Appraisal Lock

Appraisal Lock, A safe and Secure Way of Getting Paid - AppraisersBlogsAppraisal Lock… a Safe and Secure Way of Getting Paid

Deliver your .pdf, .xml and .env files to your clients and get paid instantly!

The Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professional’s Exclusive Announcement April 1, 2018

Appraisal Lock

Appraisal Lock is a security overlay attached to your appraisal report locking your report from opening until payment is made.

Here is how it works:

After installing our program, simply choose the Appraisal Lock® Print option. Fill out the client’s information and the amount of your invoice. Appraisal Lock® delivers your report securely locked until payment is made. Payment is deposited directly into your bank account.

  • We have tested Appraisal Lock® with all the major portals and AMCs.
  • Appraisal Lock is fully compliant.

Find out more information about Appraisal Lock here.

VaCAP Board
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VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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17 Responses

  1. Jamison Reichard on Facebook Jamison Reichard on Facebook says:

    Tim Mccomiskey

  2. Mandy Dellevoet on Facebook Mandy Dellevoet on Facebook says:

    That’s really mean. Not funny. I don’t know why this is not real as some AMCS require you to pay their technology fee before an order can be accepted… so why can’t appraisers do the same.

  3. Avatar IMJSAYN says:

    This is genius and should be implemented!

  4. Avatar Koma says:

    Got me!

  5. Avatar EJ says:

    Great idea but there is no way they are going to pay without running us through the review wringer first. Does this allow a print lock ? Maybe that would help if anybody ever prints hard copy reports anymore.

  6. Avatar Jack Of All Trades says:

    April Fools 

  7. Avatar EJ says:

    Ha Ha, sounds like the grand canyon size sinkhole in the Smokie Mountains

  8. Avatar Scott R. says:

    Just pay me by check within 30 days and I’m happy. No more applications and/or software on my computer or phone.  No more fee’s for applications and/or software. No more filling out more forms for more applications and/or software. No more transaction / portal / maintenance / service / technology (BS) fee’s. Just bloody pay me for the job I did for you.  

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      The youth are conditioned in a certain manner by the ring of unbreakable technology they surround themselves with. Because they choose to participate in those scams themselves, they naturally are inclined to scam others in a similar manner. Blame the tech people whom thought they could show up and drive 200,000 appraisers out of business and replace our presence with theirs. The very last thing this appraisal industry needs, is another tech guy, tech invention, program update, etc.


      • There’s a lot to what you said. What so many people fail to remember is the internet started off as a rough and tumble amoral place (at best) that easily lends itself to abuse and outright fraud.

        Whether it is the successful young entrepreneurs that weren’t old or experienced enough to understand societies need for trust and integrity; or they simply don’t care, who can say? The influx of foreign born talent is also a factor. People born and raised where graft is an accepted way of life and self interest takes priority over all else can’t be expected to know, let alone adopt our cultural mores and nuanced understanding of laws.

        As every week passes we learn how terribly inadequate ALL internet security is. Major banks card centers have millions of customer accounts hacked; government agencies have databanks raided and previously respected social media like Facebook is found to have been trading in customer data all along.

        It is in this environment that government agencies fully embrace and adopt cloud storage,  personal financial transactions with unusually detailed private data and offshore internet services. How many readers knew that OCWEN in addition to being a horrible AMC was ALSO a [then] India based collection agency hired by the U.S. Treasury Dept. that simply made no effort at compliance with United States Consumer protection laws?

        A mortgage or Deed of Trust borrowers entire financial history, DOB, account numbers, SS#, children’s ages, next of kin and personal references information is routinely transmitted to a loan officer at a correspondent lender; then to the direct lender, then to FNMA, then as support for a bundled securities package, then to agents of brokers for foreign investors from all over the world. Strangers, that have NO LEGAL CULPABILITY or accountability for violations of American privacy laws.

        In this era of blind acceptance of the claims by software hucksters, appraisers own software providers add to the invasion of privacy and data risk for appraisers and property owners alike. “Store it all in the cloud” for safety and convenience they say…rather than the more honest “So we can hold your professional work product copies and data hostage for annual renewal fees” because y’all weren’t buying our newest software versions often enough.

        OUR AVMs are better than the other guys cuz we leverage ours with a hybrid mix of ePixiedust & fairypharts.

        Tech was a lot more helpful to appraisers back when it was limited to form software, digital images and mapping with delivery via pdf.

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          I called this 10 years ago and have purposefully entered incorrect data and conflicting data at every turn, and have been a long time fan of mailinator. There is no rule you have to give these companies your actual honest information for most everyday activities. The mechanisms for protection are broken, there are far worse things to be concerned about than lead paint and asbestos, but those are sadly the last among the real current health dangers to be recognized. Data is much like food and health, protect yourself because your safety could be compromised by simply picking this one product, over that other product. You’d swear some people deserve to live directly under wireless towers, they are literally that stupid, they actually did press the buy button on those locations. They actually do share their personal details on facebook and buy 5g items. Shocking but true. I still have a hard time believing how gullible people are but tech has this interesting way of making poorly informed people think they’re in the safe zone. Brought to you by big data, the place where everyone is so damned smart, nobody should be asking any questions. Resistance is futile.


  9. Avatar Pat says:

    Brilliant! And guess who all is reading this! Hi REEVA!!!! 

  10. Avatar TruthBTold says:

    I apologize for commenting off the subject, but I wanted to share this to illustrate how the general public responds to the AMC pimps. Just inspected a property who’s owner, knows me from completing appraisals on several of his other properties. He’s aware of the AMC heist and wanted to know if they were paying me the additional two hundred dollars he paid them to have the three unit appraisal completed in three days. I never mentioned any numbers to him but explained that I was not aware of any fee increase to me.  They sent the original order over for $125.00 less than my standard fee, with the offer of $75 extra dollars to complete the appraisal within three days. I responded by requesting a fee increase to my regular fee, which they granted, but took back the $75.00 offer. Ironically, I’ve been completing most of the 2-4 unit appraisals in three days anyway because it’s been slow. The property owner was furious and stated: “he did not appreciate being pimped”!

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      That’s why I never turn in less than a week, unless I really like the client and they have a strong track history of paying standard c&r, and continued reliable order stream. You talk a big line about the people you choose to work with. If you’re tired of pimping, stop showing up.


  11. Avatar wontobey says:

    Haha… got me too!

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      It may have well said trust datamaster and the multitude of other outsourcing based approaches. Every day is april fools for me in this industry.


  12. Got me too. Well done VaCAP. Too good to be true an would never pass FNMA muster since no SSR or CU could be generated. Too bad though. As a concept… 


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Appraisal Lock

by VaCAP Board time to read: <1 min