Key Part of USPAP Not Available from TAF

Key Part of USPAP Not Available from TAF

this is a colossal failure on their part – to have a key document on BACKORDER until a month from now, or longer! 

Appraisers, I have a print copy of the current USPAP, but need/want a PRINT copy of the AO/FAQ Reference Manual, which TAF decided to make into a separate document for this version at a cost of $75. I prefer the printed versions, rather than the PDF so I can read it and use a highlighter for key items.

I went onto the TAF web site on July 17, 2024 to order the document, and found this:

2024 USPAP Manual on backorder

In addition to all the other issues with TAF others are concerned about, this is a colossal failure on their part – to have a key document on BACKORDER until a month from now, or longer! Appraisers are required to adhere to USPAP. While technically not legally part of USPAP, the Reference Manual gives guidance on how to handle certain issues involving appraisal processes.

Okay, so I can order a PDF version of this document. But when the fine print on the order screen is read, here is that:

Please note:

  • To ensure the security of our documents, our electronic publications are locked and do not permit printing or copying of text.
  • All sales of electronic publications are final (i.e., no refunds). Before purchasing, please confirm with your course provider that these materials are not included in your course fee.

Thank you TAF for making appraiser’s jobs and compliance with USPAP so easy, NOT!

This is irritating, because an appraiser could not copy and print the relevant section of the Reference Manual having to do with a particular appraisal issue, which could then be included in the report Workfile in case any future reviewer questioned why a certain process was done. (With a print copy an appraiser can scan/print the relevant pages.)

C’mon TAF. You can do better than this. Get the Reference Manual available in a few days, not weeks from now.

Dave Towne
Image credit wikimedia - Victorgrigas
Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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Key Part of USPAP Not Available from TAF

by Dave Towne time to read: 1 min