United Appraisers Network Challenges Appraisal Institute

United Appraisers Network Challenges Appraisal Institute

Ultimately, the United Appraisers Network would represent a bold and progressive alternative to the Appraisal Institute… 

The recent firing of Cindy Chance, the CEO of the Appraisal Institute (AI), has ignited widespread outrage and a profound sense of distrust among appraisers nationwide. In the wake of this controversial decision, discussions have emerged on industry forums about the potential creation of a new appraisal organization that would better serve the needs and interests of all appraisers, regardless of their specialization or credentials. Leading this charge is David Samnick, a Georgia-based appraiser, who has proposed the establishment of the “United Appraisers Network” (UAN) – an inclusive, transparent, and innovative community aimed at fostering professional growth, equity, and collaboration within the appraisal profession.

Samnick’s vision for the UAN is to create a stark contrast to the Appraisal Institute, which he likens to the “Death Star” and Cindy Chance as the “Obi-Wan Kenobi” who will emerge more powerful than ever. The UAN’s mission statement underscores its commitment to providing an open and supportive environment for all appraisers, regardless of their experience or credentials. This inclusive approach would eliminate unnecessary barriers to entry, offering multiple tiers of membership to accommodate different levels of expertise. Furthermore, the UAN’s governance structure would be guided by a diverse board of appraisers, elected by the members, ensuring transparent decision-making processes and a mix of seasoned and emerging professionals to bring fresh perspectives.

Accessibility and affordability would be key priorities for the UAN, which would aim to provide high-quality, affordable continuing education, including free resources for students and early-career appraisers. The organization would also offer more flexible learning formats, such as virtual classes, mentorships, and peer-to-peer knowledge-sharing platforms, making education and professional development more accessible to appraisers across the country. Additionally, the UAN would establish a dedicated advocacy arm to promote fair regulations and policies that benefit appraisers from all backgrounds and specialties, addressing issues like licensing barriers, fair compensation, and protecting the profession from external pressures.

At the heart of the UAN’s vision is a community-centered approach, where appraisers can network, share knowledge, and grow their businesses. The organization would encourage cross-discipline communication, facilitating partnerships between residential, commercial, and personal property appraisers, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. Recognizing the importance of technology in the modern appraisal landscape, the UAN would also provide members with access to cutting-edge tools, data, and software, partnering with tech companies to offer discounted or even free resources.

Diversity and inclusion would be a central tenet of the UAN’s leadership structure, with a commitment to prioritizing women, minorities, and underrepresented groups in key positions. The organization would also regularly rotate its leadership to ensure fresh perspectives and guard against stagnation or entrenched interests. Additionally, the UAN would develop clear and fair ethical standards, with a robust grievance process to address disputes and protect members from bias or political pressure.

Ultimately, the United Appraisers Network would represent a bold and progressive alternative to the Appraisal Institute, offering appraisers nationwide a more inclusive, transparent, and innovative community that empowers them to thrive in their profession. With Cindy Chance at the helm as the founder and president, the UAN would be poised to become a formidable force in the industry, challenging the status quo and paving the way for a more equitable and collaborative future for the appraisal profession.

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45 Responses

  1. Avatar Bob says:

    Is Cindy Chance going to take up this cause for free? Isn’t her executive compensation package like $400k?

  2. This is a start but I think it should be exclusively focused on real property.

    #3 is a topic that’s close to me. Just went on a podcast the other day to talk about it (education requirements and training costs): “Appraiser Trainee or McDonalds – who’s paid more?” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1qMK5bmfvA

    On #6, in my opinion, tech is outside the scope of an advocacy org (and I say that as an appraisal tech founder).

    Regarding #7, bullet point 1 – leadership should be based on competence and effectiveness alone, not private parts and skin color… Rotation is a great idea, however.

    • I agree about the disappointment with the Appraisal Institute. As for a new organization; I’d suggest checking out the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. They are by far the largest and oldest property professional organization in the world. They have well over 100,000 members world wide and between 3.000 and 4,000 members in the United States. Their membership includes a variety of property professionals but, as I understand it, the valuation group is by far the largest. They are headquartered in London but have an office in New York City. They recognize US State Certification as a level of professional credentialing that allows an accelerated path entry to RICS membership.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      The article stated; elected by the members / That’s good, finally appraisers could have a vote.

