Tagged: scope creep

Appraisal news for real estate appraisers and real estate professionals regarding scope creep. News relating to the Appraisal Industry.

Scope Creep & the Imploding of Rules Have Little to Do With Appraising 24

Scope Creep & the Imploding of Rules

…the imploding rules then implemented, and the scope creep that evolved because the cart was leading the horse, has severely lessened the reliability of ALL appraisals in my opinion. ANSI, while certainly worthy of discussion and taking a position on, will not solve the real “appraisal problem” that we all have. It really isn’t an effective tool anyway, but what the heck do I know. Being one of those AG certified from the very beginning, too early to get trained by anyone above me, since 1992, and licensed in real estate since 1971, and a broker since 1991, in a...

Appraisal Waivers and Hybrid Appraisals False Narrative - Quality Matters 23

Appraisal Waivers and Hybrid Appraisals

The fallacy of those who endorse Hybrid appraisals is their assumption that the appraiser’s field work is less valuable, less important, than their analytical work behind a computer. They feel the task of inspecting the property and driving comps is best farmed out to someone else with less training. The real truth is that the field work is critical! There is no way an appraiser can credibly analyze a property through the eyes of another… The Need for Speed: In a previous post entitled The Need for Speed, I explained that lenders and Appraisal Management Companies are on a mission to shorten the...

Let's get back to real appraising 23

Let’s Get Back To Real Appraising!

Let’s Get Back to Real Appraising: We have all encountered the glass is half full / half empty perspective. This perspective could be applied to everything life throws at us. The appraisal industry is no different. We are hearing a lot of doom and gloom over Fannie Mae’s Property Inspection Waivers (PIW) and Freddie Mac’s Automated Collateral Evaluation Program (ACE). On the surface the glass appears half empty. Well, the glass is definitely half full; maybe even 3/4 full. We can now get back to real appraising……. No more UAD, No more 1004mc, No more scope creep, No more false...

Low Echelon AMCs, Lenders & Appraiser Servants 9

This Reminds Me of Low Echelon….

Appraisers who won’t or can’t “just say NO” to low echelon AMCs The comic strip below reminds me of… Low echelon lenders who think a copy of an appraiser’s license must be included in appraisal reports. They apparently never have actually read an entire report to find that info is already included Low echelon lenders who think a copy of our E&O binder page must be included in appraisal reports Low echelon AMCs who are agents for the low echelon lenders above and just accept that nonsense, passing the demand on to appraisers Low echelon AMCs who fail to inform their...

Metro-West Solicitation Blast & Appraiser's Response 48

Appraiser’s Response to Metro-West

Metro-West Appraisal, thank you for your bulk email solicitation… I will consider accepting work from you on the following basis: My minimum fee for non complex FNMA guideline compliant SFRs is $550 (net). There are no exceptions. Any upload fees or other forms of service charges  or ‘convenience’ fees will be added to that fee. I do not accept or authorize discounting of the fee for any reason. The premium or surcharge for property with a transaction amount or other characteristic that requires completion by a certified appraiser, is a minimum of $250. However the final bid will depend on...

Smoke Detectors Scope Creep & Appraiser Responsibilities 17

Smoke Detectors & Appraiser Responsibilities

Smoke / CO detectors are not “market-measurable” Dear Mr. Lunsford, We have been asked to write to you by an appraiser that just received your most recent communication concerning your new requirements for fee panel appraisers to inspect, photograph and opine as to operability of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and smoke detectors. The American Guild of Appraisers through its affiliated union sponsors represents our own appraiser members as well as the real estate appraisal interests of our combined fraternal families more than thirteen million union members, retirees and their families. We believe this to be an issue of concern for our...

HousingWire Blasted by Appraisers: Sorry, HousingWire, You're Wrong 7

Sorry, HousingWire, You’re Wrong

Appraisers Blasted HousingWire… Last Week HousingWire published an article about the appraiser shortage. The author did not source appraisers for factual information and relied on the propaganda being fed by Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs). “At the current pace, appraisals can kill deals and even give cash buyers an added advantage, according to Urban Institute’s report. Some argue, there are not enough appraisers to meet the rising homebuyer demand as they struggle to fill out long or even redundant forms. Appraisers themselves often comment on HousingWire message boards and say there is no shortage; Quality appraisers are just unwilling to make,...

CoreLogic vs Appraisers: My Day as an Appraiser 117

My Day as an Appraiser

Big Corporations like CoreLogic are like sharks… This morning, as I do every morning, I made some coffee and began work on one of the two appraisal reports that were soon to be due. The first was for an AMC known as Speedy Title and Appraisal Review Services. This appraisal management company is owned by CoreLogic. From their website “CoreLogic is an Irvine, CA based corporation providing financial, property and consumer information, analytics and business intelligence. The company analyzes information assets and data to provide clients with analytics and customized data services. The company also develops proprietary research, and tracks...

Social Media Spies & the Appraiser- Guess Who's Watching! 18

Why Not the Appraiser? Guess Who’s Watching!

No Time to Spare & Social Media Spies! Business has been crazy! We are hearing from appraisers how swamped they are; 2-3 week backlogs, working late and report writing at 4:30 AM. We are also hearing how tired and stressed they are. AMC and lender demands, updates, scope creep, and revision requests, are all taking a toll. An appraiser posted on Facebook she “broke down in tears” last Friday because she did not know how it was all going to get done. Life is too short to allow this… Take control of your time and your schedule. Spend some time...

Housing Notes: AMCs Running Out of Appraisers 37

Housing Notes: AMCs Running Out of Appraisers

Housing Notes on Appraiser Shortage, Coester AMC Lawsuit… In a recent article, Jonathan Miller, author of Housing Notes, points out several key factors in the appraisal world today. Pat Turner, President of VaCAP, reached out to Jonathan about sharing his information. Here is what Jonathan had to say… “This is a great moment to expand insights on what is really happening. AMCs have run out of appraisers to work for half the market rate. And those that might take less of our fee are still costing us another 30% of lost productivity with ever expanding scope creep. Brexit has pushed...

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