NAIHP Urgent Call to Action

NAIHP call to action

NAIHP: “Congressional Subcommittee REFUSES Small Business Brokers and Appraisers a Seat at the Table”

For the second time in a week, the Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity, Chaired by Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Illinois), refused small business housing professionals the right to be represented during Congressional testimony.

On June 20th, the Subcommittee held a hearing entitled: “Mortgage Disclosures: How Do We Cut Red Tape for Consumers and Small Businesses?” Although, Banks were represented three times on the panel, Brokers were intentionally excluded. NAIHP argued to represent the industry, but was refused because the panel was full.

On June 28th, this same Subcommittee will hold another hearing entitled:“Appraisal Oversight: The Regulatory Impact on Consumers and Businesses” Although, NAIHP has been and continues to be the persistent force for change in current Appraiser Independence regulations, we are being denied the opportunity to testify. NAIHP has been nationally recognized for exposing the plea bargain agreement between Cuomo and the GSEs, which created HVCC. NAIHP also filed a complaint against the FHFA, due to their failure to release 40 thousand public comment letters. The Appraisal Institute, who openly admits to supporting HVCC, is being allowed to testify.

We still may be able to testify on your behalf, but we need your help!

Here’s what we need you to do-TODAY!

Because the hearing is scheduled for this Thursday (June 28th), all small business housing professionals (appraisers, brokers, originators, etc.) need to act NOW!

Call Chairwoman Biggert’s office NOW, using the bullet points below- strongly request that NAIHP be allowed to testify on behalf of small business residential appraisers. (Please be professional and respectful)

  • Allow NAIHP to testify on Thursday, regarding appraisal regulations.
  • By not allowing NAIHP to testify (again), Rep. Biggert appears to be anti-small business.
  • The Appraisal Institute does NOT represent residential, Main Street Appraisers.
  • We’re small business and we VOTE.

Mrs. Biggert’s WASHINGTON OFFICE: Phone: 202-225-3515
Illinois Members: Call both Washington & District Offices
6262 S. Route 83, Suite 305 | Willowbrook, IL 60527 Phone: 630-655-2052

If you are local, please call AND stop by her district office.

This Call to Action is a joint effort between the National Association of Independent Housing Professionals (NAIHP) and their affiliate- the Illinois Association of Mortgage Professionals (IAMP)

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Image credit flickr - Sean MacEntee


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1 Response

  1. Ex Kentucky Appraiser Ex Kentucky Appraiser says:

    Get real folks! Do you honestly believe they want someone up there discussing the crime of the century and presenting evidence on camera? Not a chance. This is a bank presentation…and in the banking world things are JUST FINE the way they are.


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NAIHP Urgent Call to Action

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 2 min