      DEI hiring practices. My vote, my opportunity; vanished into thin air.

  3. Avatar Jason says:

    Was this even discussed with Cindy? I like the concept but seems like this a pretty idealistic thing and would need lots of funding to develop

  4. Avatar D says:

    I love this! YES!

  5. Kevin Hescock on Facebook Kevin Hescock on Facebook says:

    All for it let er rip!

  6. Avatar Ken Flowers says:

    This is a great idea however NAA or the National Association of Appraisers already does this and does it quite well, so I would suggest instead trying to reinvent the wheel or another membership that we all get on board with NAA which is already established and has momentum and strong leadership as well instead of creating another appraiser organization that would only get a portion of the appraisers due to NAA’s existence and we can all collectively unit together.

    • Avatar Flash says:

      I agree the NAA. Established as one of the original organizations under the Appraisal Foundation.

      I am a member since 1990 when the organization was NAMA. The live courses were much cheaper than AI in the 1990’s and still are in the present time.

      It’s now the NAA and there are great conventions in Las Vegas every year with discussions and classes.

      • Avatar Jenn says:

        What does the NAA actually do? I never see them making testimony or anything like the AI does. Also the fact that you can just pay and have a designation is a huge turn off and lowers credibility to me

        • Baggins Baggins says:


          Bait; meet the hook. They went for it. On the bright side they did a much better job at forming something simple and straight forward then other orgs. Is the only choice here the lessor of two evils? Bearing false witness brings real harm to real people.

          I will now embark on a long journey around the world to the most remote places imaginable, inhospitable to life itself. Relying on the good will of man, forsaking all self and possessions of this physical plane. On this journey I will train the mind body and soul to purge myself of inexplicable and often inescapable prejudice. I will transcend beyond the state of a natural man. Then after this augurous test of morality, I’m going to check my computer, looking forward to the next Will Hild woke alert email from Consumers Research group, keep an eye out for the next Bagott article, watch some Ron Paul and sumo wrestling, grill a steak, drink a beer.

        • Avatar Flash says:

          Ok I do disagree comment. As a member of NAMA and NAA, My course instructor in 1990 was the late George Harrison, Phd of the Lincoln Graduate Center.

          He was a mentor to many in the Appraisal Field. The earlier appraisal courses were accepted by the States prior to licensing and we did also have Appraisal Designations after 30 plus hours of course work.

          I appraise 99% mostly Estates, Divorces and appear as an Expert Witness Testimony for Real Estate. The NAA is a large organization today and very respectable. AI Appraisers had to pay for their Designations as well so what is your point other than “My group is better than your group”?

          • What exactly were the earlier “pre licensing” courses accepted by the states, for?

            • Avatar Flash says:

              Prior to 1990, The Pre Licensing Courses all, but should have been able to be researched by actual transcripts from Appraisal Organizations or Appraisal Instructors for consideration of State Licensed Appraiser rolls.

              Appraisers resumes were submitted along with hours in the field for consideration.

              I recall including my transcripts of real estate appraisal education, my MRA designation from NAMA at the time along with my active real estate license which allowed me to use the MLS as a agent member to actually prove I was a professional in Real Estate.

              My time in real estate began before the internet when Real Estate Professionals used paper photo copies of sales from the weekly MLS Books used by Real Estate Professionals as Agents and by Real Estate Appraisers.

              Since you are drilling down on my earlier statement, I hope this answers your question.

          • Avatar Jenn says:

            AI appraisers pay for a designation yes, but they have to work for it complete courses and other things before they are designated they do not just pay a fee and get to put letters after their name.

  7. Avatar Don Price says:

    You might of had me until I saw DEI, No Thanks

    • Don,

      This is a rough draft that is WIDE OPEN for input from all appraisers.


      • Avatar Maria says:

        DO NOT buy into communist agenda, DEI, please!!!

