relieved to be free of the burden.

      No taxation without representation. The Boston tea party happened over what many say was a 2% tax. Put that in perspective today. The government reached far beyond it’s means and appropriate limitations. A return to balance is always inevitable, inescapable in fact. Imposed taxation with negative returns on most American citizens lives have a long track history of being rejected, usually sooner than later. Next up; the welfare warfare state.

      • Avatar Chuck says:

        Wow, a confident, somewhat overwhelming reply. So it appears the answers to my questions are maybe, here they are and yes. In your first paragraph you mention that some were asking for “elevated” privileges and that others were left out. Who was left out and what special privilege were they asking for ? If someone was “left out” is that a bad thing ? You also mention religion as if it should be considered in governmental decisions. It appears in your interpretation of the constitution that it rises above the differences used in the DEI program. I am just really here to imply that if all are equal and have equal opportunity then others are allowed a differing interpretation of the constitution than yours that is just as valid.

        Personally, I feel men on women’s swim teams is stupid, even thinking about building another type of bathroom is stupid, having a huge majority of old white men determine women’s health care rights is stupid, saying money constitutes free speech is stupid. In a functioning civil society the extreme views of either end of the spectrum to me, waste our time. Perhaps a small amount of hubris is in order from all.

        Respectfully, a fellow American

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          Thank you for participating, sincerely and respectfully as well. The constitution is a document that limits government power. We can’t have equal rights and equal opportunity, if some people are more equal than others. Same old routine. Same theories on the balance between liberty, personal rights, taxation, the government. Finally more people are paying attention to these issues while others are asking; What’s new?

          Mythbusters; There is no right to never be offended. (politicians keep fabricating fake rights out of thin air, so we’re trying to keep up.) / (The importance of freedom of speech and it’s close association with private property and property rights.) / Ron has mystical powers. His sound interpretation of the constitution resulted in an accurate prediction of the future and ensuing public response. He might as well of made this video last week, it’s still entirely relevant today, perhaps more than ever. Want to have a conversation about rights, the government, and the constitution? This one video will equip anyone with everything they may need. We are clarifying what the role of government is in our society, what the principals of liberty really are.

    • Avatar Pray Hard says:

      The simple answer is that those things (dei) have nothing to do with doing an appraisal.

      • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

        The narrative is that they do. They feel that the appraiser’s are “generating” lower values based on the sale comparison approach to value. “They” feel the SCA is old and archaic, however this is the tried and true method for valuing just about an product out there than can be sold. What is the going rate for something similar in the open market? There is an SRA that feels this method should be replaced, but have no clue with what. All they are attempting to do was cash in on the DEI compliance from lender’s and AMC’s. Money grab.

  19. Avatar PJTC says:

    Good news however there is much more to be done to put to rest the lies and unsupported accusations that were and continue to be made. The general public has been indoctrinated and this will take time to be reversed. The players in the whole debacle need to be held accountable and not given a ticket to ride. First on the list are FNMA, Freddie and HUD. They have and continue to be perpetuating and living the false narrative created by the Biden administration. Collectively, they have been instrumental in creating a system of threats, intimidation and failure by blindly following a failed administration policies. This needs to end.The people have spoken and they need to get on board.The new administration needs to take measures to make them accountable for the sake of the sovereignty and stability of the mortgage industry. The changes being implemented are putting all Americans at financial risk and had the full support of a failed administration. As Trump has made clear, he is a president of “common sense”. So, hopefully a “church” is once again a “church”, “reasonable” is “reasonable”, “average” is “average” and “good” is “good” moving forward and will once again be “normal” and no longer be an attack on some self designated protected class….just “common sense”.The moronic twisting of words to create a bazarro world to accommodate some made-up BS is hopefully over. Might sound self-serving however truth.

  20. Avatar Ken Mullinix says:

    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity One Sansome Street, Suite 1200
    San Francisco, CA 94104

    Any appraiser out there that has been accused of racism by HUD can contact there HUD Main Office and file a case/compliant with them. Your area might be different in the main office in your area, AI Chat GPT the address. Give them a package by registered mail of all your evidence and misdeeds by HUD. They have to reponde by law, and if they agree they start a investigation. Go to the Inspector General’s Office of HUD and file a compliant as well.

    Then start a case with: Government Accountability Office (GAO)
    441 G Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20548

    Send all the evidence you have to them, make it professional and tempered. They as well have to respond. Between the three agencies you will get something going. Do lie down and take this. Just because the PAVE program has stopped or maybe stopped does not mean that they any absolved of any wrongdoings. Just stand up for yourself. If you have done nothing wrong then do not give up.

  21. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    Bank of America DENIES Debanking Practice, But X Users Bring The Proof!
    By M Winger | Jan 24, 2025

    appraisers do not approve or deny loans…that is the banksters…dei that

  22. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    The U.S. just experienced its slowest annual sales of homes since 1995

    blame the appraisers…

  23. Dallas Kiedrowski on Facebook Dallas Kiedrowski on Facebook says:

    The PAVE website is down yes, but I’m very interested to see if this translates into real policy change. Fannie Mae hasn’t removed “subjective terminology” from the list of unacceptable appraisal practices

    • Mike Ford on Facebook Mike Ford on Facebook says:

      WE (collectively) need to ask DOGE several questions to be asked in turn of FHFA.

      1. What is the exact reason every individual word on the 144 word list is deemed to be “bias, vague or subjective”, considering the GSEs own boilerplate verbiage.

      2. Under what authority is a GSE in conservatorship allowed to infringe on the 1A?

      3. When first announced, one AMC (Act Appraisal) announced that ALL of their lenders told them 144 specific words were no longer acceptable. Coincidentally the software we all use was updated to reflect this. As was FNMA CU (apparently).

      How does that NOR represent a violation of the Sherman Anti Trust Act AND Dodd Frank Act to attempt to unduely influence the development and reporting of an appraisal?

