Tagged: HUD Handbook


FHA Appraisal Reporting Requirements & Data Delivery

FHA – Addressing Appraiser and Property Requirements, and Appraisal Report and Data Delivery FHA Appraisers, You will want to review the newsletter below, especially the part showing the changes to reporting requirements. I suggest you copy and paste this new info into a word processor, then print it out as a reference tool. Secondly, if you use a template with pre-filled info to start FHA reports, I suggest you change it now to comply with their reporting requirements that take effect in June 2015. A Closer Look: Addressing Appraiser and Property Requirements, and Appraisal Report and Data Delivery As announced...

FHA FAQs Update 0

FHA Updated Valuation Protocol FAQs

FHA Updated Valuation Protocol FAQs Revised 01/24/13 FHA has updated the Valuation Protocol FAQs posted on the FHA Appraiser Roster web page. The most recent FAQs can be found on page 27 of the document and provides clarification for what constitutes an acceptable conventional heating system. You can periodically review the FHA Appraiser Roster web page for alerts on recently published Mortgagee Letters of interest and other pertinent announcements. The publication contains the following topics: New Construction Wood Destroying Insects/Termites Utilities – Well and Septic Inspections & Certifications Cost Approach Accessory Dwelling Units Manufactured Housing Two Unit Properties HECM Appraisals Lender...


Differences Between Neighborhood and Market Areas & Analysis

Neighborhood is broad and general in nature… When examining appraisal reports, it is commonly noted that the Neighborhood section of the 1004 appraisal report contains data for sales of properties that are comparable and competing to the subject, rather than for sales of all homes of the same category (i.e., single family detached). Professional appraisal reference works, such as Appraising Residential Properties, 4th Edition (published by Appraisal Institute) address the differences between a “neighborhood” and a “market area.” Further, various Fannie Mae selling guides and announcements, and the HUD 4150.2 handbook contain guidance for appraisers regarding the analysis of neighborhood...


FHA Updated Valuation Protocol FAQs

FHA Updated Valuation Protocol FAQs Revised 02/28/12 FHA has updated the Valuation Protocol FAQs posted on the FHA Appraiser Roster web page. The most recent FAQ can be found on page 27 of the document and provides clarification for what constitutes an acceptable conventional heating system. You can periodically review the FHA Appraiser Roster web page for alerts on recently published Mortgagee Letters of interest and other pertinent announcements. The publication contains the following topics: New Construction Wood Destroying Insects/Termites Utilities – Well and Septic Inspections & Certifications Cost Approach Accessory Dwelling Units Manufactured Housing Two Unit Properties HECM Appraisals Lender...

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