        I say this as one who grew up in a communist country,a woman/business owner, a mom of 2 disabled,a brown etc.

        I have it all…

        DO NOT start anything on the foundation on Marxist/communist agenda,


      • Avatar Midwest Honky says:

        Sorry, but the very fact that you would even start something by writing that in there indicates you have a certain political agenda for this. Who are you and why should anybody start a group that some guy just decided to write a little manifesto about? Do you have a group of appraisers that have worked on this? or are you just some guy writing a blog post and decided it would turn into a national professional organization?

  8. Avatar Joseph says:

    I would join, the AI has been of NO help in the issues that face us today, all they do is come out with new USPOOP guidelines that NO ONE has to follow and the AMC’s, lenders and agents hate it when we tell them “we have to follow USPAP” or else…

  9. Avatar Midwest Honky says:

    Good idea, but can’t be taken seriously for two reasons:
    1) relying on a Stars Wars analogy for your mission is childish and unprofessional.

    2) This statement- “Diversity and inclusion would be a central tenet of the UAN’s leadership structure, with a commitment to prioritizing women, minorities, and underrepresented groups in key positions. ”

    So…if I’m not the right color or gender I don’t get prioritized, for leadership or otherwise, no matter the merits of my experience or knowledge? So, you’ve decided it will be an organization based on a political idea, not a professional one from the start. That’s not “diversity” at all and you should reexamine the definition of that word. Basically you’re starting an organization where older white males can “sit down and shut up”, where knowledge and experience don’t matter, only adherence to the political views of the founders. That’s not “united” at all.

    No thanks. Dumb idea, go away.

    • Avatar JK says:

      So “Midwest Honky” isn’t childish and unprofessional?

      • Avatar Highly Professional Appraiser says:

        Sorry you have trouble understanding the Internet. This is a blog site where most of us try to remain anonymous lest some liberal like the OP try to dox us and cause issues. It’s called sarcasm, it’s not my professional resume. Now, do you have any substantive facts to bring up or, like most with weak arguments are you just whining because someone proved you wrong? I notice you also use your full name and credentials. But sure, let’s convince people with Star Wars like we’re 12 year old boys.

        • HPA, he understands the internet. As do I. People remain anonymous because they either truly cannot risk being “doxed”; or they are simply intellectual cowards.

          I (and many others) tend take people more seriously when they dont feel so intimidated by others knowing who they are.

          Its a personal choice.

          For myself, I’ve never felt the need to hide who I am. Also, I don’t mind speaking with other appraisers, or members of the public. I enjoy it.

          I’ve been reachable at the same number for decades. 1(714)366-9404. Unless a blocked numbed is calling, I usually answer. When I dont, if a message is left I return it as soon as I’m able to.

          All I ask is that calls be made AFTER 10:00 A.M. Pacific time (CA).

          • Avatar Highly Professional Appraiser says:

            So I should take you seriously because since I’ve had people come after me before, I must just be a coward, and therefore my arguments are irrelevant? Yes, we know you’re a big, tough guy Mike. But you also have an intellectually vacant argument, and you can’t respond with substance to anything I’ve actually said. All you can do is attack the writer, instead of the actual argument. Which is typical for your history because you never actually have anything relevant to say You just puff up your chest and tell everybody how hard you fight. But you can’t explain to us why your organization supports political leaders that are trying to do our industry harm. Never once will you ever attempt to answer that question. Who’s really the coward here?

  10. Avatar Maria says:

    “Diversity and inclusion would be a central tenet of the UAN’s leadership structure, with a commitment to prioritizing women, minorities, and underrepresented groups in key positions.”

    We heard this marxist/communist agenda so many times we became immune to it…. it is still dangerous (even more)…so why do we celebrate it?