  24. Mk Kersey on Facebook Mk Kersey on Facebook says:

    I certainly hope so

  25. Kevin Hescock on Facebook Kevin Hescock on Facebook says:

    MAGA… Make Appraisals Great Again!

  26. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    Rocket Wins $10 Million Dismissal In Decade-Old Class Action

    “An injury in law is not an injury in fact,” the Fourth Circuit ruled in reversing class certification

    Rocket Mortgage (formerly Quicken Loans) earned some extra money this week following the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ dismissal of the majority of a $10.6 million judgment against the mortgage lender and its affiliate, Amrock LLC (formerly Title Source, now Rocket Title Insurance Company) stemming from a 2012 class-action lawsuit (Phillip Alig vs. Rocket Mortgage LLC) alleging appraisal bias.

    Plaintiffs alleged that Rocket Mortgage and Amrock compromised the independence of appraisals by sharing borrowers’ home-value estimates from mortgage refinance applications with appraisers — as was customary prior to post-Financial Crisis mortgage reforms — rendering the “independent” appraisals that the plaintiffs had paid for “worthless.”

    A district court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, awarding over $10 million in damages, including statutory damages for “unconscionable inducement” and refunds of appraisal fees. The decision encompassed a class of 2,769 West Virginia borrowers who had refinanced their mortgages with Rocket under similar conditions, and thus were assumed to have experienced similar harm.

    On appeal, the Fourth Circuit initially upheld the class certification and damages. However, the Supreme Court’s 2021 decision in TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez, which clarified that each class member in a class-action lawsuit must demonstrate concrete harm to have standing, the Fourth Circuit’s ruling was vacated and remanded for the district court for reconsideration.

    Language from TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez, cited by the Fourth Circuit in dismissing its earlier judgment, was the high court’s belief that “an injury in law is not an injury in fact,” observing that “standing is not dispensed in gross.” Therefore, the Fourth Circuit ruled, “mere exposure to the borrowers’ estimates could only establish potential influence, i.e., a risk of influence, and such a risk cannot be the basis for standing to recover damages under TransUnion.”

    no blood no foul…i cant stop laughing

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Does this nullify separation from loan production? / ‘the court found no evidence that appraisers were influenced or that the appraisals were factually inaccurate as a result of Rocket’s practices.’

      TSI. I have an email from their former panel manager whom left for another position. They turned over experienced staff with decades of experience in favor of inexperienced or more aggressive workers.

      Call the teenage desk workers, get promoted to gold tier, with agreement of a lower appraisal fee. The system of managing appraisers and customers alike was a complete fraud and everyone knew it. Time frame; 2009-2011.

      The amc’s utilize grading and scoring practices as a pretense to remove independent appraisers. Because if you do anything to interfere with the deal, an automatic revision rov or clarification request; down ranked. If one does not function as an employee in violation of IRS 1099 worker classification guidelines; down ranked. The appraiser remains technically approved on the amc panel, with no work, to conceal the fact discrimination and violations of professional ethic and duty of care infractions have occurred.

      • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

        As much as I think I held their attention for the entire hour allotted, my presentation fell short of getting audience adrenaline pumping like the Jordan Petkovsky, the Chief Appraiser of a TSI Appraisal, a large national AMC and affiliated with Quicken Loans. I still wonder how beneficial this public relations could be by talking to the industry like a politician – as if residential appraisers were clueless to the “incredible benefit” that AMCs provide our industry.

        Here are a few of the questions (paraphrased) posed to an audience comprised of heavily experienced residential and commercial appraisers:

        Q: “I realize there is friction between AMCs and appraisers. What has to happen to solve this problem?”
        A: Someone in audience: “Someone has to die” followed by a burst of laughter from the entire room.

        j miller is awesome…

  27. Avatar steve says:

    Unfortunately I doubt this will have any positive effect on Shane’s case. The summary judgement portion is scheduled to end February 24. The judge will then review the arguments and hopefully render a judgement in Shane’s favor. I have a right to be biased but i promise you this case is not even close. As you all know this case has been on going pushing 3 years. I believe a GSE of some sort has been bankrolling the Relman Colfax law firm that’s prosecuting the case. These people have resorted to lies and misrepresenting the facts that to me seem unethical. Shane’s lawyer’s are doing a great job, wish they were pro bono, but you can read the summary arguments on the court docket case #1:22-cv-02048. We as family and friends have our fingers crossed and continue to pray. Again, thanks for your support !!

  28. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    Federal DEI Officials Try To Disguise To Keep Their Jobs, But There’s Nowhere To Hide

    The hunt begins. On day one of his second term Donald Trump put the federal government’s weight behind the national push to end DEI programs by signing an executive order that would effectively dismantle them from all aspects of the federal government.

    The executive action calls for the termination of DEI programs, mandates, policies, preferences and activities in the federal government along with the review and revision of existing federal employment practices, union contracts and training policies or programs.

    Agency, department and commission heads have 60 days to terminate to the maximum extent allowed by law all DEI, DEIA and “environmental justice” offices and positions, action plans, equity-related grants or contracts as well as end all DEI or DEIA performance requirements

    There will be “adverse consequences” for any diversity officials that disguise their position as something else…

    when trump said it is all rigged… he wasn’t lying

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      action plans, equity-related grants or contracts as well as end all DEI or DEIA performance requirements

      I’m interpreting this to mean the AVM final rule must be rescinded as a result. That expansion of the appraisal waiver program must be rescinded as a result. That PAREA must be rescinded as a result. That PDC allowances and associated programs must be rescinded as a result.

      Those were after all, direct consequences of DEI policy implementation. Creating new performance requirements for the appraisal industry. Except instead of all of them mandating certain inclusions, they excluded instead, which is just as offensive and even more harmful.

      A news blip mentioned there will be a white house based complaint page where people can report institutions and persons whom do not comply. Anyone have that link?

  29. Avatar Hou says:

    Now they can focus on the fraud they condone instead of deflecting with the fake bias agenda.

