Tagged: AGA

The Partisan Battle to Eliminate Dodd Frank 15

The Partisan Battle to Eliminate Dodd Frank

Dodd Frank created the illusion… I had a different “take away” from the Housing and Insurance Subcommittee “Modernizing Appraisals” hearing. My impression was that there were two simultaneous hearings by the same people in the same place. There was the actual televised hearing with disparate prepared speeches, and then there was the real underlying reason for the hearing. The partisan battle to eliminate Dodd Frank. I try very hard to take a non partisan approach to the issues facing appraisers when writing about or for the American Guild of Appraisers (AGA). Obviously AGA is a union organization, though as I’ve...

Freddie Mac Criminal Aspects of Its Appraisal Free Mortgages 38

Freddie Mac Criminal Aspects of Its Appraisal Free Mortgages

Freddie Mac is opening itself up to over 150,000± potential individual lawsuits… This is a response from Mike Ford to Kenneth Harney’s article, “Freddie Mac planning appraisal-free mortgages”. I represent the American Guild of Appraisers, #44OPEIU, AFL-CIO, and the real estate appraisal-related consumer and taxpayer interests of our more than fifteen million± AFL-CIO members, retirees and their families. I’m prompted to write this open letter regarding your recent well written & researched article, titled “Freddie Mac planning appraisal free mortgages”. Regrettably, it was too brief to cover several additional critical aspects of the issue, but I assume the Chicago Tribune’s...

Scheer Motion to Dismiss Coester vs Scheer Lawsuit 26

Scheer Motion to Dismiss Coester vs Scheer Lawsuit

More CVMS Fraud and Coester’s Fraudulent Activities Revealed Robert Scheer, former Coester Senior VP, has filed a motion to dismiss Coester vs. Scheer lawsuit. There are also whispers in the appraisal community that Brian Coester’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit against him was denied. Looks like Scheer vs. Coester lawsuit is going to trial. Scheer continues to reveal more dirt against Coester while appraisers continue to flood social media with comments, and sometimes with humorous reactions: My biggest take away from this is that it is an incredible indictment as to how (potentially) dirty the participants in major AMCs are...

Appraisal Profession: Open Letter to AMCs 116

Open Letter to AMCs

AMCs have failed the appraisal profession, the financial industry and the consumer Dear AMC, Thank you for your interest in our profession. The trial period we have conducted is over and the appraisal profession has determined your services are not needed. The reasons for our decision are as follows: The use of an AMC is not required by any federal or state law. The use of an AMC does not provide any benefit to the appraiser. The use of an AMC does not provide any benefit to the consumer. The use of an AMC has not protected the consumer. The...

STOP the Idiotic Constant Parsing Changes in All Areas of USPAP 14

It’s Time to STOP the Foolishness

STOP the constant parsing changes in all areas of USPAP I encourage ALL appraisers in the DC Metro area to attend the upcoming ASB Public Meeting on October 21, 2016. In a nut shell, my strong belief is that they need to STOP the constant parsing changes in all areas of USPAP. NOT ONE of the proposed changes is a necessary change. NOT ONE! No wonder state regulators no longer comprehend USPAP! If they need the extra money that selling new versions of USPAP produces, then just CHARGE US DIRECTLY! The purpose of FIRREA was to preserve the public’s trust...

Housing Notes: AMCs Running Out of Appraisers 37

Housing Notes: AMCs Running Out of Appraisers

Housing Notes on Appraiser Shortage, Coester AMC Lawsuit… In a recent article, Jonathan Miller, author of Housing Notes, points out several key factors in the appraisal world today. Pat Turner, President of VaCAP, reached out to Jonathan about sharing his information. Here is what Jonathan had to say… “This is a great moment to expand insights on what is really happening. AMCs have run out of appraisers to work for half the market rate. And those that might take less of our fee are still costing us another 30% of lost productivity with ever expanding scope creep. Brexit has pushed...

ACI Sky Causing Distress for Appraisers 49

ACI Sky Causing Distress for Appraisers

Are you giving in to ACI Sky? An appraiser who will remain anonymous tells us… “within the last week, I have had two issue of concerns with “UAD” compliance and ACI Sky Delivery ( I can hardly write that; as, it is a significant source of stress when I have to deal with it). I have tried to submit reports, with issues that prevented the upload (no surprise with “Sky”). The first involved the 1004MC form. The comparables that were available for the subject were extremely minimal – something like 4-6. The last period only included 1 comparable (no valid...

GLA Adjustment & Pizza Slices – They Do correlate! 22

GLA Adjustments & Pizza Slices – They Do Correlate!

Determining the GLA Adjustment in Appraisal Reports I promised in a previous post I’d send out my method for determining the GLA adjustment in appraisal reports. Goodness! Appraisers actually found that statement buried in the prior post, and have ‘rung my chimes’ requesting this info! OK, but first, the pizza analogy. I often tell clients and other appraisers that appraising (residential) real estate is far more complex than grabbing a store-bought pre-boxed pizza (that has exactly the same ingredients from box to box no matter which store you shop in) at a grocery and then applying 425 degrees of love...

CU Robot Keeps Score on Appraisers 51

Collateral Underwriter Crumbles

CU Robot Keeps Score on Appraisers Appraisers, No, this is not about “cuukie” crumbles. It’s about what the Fannie Mae Collateral Underwriter (CU) process is finding in far too many appraisal reports. A few days ago, I had an opportunity to speak with someone on the ‘inside’ of Fannie Mae. The discussion evolved to “what are the most serious items the CU process is finding in appraisals?” The CU process, which became effective January 26, 2015, is a giant electronic robot collecting tons of specific data from submitted appraisals to FNMA. This data can then be tied directly to the...

Income Affected by Low Fees - Let's Talk Fees 50

Let’s Talk Fees

How different fees can affect an appraiser’s income. OK, before you lob spears and bricks my way, we can. This is not a ‘public event’ filled with associates in an open meeting setting. In places like that, the FTC takes dim view of any fee discussion, fearing price fixing and collusion. But privately, fees can be discussed among peers, with no agreement that any certain, mandated fee be charged by everyone. The gubmint can’t stop you from talking with an associate. For weeks and months, appraisers across many of the forums I read have been discussing the need for appraisers...

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