  11. Avatar JOHN W HAMILTON says:

    I don’t join boys’ clubs. When I have tried I am always disappointed. All I ever see is TAKE OUR COURSES and some other fluff and there is no representation to advance appraiser workflow or appraiser prosperity. Many years ago I took AI 101 course for $550 to work toward an SRA. Instead of one instructor, we had 2. They tag-teamed. All they did was stand in the front of the room and read the book. I started asking questions as I wanted to deal in residential and 95% of the 101 book was commercial. After asking one question I was told I was interrupting the class and we would be in class forever and to stop asking questions. I quit the class. The Appraisal Institute still owes me $550! I want to see appraisers (NOT APPRAISAL ORGANIZATIONS) to unite for TRUE APPRAISER INDEPENDENCE. AMCs were supposed to separate the mortgage industry from the appraiser. But, the mortgage industry just pulls the strings via the AMCs. Appraisers are not paid “REASONABLE AND CUSTOMARY” especially when every appraisal offered IS A BID! Just another way for the mortgage company to control the appraiser. Also, AMCs seldom say how much they received for the appraisal. And if they do are they telling the truth? Per appraisersblog.com:
    Appraisal Regulation Compliance Council Exposes Disturbing AMC Violations
    This states some AMCs have kept as much as 84% of the appraisal fee. And they have sent out emails for a bid and 2 minutes later the appraisal has been assigned. This is not acceptable! But it will keep happening until appraiser’s unite and a fair system is contrived. If UAN can promote appraisers like that I would joun them. But I sincerely doubt it.

  12. Avatar JOHN W HAMILTON says:

    I don’t join boys’ clubs. When I have tried I am always disappointed. All I ever see is TAKE OUR COURSES and some other fluff and there is no representation to advance appraiser workflow or appraiser prosperity. Many years ago I took AI 101 course for $550 to work toward an SRA. Instead of one instructor, we had 2. They tag-teamed. All they did was stand in the front of the room and read the book. I started asking questions as I wanted to deal in residential and 95% of the 101 book was commercial. After asking one question I was told I was interrupting the class and we would be in class forever and to stop asking questions. I quit the class. The Appraisal Institute still owes me $550! I want to see appraisers (NOT APPRAISAL ORGANIZATIONS) to unite for TRUE APPRAISER INDEPENDENCE. AMCs were supposed to separate the mortgage industry from the appraiser. But, the mortgage industry just pulls the strings via the AMCs. Appraisers are not paid “REASONABLE AND CUSTOMARY” especially when every appraisal offered IS A BID! Just another way for the mortgage company to control the appraiser. Also, AMCs seldom say how much they received for the appraisal. And if they do are they telling the truth? Per appraisersblog.com:
    Appraisal Regulation Compliance Council Exposes Disturbing AMC Violations
    This states some AMCs have kept as much as 84% of the appraisal fee. And they have sent out emails for a bid and 2 minutes later the appraisal has been assigned. This is not acceptable! But it will keep happening until appraiser’s unite and a fair system is contrived. If UAN can promote appraisers like that I would joun them. But I sincerely doubt it.

    • Course 101 was a Society of Real Estate Appraisers offering – before they merged with the AIREA to form the Appraisal Institute. It was the first, and only, Society course I ever took. I actually thought was good even though the rest of my course work was from the Institute. Again I’ll say, the RICS is a truly professional organization that could be an option for American Certified Appraisers.

  13. All it takes is money and memberships.

    I know David is passionate about appraisers rights and professionalism.

    In the ten years I’ve been affiliated with the American Guild of Appraisers (AGA) I’ve watched Coalitions come and go… with only a few of the original 29 surviving in any visible presence to this date.

    The largest and most visible is the NAA… largely by originally including every appraiser in the country. More recently by aligning themselves with interests not necessarily the same as appraisers.

    Our own Guild faces ongoing resistance because we are a union.

    Despite an ALL volunteer (unpaid) executive leadership; the lowest dues in the country, and a demonstrated commitment to helping falsely accused appraisers in defending themselves.

    It took A.I. 87 years to grow into a $20,000,000 a year non profit. No would-be replacement organization is likely to be able to compete with them effectively without HUGE AMOUNTS of seed money.

    David will also find that beyond a handful of sincere volunteers, most appraisers will continue to have a ‘let simeone else do it’ mentality.