  30. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    Appraisers have new time adjustment requirements starting Feb. 4
    FHFA report found that 67% of low appraisals in Black communities and 49% in Hispanic communities are due to lack of time adjustments

    January 14, 2025, 4:42 pm By Brooklee Han
    Appraisers are getting more responsibilities.

    As of Feb. 4, appraisers will be required to submit a report that the market analysis they produced supports both the indicated overall market trend and market-derived time adjustments for changes in market conditions, according to a Fannie Mae selling guide published in early November.

    Fannie Mae said these changes were occurring in collaboration with Freddie Mac.

    In addition to the new reporting requirements, the selling guide outlines that appraisers must establish a minimum timeframe of 12 months from which the overall market trend must be derived, and identify that the overall market trend may be different from the adjustments applied to individual comparable sales.

    These changes come as the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released a paper showing that in some communities, 67% of low appraisals in Black communities and 49% in Hispanic neighborhoods could be corrected by fixing time adjustments.

    According to John Liss, the CEO and founder of True Footage, the new selling guide requirements “could bring back thousands of deals that die due to low appraisal.”

    “About 10% of appraisals come in under the contract price. Many of those were incorrectly low,” Liss wrote. “The number one reason an appraisal comes in low when it shouldn’t have is because the appraiser failed to make a time adjustment.”

    Time adjustments are a part of an appraiser’s analysis when he or she take the comparables sold in the past and brings them to present value.

    “In 2021, in Austin, that July to December adjustment could have been 20%. In spite of record acceleration, appraisers were only making time adjustments 10% of the time. If you did not make that 20% time adjustment in July, you would never get the right contract price, because the December value would appear above market,” Liss said.

    Liss believes the new mandated time adjustments have the ability to being “tens of thousands” of homeowners back to the market.

    The FHFA report comes as the appraisal industry has been plagued for years by accusations of racial bias.

    “Racial pricing differentials or failed transactions that keep specific groups out of certain neighborhoods can contribute to larger social dilemmas like persistent segregation, limited civic participation, reduced educational opportunities, and limited wealth creation,” the FHFA report states. “In short, it is important to arrive at accurate and consistent appraisal values that do not vary by borrower or neighborhood demographics.”

    low ballers…

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Covered that previously.


      And more importantly, here. The lower amount of upward price scaling in individual sub markets, in relation to the larger market aggregate and associated data trends those conclusions are based upon, has to do with crime, education, and economic opportunities among some groups within society, which are not as prevalent in others. The governments own data proves this.

      People tend to have less optimism about paying more for housing in higher crime areas. That’s why the various commodities appreciates at a slower pace or alternatively may experience depreciation at a more rapid pace. That is why some areas have lower price points, which are driven by the affordability factors of people within those communities. The fact that appraisers did not provide values which matched contracts at a higher rate, is a clear indication the appraiser was protecting residents from overly aggressive agents and sellers demanding artificially high pricing, (aka predatory representation) as if their homes were located somewhere else, subjected to different economic and social conditions than the immediate cities and neighborhoods. The studies FHFA and subsequently the other GSE’s, relied upon were flawed from the start. Incompetency, primarily flowing from the DEI departments. Removing the biased DEI departments and persons is not enough, now their harmful influence on policy which extended through entire organizations and associated industries must also be rescinded.

      “In short, it is important to arrive at accurate and consistent appraisal values that do not vary by borrower or neighborhood demographics.” Well, then why is my home worth less than the same home located in the affluent part of town where everyone earns ten times more and there is virtually no crime? The concept of equalization of all housing values regardless of location or economic factors does not work at scale. Imagine shopping for a better deal the rest of your life, and never finding one, even if you went all the way to the end of the line most impoverished high crime areas with the least amenity, and were told you’d still have to pay Beverly Hills pricing.

      The problem with humans and complicated data, is they will review data, but not be able to interpret data in a logical or meaningful way. The appraisers entire job is data qualification, interpretation, and extrapolation of meaningful market value relation conclusions, most commonly applied in the form of opinion based interpretive appraisal reports. (art not a science, because we’re interpreting human behavior, something a computer will never be as capable of as a human.) For these people to dismiss value conclusions off hand. Do they also go to the plumber when they need medical care? Do they turn to the garbage man when they want to order food? They’ve been acting like specialists in a field they know nothing about, bedazzled by the data they never understood or intelligently interpreted in the first place. They did not apply the scientific method to analysis of the appraisal industry. Rather they formed preconceived conclusions, then tortured the data until it told them what they wanted to hear.

      What exactly is wrong with lower housing prices? ‘According to John Liss, the CEO and founder of True Footage, the new selling guide requirements “could bring back thousands of deals that die due to low appraisal.” ‘ / aka; create debt traps and unaffordable mortgage payment conditions across entire communities. Appraisal modernization.

      Enter the avm final rule which included a specific set of provisions that lenders were required to use the new methods, and to implement a quality control factor to incorporate non discrimination adjustments to account of disparity in valuations over racial or ethnic lines. / Meaning 1+1 no longer equals 2, but 3 instead. Meaning they finally figured out their own rules prohibited appraisers from falsifying math, from playing along with their demands to provide artificially high over valued value opinions, and therefore they would replace appraisers entirely in order to implement a national program to equalize all housing values regardless of crime, education, or economic opportunity factors which consistently do follow locational and demographic factors. (per links of governments own data included in above posts.)

      The avm final rule. If you have not read this, you have no idea what has happened.


      6. Any significant alternatives to the final rule that accomplish its stated objectives. As noted, the final rule implements a statutory mandate, thereby limiting the ability of covered agencies to consider alternatives. That said, agencies did exercise authority provided by section 1125 to include the nondiscrimination quality-control factor (given continued evidence of disparities in residential property lending terms along racial and ethnic lines)

      Lies. Damned lies. And statistics.

      Can we get some actually qualified economists in here immediately please?

      • Avatar Mark S. Davis says:

        Boom! Brilliant synopsis of the pertinent complex issues.

      • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

        don’t expect change while continuing to fill out their forms…independent means not control by others…impartial means treating all parties equally…and well bias means what they want i cant stop laughing

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          Agency, department and commission heads have 60 days to terminate to the maximum extent allowed by law all DEI, DEIA and “environmental justice” offices and positions, action plans, equity-related grants or contracts as well as end all DEI or DEIA performance requirements

          The memo also includes an email at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) where employees are directed to make such reports.

          Action plans. Grants. Related contracts. DEI performance requirements.

          The Office of Personnel Management has created a new email account meant to collect reports of suspected diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, one of a series of moves the Trump administration has taken to slash DEI efforts across the federal workforce.

          According to a Jan. 21 memo available online, OPM directed agencies — which are now engaged in the process of shutting down diversity initiatives — to collect reports of any efforts to disguise such initiatives.

          “We are aware of efforts by some in government to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language,” an appendix in the memo states. “If you are aware of a change in any contract description or personnel position description since November 5, 2024 to obscure the connection between the contract and DEIA or similar ideologies, please report all facts and circumstances to within 10 days.”

          Anyone care to assimilate a list, send an email? /

  31. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    Sean “Diddy” Combs interviewed by US Rep. Maxine Waters


    • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

      Diddy Diddled in the waters…..

      • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

        Waters Calls on Regulators and Industry to Hold Appraisers Accountable and Announces Plans for Legislation
        Washington, DC, February 22, 2022

        Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, sent a letter to Marcia Fudge, Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as well as the Appraisal Subcommittee, the Appraisal Foundation, and the Appraisal Institute regarding ongoing appraisal bias and discrimination, calling on the federal regulators and the Appraisal Institute to investigate appraiser misconduct and potential illegal discrimination.

        The letter highlights longstanding racial inequities plaguing America’s home valuation system, particularly in Black-majority communities and other communities of color. To illuminate the severity of this issue, Chairwoman Waters references an email recently sent by an appraiser who uses racial slurs to describe Black people and implies that appraisers and lenders will deny business to people of color the more discrimination is reported. In response to this email and ongoing reports of discrimination, Waters urges Secretary Fudge, the Appraisal Subcommittee and the appraisal industry to launch a full investigation and announces her plan to introduce legislation to address ongoing discrimination.

        “Some may say that the words of one appraiser do not reflect or represent the profession. However, years of data, ongoing research, and numerous settled lawsuits provide ample evidence to the contrary. The email I reference shines a spotlight on the racist stereotypes and harmful lines of thinking prevalent in an industry which systematically devalues the homes of Black people and other people of color…” wrote Chairwoman Waters. “Given this email incident and ongoing reports of appraisal discrimination, I will be introducing legislation to address systemic appraisal discrimination.”

        Read the full text of the letter below.

        she is so proud of the diddler’s accomplishments and everything about him…

        • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

          Now she’s a lobbyist lobbying the very people she worked with. This was done in less than the required 2 years – this should be prosecuted, along with all of those on both sides of the isle for insider trading. Then of course to have the legal woes of the Diddler himself…they just keep piling up.

          • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

            Ranking Member Maxine Waters Sends Letter to Trump Administration Blasting Illegal Termination of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offices and Position

            WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, sent a letter to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the United States Attorney General and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) following the Trump Administration’s recent Executive Order directing agencies to work together to terminate all Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA), and environmental justice offices and positions, as well as eliminate any equity-related federal grants and contracts.

            In the letter, Congresswoman Waters condemns the Administration’s Executive Order as unlawful, arguing that it directly contradicts existing law. Specifically, Waters highlights the law that created the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, a program she established following the 2008 financial crisis.


            squeal squeal piggy piggy…

      • Avatar Drain the Swamp says:

        She really is a pathetic politician and I’m being “gentle”. She obviously attended the school of “Al Sharpton’s Pot Stirring”. Her major was, I’m sure, “Spew hate and discrimination and see where it lands”. It is hard to believe people, who can read and write, elected this woman. What a deserving humiliation for her. He is everything wrong in this country and she has him on a podium.

  32. Avatar Pray Hard says:

    This is what happens when seeking the cheapest possible appraisal fee. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

    • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

      This happened frequently in 08 with an appraiser completing 400 assignments in a month by use of unlicensed appraiser’s, appraiser’s with licenses revoked and trainees to make it all work, but signing off on the single appraiser’s license. It is still a business decision that he made and it was highly unethical. He was running license mill and there is no way you can honestly claim ignorance about any of it. He should lose his license.

      • Avatar C L says:

        This is only one of the reasons other appraisers are struggling – this person was accepting work at greatly minimized fees while the rest of us are barely able to pay for our expenses. He should lose his license.

      • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

        Some years back, Dustin Harris the appraiser coach said he completed something like 4 to 8 appraisals a day and for a fee he would teach you how. I wonder how many disciples drank his Kool-Aid that resulted in similar appraiser sweatshops. On a side note, in a recent interview with Isaac Peck Dustin said he was unaware of the CFPB’s investigation into mortgage junk fees and that there was a comment period (sure).

        Still looking forward to a follow up blog Dustin regarding appraisal fees ( ).

        Seek the truth, and never trust someone who puts profits before principles.

        • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

          that is right…public trust and for profit can never mix…for they will hate the one and love the other

  33. Avatar PNW appraiser says:

    since when has maxine waters said anything that makes any sense.

    • Avatar Eric Kretz says:

      Shes just tripling down on her grift, giving the appearance of doing something worthwhile to her constituents.

