Key Part of USPAP Not Available from TAF

Key Part of USPAP Not Available from TAF

this is a colossal failure on their part – to have a key document on BACKORDER until a month from now, or longer! 

Appraisers, I have a print copy of the current USPAP, but need/want a PRINT copy of the AO/FAQ Reference Manual, which TAF decided to make into a separate document for this version at a cost of $75. I prefer the printed versions, rather than the PDF so I can read it and use a highlighter for key items.

I went onto the TAF web site on July 17, 2024 to order the document, and found this:

2024 USPAP Manual on backorder

In addition to all the other issues with TAF others are concerned about, this is a colossal failure on their part – to have a key document on BACKORDER until a month from now, or longer! Appraisers are required to adhere to USPAP. While technically not legally part of USPAP, the Reference Manual gives guidance on how to handle certain issues involving appraisal processes.

Okay, so I can order a PDF version of this document. But when the fine print on the order screen is read, here is that:

Please note:

  • To ensure the security of our documents, our electronic publications are locked and do not permit printing or copying of text.
  • All sales of electronic publications are final (i.e., no refunds). Before purchasing, please confirm with your course provider that these materials are not included in your course fee.

Thank you TAF for making appraiser’s jobs and compliance with USPAP so easy, NOT!

This is irritating, because an appraiser could not copy and print the relevant section of the Reference Manual having to do with a particular appraisal issue, which could then be included in the report Workfile in case any future reviewer questioned why a certain process was done. (With a print copy an appraiser can scan/print the relevant pages.)

C’mon TAF. You can do better than this. Get the Reference Manual available in a few days, not weeks from now.

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Dave Towne
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Image credit wikimedia - Victorgrigas
Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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14 Responses

  1. Avatar Eric Kretz says:

    USPAP is a joke and the TAF is an irrelevant streetcorner pan-handler that only wants to sell books.

    This Country Club attitude of direction and governance hurts the appraisers they say they represent.

    Did you buy your $200 7/hr update? Did you buy the new manual? Good luck getting your license renewed.

    If they truly gave a crap about the appraisers and wellbeing of industry, they’d shove the Handbook and AO’s down our throat in a Corelogic software update.

    The grift and exploitation of appraisers continues.

  2. These are government documents, manuals which are mandatory for our government mandated licenses. They should be available online for free. We pay more in license fees than real estate agents, lawyers and even doctors. Those fees pay for these related licensing costs.

  3. Avatar Spencer Paul says:

    Just get acrobat license and you can create a screen grab, bring it into a new file to convert to PDF text document. They copy and paste away. There is no such thing as a secure document because there is always another software that makes it hackable. People in college would get sick paying tons for the professors documents, books, etc. so there is always someone that is willing to scan everything and convert to a useable pdf and sell it to each student at a severe discount.

  4. Avatar PJTC says:

    They don’t care and there is no accountability. They are all out of control

  5. Kevin Hescock on Facebook Kevin Hescock on Facebook says:

    If we have to abide by it if should be provided FREE!

  6. Rick Hemry on Facebook Rick Hemry on Facebook says:

    There are programs or web sites that can unlock pdf documents.

    • Donna Halfpenny on Facebook Donna Halfpenny on Facebook says:

      Rick Hemry we pay for this and should not have to deal with it. Also if USPAP is considered “law” it should be free for anyone who needs it.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Apparently using Firefox has allowed me to go right past these issues for many years. I’m usually not even aware if a document had been locked or not. There is a function where when you take in a pdf, it opens in firefox, then you get an additional in browser option to download the pdf file. It’s unlocked every time as part of the standard download process, and other custom sizing elements are usually removed as well. No more needing to click a different view setting every time. I ended up using this because of the inefficiencies with the adobe pdf free reader softwares. I found that taking the pdf in via firefox allowed me to always read and freely copy any texts from the document. Somewhere in there are options to always read the pdf through your browser, always choose where to save as, and that’s how you bypass locked pdf’s, always taking them in outside of their native file security settings.

      Online users have other suggestions but really, mozilla firefox offers solutions for just about every everyday internet content use challenge. Pop on a real time always active spell checker, ad block, ublock, privacy badger, turn off location awareness, prefetch, get to know the about:config menu. Be sure to get the Malwarebytes add on to protect you from malicious page redirects. There really is nothing better. You’ll never see a pop up ad again and ublock allows you to right click block script elements on any given page element like annoying banners and bars which occupy too much page space. It also has the ability to nullify page timers. I get the uspap online done in 2.5 hours or less. Click and go, answer the questions, get the cert. It’s that easy.

  7. Donna Halfpenny on Facebook Donna Halfpenny on Facebook says:

    They need to be disbanded already.

  8. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    No need to rush the press; appraisers will be “out of stock” soon enough.

  9. Baggins Baggins says:

    Par for the course. When companies embrace woke ideologies with focus on DEI hiring practices systems tend to break down. Hiring and promoting people based on identity politics, sexual orientation (gross!), race, and gender, tends to be a rather poor substitute for merit based programs. Now they’re struggling with basic logistics of keeping product stocked? They only offer a few dozen items. Sad.

    • Avatar PJTC says:

      It’s just another roadblock and planned harrassment to insure the remaining appraisers will leave of their own accord so they can claim they had nothing to do with the demise of the appraisal industry. Yes, this is and has been a well thought out conspiracy by the private and public sectors, in unison, to eliminate appraisers.

  10. Baggins Baggins says:

    Eric, this custom made meme is for you. ‘The grift continues.’ Indeed.


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Key Part of USPAP Not Available from TAF

by Dave Towne time to read: 1 min