What’s Your Pleasure?

Choices Have Outcomes & Consequences: Appraisers Have Choices

Appraisers Have Choices…

So the bartender asks, what’s your pleasure?

Appraisers have choices; choices that impact how we do business, with whom we do business and why we do business. Outcomes and consequences of these choices can and will vary.

One of the choices we face, and perhaps is one of the most important choice, are you going to be an industry leader or are you going to be a follower? Any organization, appraisal profession or not, needs both leaders and followers to survive. Professional organizations for appraisers are an important part of the future of the industry. Whether it is a national organization or a state coalition, which organization is the right fit for you? We have choices, each with its own mission, goals, values and personality. Many appraisers belong to several organizations as no one organization can be a one stop shop for appraisers. It is important to know about each organization and what are their mission, goals and values.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Are you a leader or follower?
  • Is the organization supporting the issues that are important to you?
  • Does the organization offer designations?
  • Are designations beneficial to your long term goals?
  • Is the organization transparent in their efforts?
  • Is the organization sharing industry news in a timely manner?
  • Who are the members? Are they your peers and colleagues?
  • Will the organization help me with a specific issue with an AMC or lender?
  • Does the organization have a good relationship with its members? Nonmembers? Other organizations? Regulators? National Association of Realtors?
  • Where is the organizations money being spent? Advertising? Lobbying? Payroll?
  • Who decides where money is spent? Are members consulted?

VaCAP exists to unite, preserve and promote the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We are an organization developed by and for boots on the ground appraisers. We are led by our members. Last week VaCAP conducted a survey of our membership to learn what we are doing correctly and where we can improve. We also asked about the future and specifically where our efforts need to be focused.

VaCAP believes in transparency and we are sharing the results of that survey, not just with our members, but with our entire database of followers. This following just happens to extend nationwide due to our communication, efforts and results. The results of the survey are very telling and self-explanatory. Our membership is pleased with what we are doing and we are in the right direction. Of course there are areas in which we can and will do better.

See the survey here.

VaCAP is 100% volunteer. We do not have a large overhead and our expenses remain low. We pass that low operating costs on to our members with dues of only $84.00 per year. We organize and work smart to accomplish what we start. Our members are the reason VaCAP is successful. Thank you for supporting VaCAP!

So what’s you pleasure?

To learn more about VaCAP, take a look at our websiteFacebook Page or reach out to us via email.

Pat Turner is a guest on Voice of Appraisal! Listen to the show below:

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VaCAP Board
VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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5 Responses

  1. Avatar John J Appraiser says:

    I agree with the article. We need to support our professional organizations. Each one has their strengths and weaknesses and it is difficult to chose. Some are costly to join and maintain your membership. I like that we see information from coalitions being shared and we have podcasts like Voice of Appraisal and the one Dustin Harris does. Platforms like Appraisersblogs, that allow not just organizations to  share, but individual appraisers as well, have been instrumental in helping appraisers unite. We all have similar, if not the same issues. I wish the national organizations could be more transparent on what they are doing for the industry. It seems a lot are silent on many of the issues the coalitions are undertaking. I don’t understand how they (the national organizations) expect to grow and gain support if they remain silent. Seems a bit backwards in my mind.

    Thank you VaCAP for being transparent. The information you share is helpful to many throughout the country.

    Thank you Appraisersblogs, for giving us a platform to share.

    Thank you to all the great people working and volunteering their time to make this industry better.

  2. Avatar Jason says:

    Keep up the good work vacap. I’m not in Virginia but enjoy reading the industry news you share here.

  3. Baggins Baggins says:

    These state based organizations are hit and miss. Despite several rounds to drum up support from my CO group, response was basically absent.

    I’d appreciate a national group where we can all get together, share info, have a central source for petitions and letters.

    Nothing legal, just a large group with a central email list, so all appraisers could stay better updated.

    Aside from this blog, there is no central location for appraisal information which is not beholden to a major lender, amc’s, insurance, or other for profit company interest. This blog is literally it, and is reflective of the state of the appraisal industry. Absolutely everyone else is self promoting with biased interests somewhere up the ladder.


  4. Vincent Ralph Simon on Facebook Vincent Ralph Simon on Facebook says:

    Wells Fargo uncovers up to 1.4M more fake accounts
    It’s easy. Don’t accept work from Wells Fargo. Core logic


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What’s Your Pleasure?

by VaCAP Board time to read: 2 min