  34. Avatar PJTC says:

    I think the bigger issue is there is racial bias in all walks of life. Excluding none. It is not the profession itself that is the problem but individuals. Yet everyone has slowly been indoctrinated by a well thought out plan, by powerful people, to do away with appraisers. Lawyers, accountants, doctors, college professors bankers, loan originators, government employees and politicians, to name a few, all have their bad racist players. Its a human nature thing for which there is no solution. Black, white, yellow and red, it doesnt matter. Yet it is only the appraisal profession and more particularly the older white appraiser being dragged through the mud by indoctrination. So, one must ask, if no other profession is being persecuted in the same way, given they also have racists in their numbers, why are appraisers being singled out? I haven’t heard of an attorney, doctor or accountant being required to take “special training” for rewriting their briefs , tax returns and prescriptions to meet a particular standard and probably never will. No, just the appraiser. Why? The answer is as clear as the nose on our faces. Of all the professions, why only the appraiser? Ya’ll are intelligent enough to know the answer so I wont demean anyone by spelling it out. The fact that no other profession is being badgered, reinvented and held to the same standards as appraisers is proof in itself. The chances of this happening only to the appraisal profession, unless there is an predesposed agenda, is probably 0. Given there have been minimal or no proof of appraiser racism in a court of law makes one wonder how have we arrived here and how is it we are all racists? I’m not a pessimist by any stretch but when the percentages and common sense show otherwise, I’ll go with with the percentages and common sense.

    • Avatar Mark Hastert says:

      I agree. Characterizing appraisers as biased and incompetent is a means of justifying their agenda to eliminate us in favor of their in-house push button valuations.

  35. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    New law will ensure ‘personal biases don’t influence’ real estate appraisals, acting governor says

    “Holding appraisers accountable for discrimination is one of the ways we must address New Jersey’s racial wealth gap,”Adam Gordon, executive director at the Fair Share Housing Center, said in a statement. “For most homeowners, their house is their most valuable asset. Appraisal bias has been robbing Black and Latino families of hard-won equity for decades.”

    COMMENTARY: Affordable housing isn’t just an obligation, it’s an opportunity

    As one of the most expensive real estate markets in the U.S., New Jersey faces a severe shortage of affordable homes — over 200,000 homes short, with 14 prospective renters vying for each vacancy.

    The human impacts of this crisis are profound, as more and more New Jersey families struggle to stave off homelessness.

    squeal squeal piggy piggy

    • Avatar PJTC says:

      He really needs to site factual information if he’s going to make such discriminatory statements. Oh, what? Oh yea, there is none unless conjecture, enuendo and unsupported accusations are now considered proof. He should be sued for slandering an entire industry. These talking head politicians are pathetic.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Since the program’s inception in 2014, the enterprises sold 171,333 NPLs with a total UPB of $31.4 billion through June 30, 2024. (NPL= non performing loans. UPB = unpaid principal balances.)

      NPLs in New Jersey, New York, and Florida represent 39.4 percent of the NPLs sold. (Ohio your article mentions housing shortages and an affordability crisis in New Jersey.)

      (There is a lot to that article in relation to FNMA’s whole sale loan program. Why doesn’t that benefit come back to the regular citizen but rather goes to affinity groups and the investment class? There is your national housing over valuation and lack of availability crisis right there.)

      Fannie Mae offers these loans for sale to eligible investors, nonprofits and public sector organizations. The company anticipates bringing pools of loans to the market from time to time. Fannie Mae intends to offer a mix of both larger and smaller pools that may be more attractive to nonprofits, smaller investors and minority- and women-owned businesses.

      (At Fannie, DEI also means disability equality index. Look at all the special groups they have. Can you identify which common societal group of persons may not fairly and equally represented on this list?)

      This thread is so based. Can’t wait for the next Bagott article; DEI is dead but it’s corpse threatens federal reserve. / This photo; make a wish, boy mows the white house lawn. I’d trade it all back to chose lawn mowing as a career instead of real estate appraisal. Now I’m too old. Kids still living with their parents mowing lawns on the weekend have more income potential than GSE approved appraisers under these new programs.

  36. Avatar Kenneth Mullinix says:

    I have contacted the General Accounting Agency (GAO) and put in a compliant with them about this ongoing PAVE Initiative where as appraisers are persecuted by HUD in indiscriminate fashion from disgruntled homeowners, brokers, sales people and the like by encouraging homeowner to file bogus racist claims against “White Appraisers” when they don’t get the loan they are applying for. We will see what the GAO says about this. I intend to hear something from them in a month or so. I encourage all appraisers to do the same thing and let’s start fighting this horrible injustice spewed upon our industry by HUD. A “Class Action” lawsuit might get their attentions.

  37. Avatar Ralph says:

    I can go back to saying master bedroom and bath and appealing location within walking distance to the train! Thank god for Trump aka common sense! This country was falling off a cliff under Mr McGoo!

    • Avatar Spencer Paul says:

      You can try…. But no. Not on a FNMA form

    • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

      dont forget about AO 39 & 40…or they will send you to room 101 where lowballed is run on loop

      • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

        The Appraisal Foundation settles Fair Housing Act case with HUD

        The Appraisal Foundation, a private organization that is the de facto regulator of appraisers, has settled with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) over allegations that its qualification program violated the Fair Housing Act.

        HUD opened an investigation in December 2021 to determine whether the foundation’s Appraiser Qualification Criteria, established by the Appraiser Qualification Board (AQB), have resulted in violations of the Fair Housing Act by creating disparate racial impacts on entry into the appraiser profession—mainly against Black people and other persons of color.

        The Appraisal Foundation, an industry-run private nonprofit, denies the allegations but agreed with the settlement to conclude the investigation.

        “We are pleased to have reached this conciliation agreement,” Kelly Davids, president of the foundation since March, said in a statement.

        any questions???

        • Avatar Mark S. Davis says:

          Extortion by government lawyers pursuing a political agenda, plain and simple. The Appraisal Foundation folded and took a knee for political purposes instead of defending their members and the industry from slander by these hacks. We can only hope that this crap is coming to an end and these political hacks are purged from the system before it collapses.

          • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

            Included in the agreement is a full list of the activities the Foundation has undertaken since 2020, a year prior to the start of the investigation, to promote diversity equity and inclusion in the appraisal profession. This includes:

            Creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Special Committee to promote more diversity in the valuation profession.
            Hosting a national symposium on fair and affordable housing and appraisal bias.
            Implementing the outside DEI consultant’s recommendations to promote diversity on The Appraisal Foundation boards.
            Pursuing initiatives with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI), and educational institutions that attract veterans to create educational programs for aspiring appraisers.
            Sponsoring the Appraiser Diversity Initiative, which supports outreach efforts of the Urban League, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Appraisal Institute to attract new entrants to the residential appraisal field, foster diversity, and assist with education, training, and experience.
            Creating a pathway to become an appraiser and reach the certified appraiser level of credential that does not require a college degree.
            Developing a Position Paper, in conjunction with subject matter experts, on Reconsideration of Value that offers proposed best practices for those who wish to build a more relationship-driven and consistent method.
            Creating the Council to Advance Residential Equity that brings previously unrecognized stakeholders with a mission of civil rights, fair housing, or consumer advocacy to the table to provide input on proposed changes to standards and qualifications.
            Instituting a new process for the public to submit comments, questions, and requests for the boards on any topic at any time.
            Adopting the 2024 edition of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice™ (USPAP) which includes a new Nondiscrimination section of the Ethics Rule drafted in consultation with fair housing law firm Relman Colfax PLLC, making it clear that appraisers cannot act with bias and must adhere to all relevant fair housing laws.
            Including case studies in the 2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course aligned with the new Nondiscrimination section of the Ethics Rule, written in consultation with Relman Colfax.
            Adopting and promoting a new, technology-based pathway for aspiring appraisers to obtain experience credit towards fulfilling the experience qualification criteria for becoming an appraiser called the Practical Applications of Real Estate Appraisal™ program (PAREA).
            Supporting the approval of the PAREA™ modules as a simulated training alternative for aspiring appraisers to fulfill their experience requirements in 48 states and counting.
            Funding the development of a PAREA™ module through the Pathways to Success Initiative that prioritizes serving aspiring appraisers who are people of color, veterans, or those who wish to work in underserved communities.
            Adopting changes to the Real Property Appraisal Qualification Criteria that requires valuation bias and fair housing laws and regulations education for incoming and existing credential holders.
            Designing resources for consumers to learn more about the appraisal process and how to proceed if they need to make a complaint.
            Making significant changes to the Board of Trustees governance structure that includes expanded public interest seats and the separation of financial support from trustee appointment authority, with specific composition goals that include consumer, fair housing, and civil rights advocates; and
            Undertaking a second demographic survey of the profession to inform a longitudinal study on diversity across the appraisal profession.


            TAF is corrupt…uspap is useless

            • Avatar Mark S. Davis says:

              The leadership certainly is and has been for a while, as your list proves. They are political hacks, not advocates for appraisers. Hopefully, change comes sooner rather than later.

        • Avatar PJTC says:

          It’s an abuse of power by HUD who has unlimited resources. It’s a shame they can get away with that. There attitude is, right or wrong, you are with us or against us. If your against us we will bankrupt you with legal fees until you say uncle. There should be oversight to prevent that abuse.

  38. Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

    NCUA Chairman Todd M. Harper Opening Remarks at the NCUA’s 2022 DEI & ACCESS Summit

    Appraisal Bias
    The problems we see in credit union lending to people of color are also present in the determination of the home values for minority families.

    Appraisal bias is a longstanding injustice that has made recent headlines. A New York Times article from earlier this year described how a home that had been “whitewashed” to remove any trace of its Black owners was appraised for almost $300,000 more than the original estimate.5 A 2021 Freddie Mac study of 12 million appraisals also found that homes in Black and Latino neighborhoods were valued lower than similar properties within White communities.6

    Homeownership is the primary way for families to build wealth to pass on to their children and grandchildren. Yet, appraisal bias, especially when compounded with higher mortgage denial rates and higher rates for approved mortgages for Blacks and Hispanics, decreases the ability of families to build intergenerational wealth.

    To help address this problem, the NCUA joined the Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity, or PAVE, Task Force, an interagency initiative to study and reverse the undervaluing of properties due to racial or ethnic bias. Technology offers us one solution to the problem of appraisal bias. That’s why the NCUA is working with other agencies on joint rules to establish quality control standards for automated valuation models. And, as a member of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, the NCUA is also working with other financial regulators to develop examination principles that consider how appraisal bias impacts safety and soundness and consumer financial protection.

    Additionally, through its seat on the Appraisal Subcommittee, which oversees state appraiser and appraisal management company regulatory programs, the NCUA is working to support efforts to diversify the appraisal industry. Along with the lending inequities I outlined earlier, appraisal bias further underscores that many people of color continue to face uniquely challenging barriers to homeownership. With the deck stacked against underserved communities, including minority populations, credit union policies and practices that promote financial inclusion are very important.

    fighting the big dogs…or the woke jokes

  39. Avatar Mark S. Davis says:

    So, the “evidence” used by these hacks to destroy the appraisal industry is 1) the same debunked case these hustlers drag out every time over and over: “Appraisal bias is a longstanding injustice that has made recent headlines. A New York Times article from earlier this year described how a home that had been “whitewashed” to remove any trace of its Black owners was appraised for almost $300,000 more than the original estimate.”

    and 2) a fundamentally flawed meta-study that ignores the RE 101 maxim of “location, location, location” without adjusting for any other factors such as crime, condition, services, schools, etc. or defining “similar”: ” A 2021 Freddie Mac study of 12 million appraisals also found that homes in Black and Latino neighborhoods were valued lower than similar properties within White communities.”

    That’s it, the rest is “diversity will cure-all” even though in the debunked case (1) the appraiser that came in lowest was black.

    Nobody can be this stupid; it’s all woke agenda driven and facts be damned.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      I’m still trying to figure out how this equitable housing value equalization system is supposed to work. Does housing price, which is set by the sellers, buyers, and realty agents, from which ‘value opinions’ are derived from, does the pricing structure have anything to do with peoples earnings capability?

