Tagged: accounts receivables

Clarocity May Have Gone Dark.... Have AMCs Gone Dark? 34

Have AMCs Gone Dark?

Clarocity May Have Gone Dark… VaCAP has learned from one of our members the Appraisal Management Company, Clarocity Valuation Services, may have gone dark. The VaCAP member has invoices for their services over 30 days old and Clarocity has been unresponsive to numerous emails and phone calls over the past several weeks. Additionally, new orders are being assigned through their portal, Appraisal Scope. Virginia passed a 30 day prompt payment law that went into effect July 1, 2017. The statute is very clear that an AMC must pay an appraiser within 30 days from the initial delivery of the report....

Appraisal Waivers Pushback, Treasure Valley Clarification & More 11

Pushing Back Against Appraisal Waivers

AI & 37 Appraisal Organizations pushing back against Appraisal Waivers… Clarification on Treasure Valley Factors: Last week we shared with you information about Treasure Valley Factors no longer accepting invoices from Managed Appraisal Services. Many interpreted this to mean Treasure Valley Factors was no longer accepting appraisal management companies’ invoices. This is not correct. Managed Appraisal Service, Inc. is an Appraisal Management Company located in Horsham, PA. It is this company’s invoices Treasure Valley Factors is no longer accepting. Treasure Valley Factors is still accepting invoices from other Appraisal Management Companies. Treasure Valley Factors reviews each company individually and makes decisions...

Treasure Valley No Longer Accepting AMC Invoices, PIW & ACE Programs 10

Not Such a Quiet Week

For a quiet Holiday Week and the first week of school for many localities, many things to report: VaCAP has learned Treasure Valley Factors is no longer accepting “Managed Appraisal Services Inc.“ invoices. Treasure Valley Factoring has been highly promoted by Phil Crawford and many appraisers utilize their service. VaCAP does not know the reasoning behind their decision, but we can only assume it is risk based, or this AMC simply is not paying. This could be a sign of things to come. Be mindful of your receivables and take early action the first sign of trouble. It is a business...

TCValuations ceasing operations & paying appraisers $0.25 on the dollar! 58

TCValuations Ceasing Operations!

TCValuations Paying Appraisers $0.25 on the Dollar! VaCAP has just learned TCValuations is ceasing operations. They are paying appraisers $0.25 on the dollar! Some good advice: AMCs ceasing operation may be the beginning of a trend as more lenders stop using AMC’s. Stay on top of your receivables and be careful when granting credit. Dear Appraiser, It is with much regret, that I write this letter to inform you that TCV has commenced an orderly wind up and liquidation of operations. Unfortunately a significant downturn in revenue and the loss of part of our volume with two key clients in...

Slow Pay AMCs and Ponzi Scheme Payment Process 143

Slow Pay AMCs

Slow pay reputation AMCs and Ponzi scheme payment process… Folks, Through several of the ‘media sources’ I read recently, I’ve learned that “a particular AMC” based on the west coast has a slow pay reputation. As so often happens with low echelon AMCs with few clients, when business slows down, their payment process becomes a Ponzi scheme. Ultimately they go out of business. I currently have an outstanding report with that AMC, but the payment due date to me is March 7. So I’m respectfully withholding their name publicly from others, until and unless they don’t pay me on time....

Appraisers Need to Learn to Stop Being Doormats! 40

Appraisers Need to Learn to Stop Being Doormats!

Being a bad businessman is not an excuse not to pay me. Period. The borrower pays the AMC up front. The AMC HAS MY FEE FROM DAY ONE! If they do not have it on the date I complete the assignment, it is because they used MY MONEY for some other purpose. If they are too incompetent to operate a general ledger, then open a second checking account and make the fee deposits for the appraisers the same day they are received. Being a bad businessman is not an excuse for not paying me for work I do for you....

Coffin Lid Closed on Defunct AMC 38

Coffin Lid Closed on Defunct AMC

AMC is indeed closed! Over the last number of days, I have sent messages about a Washington State Appraisal Management Company which was about to fail. This AMC is owing many appraisers thousands of dollars in unpaid appraisal fees. I performed an ‘autopsy’ on that AMC while it was still kicking and screaming. I now have confirmation from two separate appraisers, on two separate days, that the AMC office is now closed, with most furnishings removed. The AMC owner has not informed any appraisers about this action, or anything else related to the business closing. Because those of us involved...

Autopsy of a Failing AMC 16

Autopsy of a Failing AMC

The autopsy has revealed… Appraisers and others, I have previously reported about a Seattle area AMC, who I and others believe, is just about to ‘officially fail.’ This AMC claims to be registered in many states, places orders ‘nationwide,’ and uses both “Staff” (1099) appraisers in the metro areas, and independent vendor appraisers (also 1099) in other areas. I am purposely not reporting the AMC’s name. Even though it’s a terrible situation for many appraisers, the AMC deserves some courtesy as they attempt to stay afloat. They have taken steps to do so. But with no expectation from observers with...

Titanic market value big data 9

Market Value in the Age of Big Data Infallibility

“Practically” unsinkable! This isn’t a topic I generally spend a lot of time on. Partly because I am ‘uneducated’ (sans college degree) and partly because it bores people to death. Despite this I ask you to bear with me. It all started while I was listening to my favorite local radio stock market gurus on the way to wash my car. An expert from the firm of Dewey Fleecem & Howe (DF&H), or some such firm, was explaining the current stock market instability in a historical context. Since our inception as a nation, DF&H reports that we have had 45...

Demand Payment - AMC in Trouble 11

Payment Trouble – Another AMC Failing?

If you don’t demand payment, you work for free. Folks, I learned from two different appraisers, that an AMC/Appraiser Company may be on the verge of failing. The AMC is based here in Washington State not far from Seattle. It has 4 initials in its name. First initial starts with “W”. This company operates as an Appraiser Company with W-2 employee staff appraisers, and as an AMC with vendor appraisers in those areas where their staff appraisers don’t work. The situation came to light today in an email sent out to their appraisers. They admitted they do not have the...

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