Letter From Pat Turner
Volunteer to Help
As we move forward into a new year and the time for renewing our memberships, I wanted to share some points with you.
Yesterday I had a long time respected friend and colleague take me aside to offer me some good advice and counsel. She had been at a gathering of appraisers and she was concerned with the few of us who have joined and/or renewed our VaCap memberships. She asked people why and the overwhelming answer was “Well, VaCap has not done anything for me lately”. This was a wake-up call.
Reflecting on that, I can understand that misconception. VaCap has done plenty for you, as an appraiser in Virginia. And it has been done in basically 2 short years.
A while back, Chris Call, Heather Fox, Don Boucher, Mark White, Mack Strickland, Jayne Allen, Alex Uminski, Don Clark, and others met in Richmond. We hashed out our ideas, concerns, and suggestions regarding HB 210 which was passed by our state legislature. We were heard and much of our advice made it into the legislation that was introduced and promoted by the Virginia Association of Realtors. This was after hours and hours of volunteer time on your behalf.
After the legislation was passed, it was then laid in the lap of the Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board to craft, review, and recommend the Regulations required to promulgate what the statute requires. VaCap was present and was heard at EVERY SINGLE VREAB meeting. VaCap members and leadership spoke and made meaningful suggestions that were adopted. One huge item is that after July 1, 2014 AMCs will have 30 days in which to pay any and all appraisal fees. If not, there is up to a $10,000 fine for EACH occurrence!!! Your representatives were directly responsible for this 30 day limit. Other state Boards are allowing AMCs to have 90 days to pay. This huge success was after hours and hours of volunteer time that many of you are not directly aware of. This success was the result of VaCap leadership, as volunteers, sacrificed time and money on your behalf. They left their offices and their jobs and sacrificed their incomes on your behalf.
In addition, many of you would have much, much less valuable information than you have at your disposal. There have been many (I know some would think “too many”) emails of articles, issues, etc. that impact your success. There has been FREE continuing education offered to you as members of VaCap. No my colleagues, VaCap has done plenty for you and for those who have not joined.
We have approximately $13,000 in our treasury at the current time. It must be understood that if we have a need to tell our story in the future, either through the political process or the media this is not a large sum of money. Dues and donations are the only sources of income VaCap has received. I believe $7.00 per month is a darn small sum for members to contribute to their own profession. VaCap has done plenty, and I am sure it will continue. Be a part of it, for your own sake.
I have had the distinguished honor to serve you over the last 2+ years. As soon as we can organize the annual election, I will step aside for newer, and I believe, more energetic leadership. I know I have offended some of you. I have also been offended, personally and professionally. However, I believe you foster change from inside the organization, not by sniping about it from the outside. Mark White is the next president and he deserves your support, and VaCap will become better and better if you step up, join, and volunteer to help. And when you volunteer, follow through. I urge each and every one of you to join or re-join VaCap. Lead it to higher status. The foundation is laid, and we have so much more to build.
I want to thank you all for your support and your trust during my term of service. I wish you all the very, very best and more and more success. Do not forget that a rising tide raises all of the boats.
Respectfully submitted,
P. E. Pat Turner, Jr., SRPA, SRA, CRGA

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VaCap? Forgive me for not understanding who you are, but I’m in California. Is this a Union? Collective representation is important in a lot of ways. 1) a more unified voice (when needed). and 2) lobbying for common sense solutions. A full fledged union however I would not be in favor of….