    I’d love to be wrong because I know Davids heart is in the right place. I think a lot of his objectives have merit.
    I wish him success.

    • Thanks Mike. You know me quite well. I am a disabled combat vet. I always speak my mind. I love a good fight and will argue my position. If found to be in the wrong then show me the right way. I have been an appraiser for 25 years. I joined AI for the first time in my career under Cindy’s leadership. I left when she was fired. What I have presented is an idea. Will it jive with everyone? Probably not. Will others be like “lets do it” you bet. Its so simple to hurl insults and interject childish suggestions. The fact of the matter is what the heck have you put out there for the world to see? What fresh ideas do you have? Honestly. What do you have to offer? Real simple. I offered the appraisal world a glimpse at what the AI should have been from its inception. It’s nothing more that a rough draft. The AI is the DEATH STAR. This is due to the fact it is full of corruption at the highest level. Cindy was a breath of fresh air. That is what was and is needed. Why so many hate her or the thought of a real safe haven for all appraisers is beyond my comprehension. We don’t need another boys club. We need real folks for real problems. The old guard has only harmed us.

      • Avatar Midwest Honky says:

        Why would anybody want to join something that appears to be led by somebody who cannot actually deal with substantive criticism? You say that you’re open to ideas from everyone? Good leadership would have started out and gathered some like-minded people together before broadcasting this and then whining when everybody doesn’t go along with your DEI ideas. What you don’t really want to admit is that you would really like an appraisal organization that aligns with your particular political ideals. That you want a “united” appraisal organization for everyone, but then you’ve now stated in the comment above that it’s probably not going to be for everybody and of course your initial rough draft clearly states that it’s actually not for anybody, only those that agree with your liberal political point of view. That’s not a professional organization, that’s a political activist organization and there’s a difference. I’m certainly not here to defend the Appraisal organization that I have left, but I’ve also been around long enough to know the difference between good ideas and people that just wrote something down at midnight and then are upset when everybody doesn’t raise their fist and cheer them on. So to be clear, so that we don’t get accused of just simply hurling insults and not contributing anything, my contribution is: 1) that you need an organization that is not based upon a certain political point of view. Second, you need to present a plan for how you plan to organize, and create such an organization. Did you just hope 5000 people would email you and say where do I sign up? 3) Here’s another substantive idea, why don’t you put your time and energy into another organization? That already exists (ASA, others), already has infrastructure and is already organized that is NOT the Appraisal Institute? That would make a lot of sense unless of course, you just really were trying to do this for political reasons which you so far have not denied.

    • Avatar Highly Professional Appraiser says:

      Mike, The reason people don’t appreciate the AGA despite all your selfless sacrifices is the plain and simple fact that you are a union as you stated. There are inconvenient facts that the AGA can just never get around. Unions got the current administration elected. Money that went to the AGA, eventually found its way for political purposes to one party. That party is currently trying to get rid of the entire industry that I work for. How could you possibly be surprised that anybody would not want to join an organization that did that? Is the AGA some kind of suicide pact? Does the AGA have the ability to disagree and disavow political views of its parent union? And even if it did are most of the members not politically inclined to vote for the current administration anyway? See, these are inconvenient facts that the AGA usually tries to gaslight everybody with to deflect criticism. If you were truly just an organization that JUST helped and defended appraisers, and were is selfless and independent as you claim, appraisers would flock to you. It’s fine to be politically biased in your own life like that, just be honest about it. Unless you think your colleagues are just stupid.

      • OA…there are several fallacies after your first vailid point.

        We ARE a union. BEING a union is what enabled us to kill an already passed Bill (AB624) back in 2015.

        In 2014 I sote the then AFL- CIO President Trumka a letter in response to his annual Presidents letter. At that time I suggested exactly what the Teamsters have just done. Make ANY party seeking support PDOVE a willingness to treat labor and service professionals fairly.

        While my suggestion wasnt adopted officially, there was never any retaliation. For ten years I have been ‘allowed’ to express my own and other members views without censorship, push back or resistance. On the contrary.

