DataMaster Tutorial

DataMaster is a software that works hand in hand with the following appraisal software: WinTotal, ACI, and ClickForms. It auto-populates MLS data and/or Public Records data directly into appraisal reports. These records are compared giving the appraiser the ability to decide which source to use.

DataMaster also calculates the Fannie Mae 1004 Market Conditions Report, and transfers that information directly into the appraisal form (1004MC). By electronically transferring data, re-typing of data is eliminated, reducing time spent on an appraisal report. With little user input necessary, it populates the Subject, Comparable Sales, Rentals, and Listings Grids of an appraisal report in minutes. By electronically verifying MLS data against Public Records, DataMaster helps ensure that the information used in the appraisal is as accurate as possible. It is available on a subscription basis billed on a monthly basis. $75/month for one license, $65/month for 2 to 5 licenses, $60/month for 6-9 licenses, or $4/appraisal with a monthly minimum of $20/month and a monthly cap of $80/month. For more information go to DataMasterUSA.

Below is a video demo of DataMaster using the MRMLS and exporting the data to WinTotal.


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3 Responses

  1. Avatar TomAL says:

    I’ve been using datamaster for a year now. I love it but always found it to be a bit pricey at $75/month. I didn’t know they had a pay per appraisal fee as well. Thanks for the info!

  2. Avatar Stevo says:

    At $900 per year it is very pricey.

  3. Avatar Bob Berkawitz says:

    This is actually a very good product. It has small quirks every so often, but their customer support is fantastic, and once you get the hang of it, it makes the process so much faster.


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DataMaster Tutorial

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min