Appraisal News and Appraisal Tips For Real Estate Appraisers - Your source for appraisal industry news, appraisers' opinions, and discussions of appraisal issues

WinTOTAL - Aurora Formfilling Essentials Tutorial 1

WinTOTAL Formfilling Essentials Webinar

WinTOTAL merging tutorial If you are a WinTOTAL user, you may be in in the habit of starting a report by cloning a template instead of merging a template. This class shows you how to start a report by merging a template instead of cloning it, or merging different sections of a report or several reports. Cloning overwrites everything while merging fills in the blanks. In other words, you can merge parts of one report or several reports over and over again without overwriting the fields you have already filled in. For example, let’s say you have done a report...


The Dawn of a New Era in Appraising

A new frontier in appraising is upon us… Approximately 30 years ago the automobile industry began to introduce computers into cars and since that time they have never been the same. What was once considered a rather simple procedure – tuning up your engine or even changing the spark plugs – has become an almost impossible project for anyone, except the highly trained automobile technician. Today nearly every aspect of your car is aided or controlled in some manner by a computer. Digital radios with CD players, climate control systems, cruise control and pollution control devices are just a few...


Real Estate Appraisers in 2011

Now that we are entering the new year, real estate appraisers in any U.S. market must start looking to increase their marketing efforts and reach to find new clients. Although the last few years have been difficult for any real estate profession, there are always new opportunities to be found. We are certain that 2011 will be a stability year, housing markets are finding footing and there have been increases in home buyer demand throughout the country. Home inventories are higher than ever and prices are the lowest we have seen for a decade. Whenever the economy is shifting and...


Uniform Appraisal Dataset Tutorial

Freddie Mac’s Uniform Appraisal Dataset tutorial introduces appraisers to the requirements and instructions for appraisal reports in accordance with the new Uniform Appraisal Dataset, or UAD. The UAD is part of a larger effort by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to implement uniform appraisal and other loan delivery standards, which is being undertaken at the direction of their regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency. This webinar shows how to enter appraisal data in the prescribed format, how to report the condition, quality and improvements of a property, and what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac expect appraisers

DataMaster Tutorial 3

DataMaster Tutorial

DataMaster is a software that works hand in hand with the following appraisal software: WinTotal, ACI, and ClickForms. It auto-populates MLS data and/or Public Records data directly into appraisal reports. These records are compared giving the appraiser the ability to decide which source to use. DataMaster also calculates the Fannie Mae 1004 Market Conditions Report, and transfers that information directly into the appraisal form (1004MC). By electronically transferring data, re-typing of data is eliminated, reducing time spent on an appraisal report. With little user input necessary, it populates the Subject, Comparable Sales, Rentals, and Listings Grids of an appraisal report in...


DaVinci for Ipad

DaVinci for iPad, the first real estate appraisal software for Apple’s iPad™, is available in the iTunes store. The sketcher takes advantage of the iPad’s high-resolution 1024 x 768 touch screen. Switching between drawind modes, defining areas, inserting symbols and labels is fast and simple. You can draw a wall with a simple finger swipe. A keyboard layout simplifies entering dimensions and drawing lines. You can pinch to zoom and pan across the screen. Data gathering is also quick and easy.  Gathering data, navigation between forms, data entry form and active QickList item couldn’t be easier to use.


Davinci desktop: a walkthrough

Davinci Desktop is a a free sketcher built in WinTOTAL by a la mode. It is a simple, fast and reliable alternative to Apex Software. It has one-click line editing, full undo/redo eliminating the need to reopen and redraw lines and areas, and a large symbol and label libraries. In this webinar, you will learn how to draw and modify sketches with Davinci Desktop software.  Below is a tutorial for Davinci Desktop.

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