Tagged: E&O

FNMA 2075 a ticking time bomb 1

2075 FNMA Form a Ticking Time Bomb?

Is Fannie Mae Form 2075 a ticking time bomb for Appraiser? Fannie Mae Form 2075 (aka the “Desktop Underwriter Property Inspection Report”) seems innocuous enough when you pick it up and look at it. After all, it’s only a single page with just one-half page of instructions. It allegedly applies only to low risk loans and the form has been around and in use for a long time. The instructions even clearly state it “is not an appraisal report”. The instructions go on to say this report may be used without an estimate of fair market value of the property...

Another Overtime Class Action Filed Against an AMC - Imagecredit Flickr - moppet65535 1

Another Overtime Class Action Filed Against an AMC

A lawsuit filed last week by a former staff appraiser against LandSafe Appraisal Services, Inc. exemplifies the overtime liability risk faced by many appraisal firms and appraisal management companies. In February, I wrote that overtime lawsuits by appraisers present a genuine liability risk to appraisal firms and AMCs.  In that article, I explained some of the special issues relating to whether appraisers properly can be treated as “exempt” employees for purposes of overtime compensation.  The real-world risk to an appraisal firm or AMC is that a staff appraiser will file a legal action alleging that he or she worked more...

URAR pandoras box 0

URAR Form Ambiguities and Liabilities

Revisiting The Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac 2005 URAR Form Ambiguities and Liabilities It has been eight years since the URAR form was revised. From 2005 to mid-2008, the real estate market experienced a boom and a bust the likes of which we have never seen before, and we are finally seeing a slow recovery. Also during this period, the economic recession and poor lending practices lead to new regulations in both the appraisal and banking industries. Based on the new regulations, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac mandated appraisers to add more information to the URAR form. As of March 2009, the Market Conditions...

You’re Safe From the MRLG (Unless You Have E&O Insurance) 3

You’re Safe From the MRLG (Unless You Have E&O Insurance)

Since we last wrote about the unusual subpoenas coming from the offices of the FDIC through the law firm called the Mortgage Recovery Law Group (MRLG), we’ve learned some interesting things that you need to know. To read the original blog post “What to do if you get a subpoena from the FDIC”, CLICK HERE. First, the MRLG contracted with the FDIC in late 2010 to pursue collection of losses for the FDIC resulting from the many bank failures caused by the economic (real estate) downturn. Of particular interest is that the MRLG is not working on a contingency fee...


Fannie Mae Issues “Hard Stops” on Appraisal Messaging

As of January 28, 2013, Fannie Mae started placing greater restriction on the data they collect to ensure uniformity. You will now begin seeing a “hard stop” issued by Fannie Mae on messaging. This change affects Appraisers working with AMCs or other lenders who submit data to Fannie Mae. What has changed? As appraisers know, the Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP) is an electronic tool that Fannie Mae uses to ensure uniformity in the data that Appraisers collect and submit. The theory is that being able to track trends and information through data collected on appraisals will ensure more informed...


E&O & Claims Issues for Today’s Appraiser

The significant increase in insurance claims and disciplinary complaints against appraisers over the last few years is directly related to the foreclosure phenomenon and subsequent pattern of appraisal reviews performed during the last decade. The validity of both the process and results of these forensic reviews may have little relationship to the subsequent actions by those seeking the deep pockets of the appraiser and their insurance carriers to recover monies lost in bad loans. This trend shows no sign of diminishing. It remains incumbent upon appraisers to understand their errors and omissions insurance policies, any available risk management services available...


Read That Agreement Before You Sign or Leap

Having the most unfair agreement will cause the lender or AMC to lose those appraisers I recently ran across the provision below in a new contractor agreement between an AMC and its panel appraisers, when one of LIA’s insured appraisers asked me to take a look at the agreement. The contract contained the average indemnification provision found in most unfair AMC contracts in which an appraiser promises to defend and reimburse the AMC for “any and all liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including all legal fees) arising out of or relating to any claim, action, suit, complaint, liability, damage, or other...

Home Inspectors Appraisers Doomsday 6

Home Inspectors & Appraisers’ Doomsday

The Sky is Falling for Appraisers & Home Inspectors Chicken Little was right – the sky is falling…and landing on both appraisers AND home inspectors. Home inspectors often suffer from a general lack of respect, part of which is caused by the fact that they have no single set of national standards of practice like appraisers who have USPAP. Appraisers, on the other hand, suffer from what is commonly known as appraisal creep where the conditions and requirements of appraisal work keep expanding, but the fees for the work either shrink or stay the same. Now, forces within the government...


AQB Releases December 2012 Q&As

TJ’s Rant… Almost all of the questions deal with Supervisor – Trainee issues that will change in 2015. If like me, you believe it is difficult enough to find people to become appraisers today, just wait until you read all of the new requirements. I don’t understand where the AQB is coming from with all these new requirements. Do they really believe that someone will want to go to college (at an average cost of about $120,000) to get a degree and then become a Certified Residential appraiser who would be lucky to make $20,000 for their first few years...

Seven Cases the Defendant Appraisers Won Based on Expiration of the Statute of Limitations 0

Seven Cases the Defendant Appraisers Won Based on Expiration of the Statute of Limitations

I am biased in favor of defendant appraisers. I always root for the defense, even if it’s one appraiser suing another appraiser (as in one case below). Defense is our business. Here, are seven cases where the defendant appraisers won based on a statute of limitations defense. That means even if there was something wrong with the appraisal at issue, the defense counsel still won the case. So, you have to give the credit to the defense counsel. That’s not to say there really was a problem with the appraisal in each case below — it just didn’t matter if...

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