        In 2017 OPEIU President Richard Lannigan listened open mindedly to our proposal to take AGA in a new direction.

        Not only did he listen, he assigned Cindy Shu out of NYHQ to assist us in drawing up new Articles of Association; a New Affiliation Agreement with OPEIU and embraced our idea of memorializing NO COMPENSATION for Guild Executives. That alone is contrary to how All other unions operate.

        You are correct that a portion of membership dues go “upstairs”. An average of $6.00 per month per member. That doesnt come close to covering OPEIUs costs of administering our Guild.

        It didnt remotely cover the FREE Community College members were entitled to.

        Im.not a particularly bashful presence online. While AGA officially TRIES to remain party-neutral, the attacks against appraisers for the sole purpose of supporting the Administrations disastrous DEI policies left me no choice.

        I have actively refuted every single bias case that I had background on. Despite the sensitive topic NO PUSHBACK from the unions has resulted.

        We’ve engaged with numerous state regulators to refute false bias claims. Successfully so in each instance. Including one where a Texas appraiser self described himself as a “Redneck”…in writing! (Remind me to recite the history of “William of the Hills” and how it became “hillbilly” some time.

        We (I) routinely amd frequently call out FNMA in writing and in public as well as with state and federal agencies for its outright loan fraud related to quota driven loan buybacks, where as a part of the fraud FNMA files false appraisal complaints called tips.

        We have tried the cooperative approach shere possible. Its usually non productive in the long run.

        We have not shied from the confrontational approach either. I guarantee my name has been bandied about derisively at FHFA in DC when they told FNMA in Texas to stop the internal leaks to us over Buyback Frauds.

        I’ve made no secret of being the only Republican Union Organiser in America; or the only one to admit it. I’ve disclosed that before TAF Public meetings in Redondo Beach, Torrance, and Las Vegas since 2015.

        Until the current president threw all appraisers under the bus in 2016 with his confession of feds systemic bias, we TRIED to be non partisan in deference to those of our members who are traditional, nin lunatic democrats.

        So “Old Appraiser” the absolute answer to whether AGA has the ability to take different positions from the Plantation Party or not is a resounding yes. (We make it a point to provide written support to other unions across the country on labor issues that are decency and fairness issues, so maybe we derive leeway from that. I dont know. Its never been an issue about speaking our minds.

        I’ve seen ALL the “I cant join a union” alternatives over the past ten years. Its the reason appraisers make so little headway, and we are fighting the same battles in 2024 that we fought in 2014.

        Each new group has to reinvent the wheel first hand. David knows this. Hes helped several. Hes sincere.

        One very successful new group is the one Josh Tucker is the visible contact for. He has gotten the ear and eyes of the Director of the CFPB; Mr. Chopra.

        Though CFPB has no mandate over FIRREA issues, they DO have influence over consumer issues. We may see positive results, but mire will be needed.

        Also, we have to ask uf Mr. Chopras influence and oresence will disappear in the hoped fir 2025 New Administration.

        In which vase they start all over.

        OA, ALL unions; coalitions and small focused groups are ultimately dependent on that great majority of appraisers who can always find excuses not to get involved.

        AGA continues with a reduced focus. We help appraisers help themselves fight false claims. If another crash hits, we have the data to file several Qui Tam claims. Possibly in the billions. Successful plaintiffs in such vases are entitled to 10% of the claimed losses to the government.

        Amounts that COULD affect change.

        Appraisers can decide for themselves. Become part of the group proven to be around next week, next month or next year.

        Btw- I’d love to see Davids idea develop into a viable group. I KNOW he wont give up in the long haul. Though he may be too impatient in light of how few appraisers actually get involved.

        Forgive typos-cant read my phone screen

  14. Kathy Morton Bunting Hoey on Facebook Kathy Morton Bunting Hoey on Facebook says:

    Tell me where to sign up!!! This is what we as a profession need in these changing and challenging times.