      2023 US Census report, income by race. Image attached.

      • Avatar ohiobeasttwoonesix says:

        it is a grand conspiracy…the local appraisers gather monthly at the conveniently located watering hole introducing each other with the secret hand shake so the meeting can begin…then we discuss how to devalue certain neighborhoods then onto topics like jfk, moon landings, and how epstien hung himself…i cant stop laughing

  40. Mike Ford on Facebook Mike Ford on Facebook says:

    Yet past false allegation cases move forward. Much slower than legally required, and with zero evidence.

    Just the threat of holding cases open until September, 2025.

    Unless of course innocent appraisers want to settle.

    During the next week I think I’m going to help President Trump see just how far down the corruption goes …

    And hopefully make a case manager famous in the process.

  41. Mike Ford on Facebook Mike Ford on Facebook says:

    BTW, is very accommodating in publishing your articles if anyone is interested.

    Don’t be fooled by the discussion comments. It’s read by numerous federal agencies and regulators.

  42. Avatar Raymond says:

    DOGE doesn’t give a dam about appraisers

    • Avatar Mark Hastert says:

      I agree wholeheartedly. Elon Musk believes the answer to all problems is ai. That does not bode well for our profession.

  43. Avatar Kenneth Mullinix says:

    Nationwide Call to Action: Seeking Legal Representation for Class-Action Lawsuit Against HUD Investigations
    For over Two Years I have been subjected to systemic abuse, unwarranted investigations, and procedural violations at the hands of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). My name is Kenneth Mullinix, and I am an experienced VA-approved appraiser who has been targeted in a series of baseless investigations that have severely damaged my career, reputation, and personal well-being.

    Despite being cleared by other authorities after an extensive investigation, HUD refused to acknowledge the findings and instead initiated its own 18-month-long investigation, disregarding due process and their own investigative guidelines outlined in HUD Handbook 4000.1, Section II.A.1.a, which require proper vetting of complaints before escalation.

    A Broken System That Must Be Challenged

    My ordeal began when a homeowner—who explicitly expressed racial bias against me, referring to me as “a white appraiser”—filed a baseless discrimination complaint. Instead of vetting the claim as required, HUD subjected me to an endless cycle of accusations, ignoring evidence, disregarding their own findings, and refusing to close my case despite clear documentation exonerating me.

    This case is not just about me—it represents a systemic abuse of federal power under the PAVE initiative, which has unjustly targeted hundreds of appraisers nationwide. The goal of this politically motivated program appears to be vilifying appraisers, forcing manipulated values, and destroying careers under the false pretense of combating discrimination.

    I have gathered substantial evidence, including:

    • Official investigation records from HUD
    • Clear documentation of perjury committed by the complainant (Homeowner)
    • HUD’s failure to follow its own investigation protocols
    • Evidence of selective prosecution and procedural abuses
    Time to Fight Back – Join the Class Action Lawsuit

    I am seeking a law firm with experience in civil rights, federal agency litigation, and class action lawsuits to represent myself and other appraisers who have been falsely accused, harassed, and denied due process. I am prepared to serve as the lead plaintiff in a nationwide class action lawsuit against HUD to hold this agency accountable for violating our civil rights, professional integrity, and livelihoods.

    This class action lawsuit aims to:

    • End the unjust investigations and clear appraisers’ names
    • Demand restitution for financial loss, emotional distress, and reputational harm
    • Force HUD to follow lawful due process and investigative protocols
    • Expose the PAVE initiative as a politically motivated attack on appraisers

    Appraisers—We Need to Unite

    If you are an appraiser who has been investigated, wrongfully accused of racism, harassment, or discrimination, or have suffered retaliation from HUD, I encourage you to reach out immediately. We must stand together to put an end to these targeted attacks and demand that the federal government be held accountable for violating our rights.

    How You Can Help

    1. Law Firms: If you are an attorney or represent a firm that specializes in civil rights litigation, class actions, or federal lawsuits, I want to hear from you. This case has national implications and the potential to restore justice to appraisers across the country.
    2. Appraisers Under Investigation: If you are an appraiser who has been targeted by HUD under PAVE, send me an email with your name, contact information, and a brief summary of your case. Once I secure legal representation, I will begin compiling a national list of affected appraisers to join the class action suit.
    3. Industry Supporters: If you are part of an appraisal foundation, real estate organization, or consumer advocacy group, I urge you to share this message and help bring awareness to this injustice.

    Contact Me Now

    If you are a law firm interested in taking on this case or an appraiser who has been wrongly targeted, please email me at

    This is not just my fight—it is our fight. The future of independent appraisal integrity is at stake, and we must take action now. The time for silence is over. Join me in this class action lawsuit and help take a stand against HUD and the wrongful persecution of appraisers.

    Kenneth Mullinix email me at: If warranted phone me at: 949-697-1717. Give me your email address and contact information.

    Spread the Word – We Will Not Be Silenced!

    If you know any appraisers or legal professionals who can support this effort, forward this message to them. The more voices we have, the stronger our case will be.

    • Avatar Mark S. Davis says:

      Good luck, Kenneth. Your courageous stand against this tyrannical persecution is inspiring.

    • Avatar PJTC says:

      You might try the EJI or ACLU to see if they can assist or provide guidance. It is a big monetary commitment by any firm so having a small firm, with good intentions, is probably not likely as a case like this can bankrupt them. You might try googling nonprofits class action against unjust government prosecution. Thankfully I’m not in your described class but wish you well.

  44. Avatar Bill Starnes says:

    I appraise the property, not the owner. A good bit of the time I do not see the seller or the buyer. An easy way to determine bias is to simply look at the report under review and compare it to other other properties I may have have completed in the recent past. I can assure any one there will not be an issue. Why would any appraiser intentionally hurt a client just to harm a stranger. With about 24 years in this great business I have a lot of clients I really like working with. If I fudge a value I hurt my client. Nope, not here. I don’t fudge values up either. If the loan turns non performing, I have also done injury to a good client. I just tend to do what most of us do, I search the immediate market area and utilize the most recent and most similar closed sales. I go through the MLS report for every property I consider for a comp. In24 years I have had two complaints my value was too low. My State Appraisal board reviewed my reports and found no issues with them. I have never been sanctioned by my Appraisal Board.

