Tagged: discrimination

Alleged Systemic Racism in Appraisal Myth 37

Alleged Systemic Racism in Appraisal Myth

In virtually every single case of alleged racism to hit the media recently, admitted staged events were in play. One could argue staging was necessary to identify if a valuation difference resulted from perceptions of what race the occupants are. Fair enough. Provided that the staging itself does not alter the value scenarios. Provided that the results are being honestly reported. I’m skeptical. I’ve researched each case as far as can reasonably be done from the information provided. The American Guild of Appraisers has also offered (repeatedly) to conduct thorough reviews of each and every appraisal involved in the reported...

4 Uncontrollable Factors that Can Affect Home Appraisals 22

4 Uncontrollable Factors that Can Affect Home Appraisals

…some uncontrollable factors that come into play when determining the value of residential property… This article contains a range of false and misleading information. You can find a rebuttal here. There are many factors that can affect the valuation of a residential property. Some of these factors, such as the level of care and maintenance work that the homeowners carried out, can be controlled. There are also factors, such as racial biases, that may unknowingly appear in the picture. In recent years, some homeowners have reported that they received significantly higher valuations for their residential property once they eliminated traces...

REDFIN How Dare You! Reckless Dishonesty, Deception, & Misinformation 11

REDFIN How Dare You!

The following Redfin article is exceptionally offensive to everyone in the real estate business and related sectors, who actually know what they are talking about, to people that are not racists, and who are offended at being falsely called racists directly or by inference. Redfin Study: Homes in Black Neighborhoods Are Undervalued by an Average of $46,000 | Redfin Press Center REDFIN executives ought to know better than to permit their name to be associated with such levels of reckless dishonesty, deception, and misinformation. Hopefully, the marketplace will ‘reward’ them appropriately. Pay attention to the statements “after adjusting” for all...

Truisms - Taxes, Death... and Anti-Bias Training - Appraisers Blogs 8

Truisms – Taxes, Death… and Bias Training

…other states will also modify their appraisal license renewal CE class requirements to include some form of anti-bias training… Folks, I attended the ACTS Conference in Bay St. Louis, MS, sponsored by National Association of Appraisers, last week. While there, enjoying the interactions of ~150 attendees, a primary topic of conversations and presentations was the impending impact to appraisers regarding anti-bias training and bias attitudes. The onslaught of negative news articles, and legislation at state and federal venues was a direct result of the ‘hijacking’ of the Congressional Hearing in 2019 which was supposed to focus on “Appraisal Modernization.” Instead,...

Amrock Mandatory Diversity Training 25

Amrock Mandatory Diversity Training

An appraiser shared the following with us. Amrock is requiring all appraisers on their panel to complete a diversity, equity and inclusion training by April 19, 2021. Amrock Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training Requirement: You’re Cordially Required to Take Part in This Training Hello, As an organization, we firmly believe in the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) for everyone – and we’ve taken a stance through the implementation of our DE&I Strategic Plan. As part of that plan, all Amrock team members have completed an online Cultural Competency Training. We’re now extending that requirement to all our Amrock...

Advisory Opinion 16 Could Be a Game Changer for Appraisers! 22

Advisory Opinion 16, a Game Changer?

The Appraisal Foundation has issued an exposure draft for Advisory Opinion (AO) 16. Advisory Opinion 16 is Fair Housing Laws: Avoiding Bias in Real Property Appraisal and Appraisal Review Development and Reporting. Unlike other exposure drafts, the text of the AO opinion has been rewritten. The traditional strike through of word or phrase changes is nonexistent. The Appraisal Foundation acknowledges “the Advisory Opinion was extensively rewritten”. Comments on the changes are due to The Appraisal Foundation by March 31, 2021 via SurveyMonkey or email, asb@appraisalfoundation.org. Although an Advisory Opinion is not a standard of practice, it does express what is...

Passing State Laws Mandating Fair Housing Continuing Ed for Appraisers 41

Blaming, Punishing Appraisers in State Laws

Will the same states that do this for appraisers also mandate similar Fair Housing and Fair Lending courses for lenders, loan officers, mortgage bankers… Are you aware that US States are beginning to ‘require’ appraisers take required courses in how to treat people fairly, by requiring such a class for every license renewal period?? Here’s the law from New York state: 19 NYCRR § 1107.2. is amended as follows: Section 1107.2. Individual continuing education requirements (a) For State license and certification periods that commence on or after January 1, 2000, real estate appraisers and real estate appraiser assistants who hold...

Unaffordable Affordability? Avoiding the Cobra Effect - Appraisers Blogs 4

Unaffordable Affordability?

If we value higher, what about affordability?… A great deal of economic, social, and political talk has been around affordability of housing. To explore this topic, it may be helpful to ask some questions. Good policy starts with the right questions. In simplest terms, some people have the resources to have nice homes in nice neighborhoods, others have just tolerable homes for shelter. And others have no homes at all. We call them “home-less.” More recently, we have become aware of the connection of poor housing and groups of certain ethnic categories. Discovery. There is association between housing status and...

Our Job Is to Observe & Report... Not to Commit Mortgage Fraud 25

Our Job Is to Observe & Report

Our job is to observe and report. For an appraiser to arbitrarily go into another area to get “comps” merely because it would result in a higher value is an act of fraud… Dear President Biden, Sir, I welcome your incoming administration, and my sincerest hopes and well wishes are extended to you in terms of healing in this nation. Additionally, as an appraiser, I welcome the desire for equality in housing opportunity in the United States, and if there is any bias in my profession, I support efforts to correct this. However, in watching your party’s position on race...

Special Briefing on Appraiser Racial Bias 6

Special Briefing on Appraiser Racial Bias

We encourage everyone to sign up for the “Special Briefing on Appraiser Racial Bias”. American Enterprise Institute (AEI) analyzed actual data to see if there was any racial bias in appraisals and published their findings in a study titled “How Common Is Appraiser Racial Bias? An Analysis Using Big Data to Determine Whether It Is Common or Uncommon that an Appraiser’s Knowledge of an Applicant’s Race Results in Valuation Bias“ AEI Special Briefing on the Presence of Appraiser Racial Bias: Join AEI’s Housing Center director Ed Pinto and director of research Tobias Peter for a special briefing on the presence...

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