  15. Avatar John Hamilton says:

    Thank you for the great information. I will look further into it. But beyond the good old boy reputation and the stated intent I will join and participate when I can see actual positive activity to initiate legal and political action against lending institutions who are complicit in controlling the appraisal industry and political influence being lobbied to promote true appraiser independence and rights. This can be made easier these day as if you can document a valid grievance it can be filed with the CFPB. The will moderate the problem and process.

    • John everyone says; “I’ll join when I see someone ELSE achieve results to my liking, without my having to do anything to help.”

      Its WHY relatively so little is achieved. CFPB has jurisdictional limitations. I’m not criticizing Josh and everyone’s efforts in that area. Just pointing out expectations may exceed realistic potential results.

      PS literally EVERY group still underestimates the influence of MISMO. The real enemy of appraisers, and appraisal credibility.

  16. Avatar Jeff Weeks says:

    Im in for a new face for our profession. Count me in.

    Appraisers need a productive voice. I would suspect the lending institutions would be more apt to seeing an industry that moves forward rather than the stagnate pro quo same o same o that we have seen for way to long

  17. Avatar Pray Hard says:

    Good luck.

  18. Much like the dark side, insults and sarcasm only cloud judgment. I’m here to find solutions, and I invite you to join me in that. Let’s rise above the negativity and focus on what actually helps. Criticism and insults, a path to nowhere they are. Contribute solutions, you should, if progress we seek. Wow, I’m feeling extra this morning.

    • Avatar Dawn says:

      For the record, I think the star wars analogy is perfect.

      I must say: the DEI agenda is political and a turn off. Appraisers have been PROVEN to be unbiased the vast majority of the time. So any organization or entity who doesn’t stand up to defend us with the published facts that we ARENT biased, they won’t get support. This amazing idea will be dead in the water day 1 if you don’t drop DEI.

      What appraisers need: we need help. We need to band together to fight the AMC model, help our peers that are still throwing numbers against the wall like noodles learn to do better and be better WHILE producing good products in a timely fashion. We need education, streamable videos, etc. The mentorship model is flawed and we need training to fill in those gaps.

      We also need people to lobby for appraisers in government. Make our voices heard.

      Many of our existing appraisal groups were started with good intentions. But when you try to mix messages and get political, you lose. Stick to what is good for consumers AND appraisers, what will improve the profession and protect the public. THAT is what you push, and that is all. Full stop.

      • Dawn much wisdom in your post. Two circumstantial flaws.

        1. No one ever expected to have our profession under daily attack from the current administration for purely partisan purposes. Past groups didn’t fail. The political people and bureaucrats they placed their hopes on did.

        2. Democrat grant recipients are making Big Bank ($millions!) by propagating the bias myth. Its gone far beyond appraisal now.

        3. NOTHING will change under the current administration. Sadly, our issues may not even be on the radar of the hoped for new administration…an admin that has reason to be skeptical about our profession.

        Respectfully, its naive to expect leftists OR Old Guard GOP to do anything because its the right thing to do. They are one and the same Uniparty; Deep State and Swamp Corruption.

    • Avatar Highly Professional Appraiser says:

      You’ve been given solutions. You just don’t want to hear them because they don’t align with your political views. Period. Solution and suggestion number one: get a leadership group organized before you just randomly post. “Hey I think I’ll start an Appraisal organization.”. 2) think through perhaps partnering with an existing organization rather than starting from scratch or explain why none of the multitude of existing organizations are possibly going to do what your new organization is going to do. 3) provide explanation for how you think this new organization will be supported and what your next steps are beyond this blog post. Now, I don’t want to hear another post about how sad you are because people are insulting your poor sensibilities. You’ve been given ideas of something to do that people would find reasonable. If you choose not to act on anything, then you deserve all of the insults you’re getting because your blog post is exactly what everybody has been saying: Nothing serious, just the rantings of somebody who doesn’t really plan to actually organize anything.

  19. Avatar Flash says:

    Let’s just Always look on the bright side of life.

    Breaking news. A new film with raving reviews may be the answer to the question – Am I a Racist?

    Matt Walsh has made a film exposing the absurdities of the topic. See the film trailers and interview with Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh online.


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United Appraisers Network Challenges Appraisal Institute

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 2 min