  45. Avatar Kenneth Mullinix says:

    Thank for your support fellow appraisers. I have gotten positive feedback from many of you. And thanks for the tips and ideas, I will certainly act on them. I will keep you in mind as I move forward and then post again the updates that should be coming soon. Just because PAVE will be dismantled does not mean that they are exonerated from what they did. My case is still open after 18 months. After another large government agency cleared me HUD still perused me after they had exculpatory evidence on non-racist findings. I am sure many of you have similar stories. Stay tuned?

  46. Avatar Kenneth Mullinix says:

    I have posted this before but I want to call serious attention to this posts. “WE” can fight back! Think of all the appraisers who have been affected by the scourge of PAVE. I want and am ready to fight back. Please read this again!

    Nationwide Call to Action: Seeking Legal Representation for Class-Action Lawsuit Against HUD Investigations
    For over Two Years I have been subjected to systemic abuse, unwarranted investigations, and procedural violations at the hands of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). My name is Kenneth Mullinix, and I am an experienced VA-approved appraiser who has been targeted in a series of baseless investigations that have severely damaged my career, reputation, and personal well-being.

    Despite being cleared by other authorities after an extensive investigation, HUD refused to acknowledge the findings and instead initiated its own 18-month-long investigation, disregarding due process and their own investigative guidelines outlined in HUD Handbook 4000.1, Section II.A.1.a, which require proper vetting of complaints before escalation.

    A Broken System That Must Be Challenged

    My ordeal began when a homeowner—who explicitly expressed racial bias against me, referring to me as “a white appraiser”—filed a baseless discrimination complaint. Instead of vetting the claim as required, HUD subjected me to an endless cycle of accusations, ignoring evidence, disregarding their own findings, and refusing to close my case despite clear documentation exonerating me.

    This case is not just about me—it represents a systemic abuse of federal power under the PAVE initiative, which has unjustly targeted hundreds of appraisers nationwide. The goal of this politically motivated program appears to be vilifying appraisers, forcing manipulated values, and destroying careers under the false pretense of combating discrimination.

    I have gathered substantial evidence, including:

    • Official investigation records from HUD
    • Clear documentation of perjury committed by the complainant (Homeowner)
    • HUD’s failure to follow its own investigation protocols
    • Evidence of selective prosecution and procedural abuses

    Time to Fight Back – Join the Class Action Lawsuit

    I am seeking a law firm with experience in civil rights, federal agency litigation, and class action lawsuits to represent myself and other appraisers who have been falsely accused, harassed, and denied due process. I am prepared to serve as the lead plaintiff in a nationwide class action lawsuit against HUD to hold this agency accountable for violating our civil rights, professional integrity, and livelihoods.

    This class action lawsuit aims to:

    • End the unjust investigations and clear appraisers’ names
    • Demand restitution for financial loss, emotional distress, and reputational harm
    • Force HUD to follow lawful due process and investigative protocols
    • Expose the PAVE initiative as a politically motivated attack on appraisers

    Appraisers—We Need to Unite

    If you are an appraiser who has been investigated, wrongfully accused of racism, harassment, or discrimination, or have suffered retaliation from HUD, I encourage you to reach out immediately. We must stand together to put an end to these targeted attacks and demand that the federal government be held accountable for violating our rights.

    How You Can Help

    1. Law Firms: If you are an attorney or represent a firm that specializes in civil rights litigation, class actions, or federal lawsuits, I want to hear from you. This case has national implications and the potential to restore justice to appraisers across the country.
    2. Appraisers Under Investigation: If you are an appraiser who has been targeted by HUD under PAVE, send me an email with your name, contact information, and a brief summary of your case. Once I secure legal representation, I will begin compiling a national list of affected appraisers to join the class action suit.
    3. Industry Supporters: If you are part of an appraisal foundation, real estate organization, or consumer advocacy group, I urge you to share this message and help bring awareness to this injustice.

    Contact Me Now

    If you are a law firm interested in taking on this case or an appraiser who has been wrongly targeted, please email me at

    This is not just my fight—it is our fight. The future of independent appraisal integrity is at stake, and we must take action now. The time for silence is over. Join me in this class action lawsuit and help take a stand against HUD and the wrongful persecution of appraisers.

    Kenneth Mullinix email me at: If warranted phone me at: 949-697-1717. Give me your email address and contact information.

    Spread the Word – We Will Not Be Silenced.

    If you know any appraisers or legal professionals who can support this effort, forward this message to them. The more voices we have, the stronger our case will be.

  47. Baggins Baggins says:

    AAF’s research team has focused on a number of career staff who have an outsized influence on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts within the US Government.

    If you have additional information on individuals profiled on this site, or suggestions for additional dossiers, please share that information below. Please be as detailed as possible and when possible include sources.

  48. Avatar PJTC says:

    I see with license renewal coming up, there is a new, 7 hour required course over and above what is already required for bias. Thought this forced thing was in the rear view mirror. Guess that’s what I get for thinking. So now for my pathetic, hard earned dollars, I’m forced to take a course to satisfy some beaucrat in place of a course or courses I might actually learn something.

  49. Avatar PJTC says:

    I’m a bit more optimistic. Turner would not be strong armed into digressing to the questions. I like his response regarding looking into it further. Perhaps when he finds these are trumped up charges being made for the most part he will take that into consideration. That is if his research people perform adequate due diligence to see there are no confirmed convictions and this has been a lot of smoke and mirrors. He seems like a pretty intelligent guy and I have a feeling if he sees a duck he will recognize it. Prayers.


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Appraisers Freed from DEI Propaganda

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