DartAppraisal.com Offers Checklist for Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) Compliance

TROY, MI — (Marketwire – Sep 7, 2011) – Residential appraisers seeking to fulfill requirements of the new Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) will find the new UAD checklist available from DartAppraisal.com to be a helpful tool in compliance. The UAD checklist, available here, contains a quick reference of information required for UAD-complaint appraisals, including 38 specific line instructions and nearly 50 common abbreviations. Checklist categories include Timeframes, Location Factors, View Factors, Sale Type, Financing Type and more.

DartAppraisal.com recently announced its full coordination of efforts in compliance of the UAD to properly manage appraisals (1004 URAR, 1073 Condo, 2055, and 1075 reports with an effective date of 9/1/11 or later). Comprehensive infrastructure updates were required, and specific enhancements made to DartAppraisal.com’s exclusive technology and data structure guarantee that appraisal reports adhere to UAD regulations. Modifications have been made in the areas of file processing and Quality Control practices to align with these new standards.

DartAppraisal.com is a leading independent provider of nationwide residential real estate valuations. The Troy, Michigan-based company provides appraisal management services, automated valuation models (AVM’s), and other custom valuation solutions for hundreds of clients.

DartAppraisal.com uses leading edge proprietary technology to manage a panel of 10,000 state licensed appraisers and is committed to providing the highest quality and efficiency. www.DartAppraisal.com.

Marko Berishaj
Vice President
(248) 273-8642

~ Source marketwire


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1 Response

  1. Avatar Mary R. says:

    I like Dave’s UAD Quick Reference Guide the best http://appraisersblogs.com/appraisal/uad-quick-reference-guide/


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DartAppraisal.com Offers Checklist for Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) Compliance

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min