Category: Trending

Hybrid Committee Meeting Recap 25

Hybrid Committee Meeting Recap

The Recap The VREAB Committee meeting on hybrid appraisals met last week. The turnout was a decent one. Some traveled a great distance to attend. There were appraisers, assessors, consumers and trade group representatives in attendance. The meeting started with the Appraisal Foundation Video on Hybrid Appraisals. Public comments followed and many spoke and shared their concerns. Examples of hybrid appraisal products were submitted to the committee. Protecting the public was a key discussion and the following existing Virginia laws and regulations were discussed. 54.1-2009 Definition of appraisal- “Appraisal” means an analysis, opinion, or conclusion relating to the nature, quality,...

The Erosion of Bank Underwriting Standards. Let's Get Rid of Appraisers. 18

Let’s Get Rid of Appraisers. What Could Go Wrong?

Why would regulators fundamentally weaken bank underwriting standards? Appraisers Warned The World In The Late 1990s And No One Listened. It Is Now Time To Listen Again as History is About to Repeat Itself. There’s a proposal from the FDIC, Federal Reserve, and Treasury Department not to require appraisals for some mortgages under $400,000. The Trump Administration wants to disrupt the role of appraisers, but that’s not a good idea. This change can impact several groups in particular: 1) Consumers: Removing appraisers from transactions can mean a lot of loans get made that shouldn’t be made. Does that sound familiar? We...

Valuation Expertise Viewed as a Commodity - Appraisers Blogs 43

Valuation Expertise Viewed as a Commodity

Here’s the math: An appraiser shared an email survey concerning hybrid appraisals. The survey reveals the fees they are thinking of charging. These fees aren’t that different from what I’ve heard elsewhere. It’s actually quite telling on how the AMC/Mortgage Lending industry sees the appraiser’s role in providing a reasonable benchmark on their collateral to make more informed lending decisions. Here’s the scenario – take the $78 national desktop report fee and divide it by the $500 average appraisal fee as quoted by Realtor Magazine. Now think in terms of the inspection versus valuation. valuation expertise is viewed as a...

Open Letter to Taxpayers... Afterall, Taxpayers Aren’t Stupid 32

Open Letter to Taxpayers

An Open Letter to Taxpayers Dear Ms; Mrs. & Mr. Taxpayer: In a recent article published by Housing Wire; authored by Ben Lane (November 20, 2018) it was reported that our federal “regulators” are at it again. “At what?” One might ask. Facilitation of increased LOAN FRAUD & consumer deception with Taxpayers yet again left holding the bag. Click here for the article Back in 1994 (actually it started in 1989-91 when FIRREA was being drafted) the Fed agreed that the loan threshold for banks when an appraisal of real estate would not be required was $250,000. That was roughly...

Proposal to End Appraisal Requirement on Home Sales of $400k or Less 50

Proposal to End Appraisal Requirement

Regulators’ Proposal to End Appraisal Requirement on Some Home Sales of $400,000 and Below… The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve released a proposal that would increase the appraisal requirement from $250,000 to $400,000, meaning that certain home sales of $400,000 and below would no longer require an appraisal. According to data provided by the FDIC, the agencies estimate that increasing the appraisal threshold from $250,000 to $400,000 would have exempted an additional 214,000 residential mortgages at regulated institutions from the agencies’ appraisal requirement in...

coester-vms-bank-accounts-seized 180

Coester VMS Bank Accounts Seized!

VaCAP has been informed the bank accounts of CoesterVMS have been seized. We have received the following email from one of our members. From: *****> To: Sent: Tue, Nov 20, 2018 10:02 am Subject: CoesterVMS: Accounts Recievables** -I am e-mailing to provide clarity on a letter you may receive from FVC Bank sent by Gilbert Kennedy and Patrick Gil from Shapiro Sher. The letter was sent to provide instructions on account receivables and the proper way of handling them for CoesterVMS as of 11/14/2018. Immediately both Patrick and Gill will be your point of contact for any questions or concerns...

VREAB to Discuss Concerns Surrounding Hybrid Appraisals 21

VREAB to Discuss Hybrid Appraisals

…concerns on the negative impact on the real estate market… The Virginia Real Estate Appraisal Board Committee on Hybrid Appraisals will meet on Wednesday November 28th @1:00 PM. We ask that all appraisers attend and share your comments on these products. If you are unable to attend we ask that you submit your comments to the VREAB to be shared with the committee. Concerns on if these products comply with: 54.1-2011 which states any assistance by an unlicensed person must be directly supervised by a licensed appraiser. 54.1-2009 Definition of an appraisal which states an appraisal is an opinion, analysis...

Has Mortgage Lending System Improved Due to AMCs? 34

The AMC Dog and Pony Show

From the HVCC to today, can we really say the mortgage lending system has improved due to AMCs? The AMC dog and pony show has been going on for the better part of a decade. Appraisers have been called out for every problem associated with a real estate closing. Ever silent is any talk of better educating Realtors®. They are the ones with the most power in the pricing process, and the majority of so-called “appraisal problems” are because they say it’s a problem. That’s a LOT of power. But somehow, they manage to stay under the radar and no...

Appraiser’s Response to MyAMC Panel Invitation - Appraisers Blogs 28

Appraiser’s Response to MyAMC

Thank you for your invitation to join your panel. I read all your details. They are addressed in the following: I find it unlikely you retain top appraisers nationwide if you think $350 is a reasonable fee in my area. Did you arrive at that by buying Corelogic’s purported ‘independent survey’? I don’t accept 30 day billing from any unproven clients with unspecified volume. Provide a copy of your current Dunn and Bradstreet rating along with a guarantee of a minimum of 25 orders per month, and I will consider deferred billing. Otherwise you would have to pay me by...

Is the Non-appraiser Inspector Worthy of Belief? Can You Believe That? 27

Can You Believe That? Hybrid Appraisal Part 4

…non-appraiser inspector must not provide any significant appraisal assistance… This is Part Four in a series on Hybrid Appraisal. Be sure to read Part One, Part Two and Part Three. The term “hybrid appraisal” (as it’s currently used), means that the appraiser sits at a desk, while someone else (not an appraiser) looks at the property. It appears that the non-appraiser may or may not inspect the interior, measure the improvements – but always takes a front photo, similar to what can be found in MLS listings, or Google Earth street pictures. The basic claim is that the overall process is cheaper and faster, and...

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