Tagged: market value

Schizophrenic Adjustments - Down to Exact Dollar Amount 35

Schizophrenic Adjustments

Appraisers, I’ve written in the past about what I believe are strange ways to report adjustments in appraisals, and suggested ‘rounding’ is a perfectly acceptable way to report them. This is largely due to buyers and listing agents thinking and listing in $100 increments – not down to exact dollar amounts. During the past couple of weeks, I ‘came in contact with’ two separate appraisals done by different appraisers on totally different properties, in different market areas. What struck me was the incredibly precise adjustments made for only certain items in these reports, while the rest of adjustments were ‘rounded’ to...

A Rebuttal to Real Estate Agent's Article Slamming the Appraisal Industry 46

Slamming the Appraisal Industry

A Rebuttal to Real Estate Agent Slamming the Appraisal Industry… Forbes recently published an opinion article that attacked the appraisal industry and placed all the blame on appraisers for real estate transactions falling through due to a “low” opinion of value. The article was written by a real estate agent out of Arizona. While he raises some good points, he is conflating a lot of issues together. 1) He does point out that there are bad appraisals. We all know that. There are bad appraisers just like there are bad agents who have clients list a property far above any...

Difference Between Price, Cost and Value... What It's Worth 5

Price vs Value

The buyer never actually pays what something is worth… Nobody can deny that there are a lot of issues plaguing the appraisal industry at the moment. I want to talk about one issue that I sometimes see: the incorrect usage of extremely important terms. Many real estate professionals use certain terms interchangeably, even when they have significantly different definitions. Appraisers, unfortunately, are not immune in this crime against clarity. Today, I want to get back to basics and look at the actual definitions of three absolutely crucial terms in our industry: price, cost and value. I think you’ll agree these...

Importance of Including Sales Price Trend Graph in Appraisal Reports 2

Importance of Graphing Sales

Scatter graph can help you “visualize” the trend of sale prices over a time period… Appraisers, I’ve been including ‘comparable’ price trend graphs in my reports (using Excel) since 2008. The graphs are based on a chart of MLS sales in the subject’s neighborhood, and can be from 1 to 5 years prior to the report Effective Date – based on housing density and number of sales. (I work in urban, suburban and rural areas.) A Scatter Graph can help you “visualize” the trend of sale prices over a time period. It can also show questionable outlier sales that you...

Foremost Authority? The Appraisal Foundation Has Lost its Way - AppraisersBlogs 4

TAF Has Lost Its Way

How can TAF claim to be any kind of authority, let alone "THE foremost authority" for any of the other disciplines? I personally like and respect the individuals I’ve met from TAF. My strenuous disagreement with TAF are the policies and actions. Not the individuals. The opening or introductory remarks on The Appraisal Foundation’s web page state: The Appraisal Foundation (Foundation) is the nation’s foremost authority on the valuation profession [emphasis added]. The organization sets the Congressionally-authorized standards and qualifications for real estate appraisers and provides voluntary guidance on recognized valuation methods and techniques for all valuation professionals. This work advances...

I Am Not "JUST" a Residential Appraiser 31

I Am Not “JUST” a Residential Appraiser

I am not “JUST” a residential appraiser! There is no doubt that moving to obtaining a certified general appraisal license opens doors to varied and interesting work. If it is in one’s capacity to obtain this level, it is a great idea. That said, the idea of being “just” a residential appraiser has got to stop. A good professional residential appraiser who studies the market, knows how to analyze and solve a problem, and can communicate effectively and succinctly, is a very valuable appraiser at that! As professional residential appraisers, we constantly work at honing skills. We work at becoming...

ClearVal Value IS So ClearCut - What IS a “ClearVal Appraisal” 162

What IS a “ClearVal Appraisal”?

Clear Capital ClearVal… Value Not So ClearCut… I’ve finally had an opportunity to read a hybrid ‘appraisal’ start to finish. All may read the unedited, non-redacted version in all its glory… or infamy, as the case may be. Please click here (report also embedded below) and read it first. I’ll wait right here. Finished? Great. One thing is clear. It is not an appraisal by any current accepted definition that I am familiar with. Ironically, there is also very little that is clear as far as support for the opined values is concerned. (I’m old fashioned and think it should...

Special Report on Appraisal Technology Rebuttal - Hey! BIG Data, Leverage This! 13

Hey BIG Data, Leverage This!

The image above is not a part of the Appraisal Technology Special Report “Across the street from a house are two vacant lots. Zillow thinks one of them is worth $16K and the other one’s worth $169K. You can see them on the aerial view here.” I was recently asked by professional peers if I would read and comment on a Special Report published by ValuationReview, with the introduction penned by Mike Holzheimer, Editor. This Special Report may be downloaded here. Let’s be clear up front. I was not asked because of my proficiency with grammar, punctuation or even my...

Conservative Appraisers Blamed By Economist 5

So-Called Economist Slams Appraisers

Is the cost-benefit of conservative appraisers worth it? Appraisers, Mr. Adam Ozimek, who is described as a ‘senior economist’ at Moody’s Analytics (from a search I did) penned this gawd-awful piece: Appraisers May Be Holding Back the Housing Market, And That Might Be Okay. This piece appeared in Forbes.com on July 5 – the focus of which is to nearly blame ‘conservative’ appraisers for “holding back the market,” … but maybe it’s OK, he says. Where do they find these people, anyway? I love it when so-called authority figures start off with speculations, not backed with any facts, and fill the...

Concession Adjustments Missing in Appraisal Reports 41

Concession Adjustments Missing

Concession Adjustments are expected to be made… Appraisers, As noted previously, I ‘observe’ various reports from various sources. A new one arrived last week. In looking over the grid, I noticed the concession adjustments are missing in the grid, as shown below. Commentary continues below the image. The appraiser correctly shows the concession amount in the left portion of the comp grid (Comp 1 & 2 – Green Arrows), but does not put a corresponding adjustment for the concession in the actual grid column (Red arrows). This is NOT the first time I have seen this in reports. Apparently this...

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