Category: FHA

Review Appraisers Need to be the Voice of Reason 9

Will the Madness Ever Stop???

Review Appraisers Need to be the Voice of Reason Having spent the day commiserating with my fellow appraisers, I have to admit the policies and procedures of most reviewers, underwriters and lenders have finally crossed the line from insane to inexplicable. It was bad enough, 23 years ago when an appraiser was asked to document two independent sources of data or to provide interior photographs to show each room. Then not to long ago some appraisal management companies started to believe that when FHA asked for two photos to show an oblique view, they actually meant the appraiser had to...

How should you handle an angry borrower at a re-inspection 0

How to Handle an Angry Borrower at a Re-inspection

Angry borrower… please don’t shoot! We’ve all been there. We do an appraisal inspection and find health and safety issues that must be mentioned in the appraisal. A few weeks later, we receive an engagement letter requesting a re-inspection. The appointment is set and the borrowers confirm that all repairs have been made to a satisfactory level. The appointed time arrives and you drive to the property in question. Before you even get out of your vehicle, you can tell that the health and safety issues have been minimally addressed but certainly not to the level that would allow for...


Free Webinar on How to Review an FHA Appraisal

On September 11, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on How to Review an FHA Appraisal using the FNMA 1004, and how to review appraisals on more difficult property types; e.g., manufactured homes, 2 to 4 Units, Condominiums, and New Construction. How to spot potential fraud, the condominium approval process, and the common appraisal deficiencies will be covered. This webinar is designed for appraisers, underwriters, loan officers, processors, brokers, agents, any interested parties, and any individuals new to FHA. Registration is required. No Fee. Please hold on to the e-mail you receive after you register,...


Free Webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements – Property Type

On August 28, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements. Webinar will cover: The lenders and appraisers responsibilities as it relates to FHA guidelines The marketability and value of the property and information about “For Your Protection Get a Home Inspection” Minimum Property Requirements Minimum Property Standards Appraisal Protocol This webinar is designed for appraisers, underwriters, loan officers, processors, brokers, agents, any interested parties, and any individuals new to FHA. Registration is required. Please hold on to the e-mail you receive after you register, you will need it to access the webinar....


Free Webinar on How to Review an FHA Appraisal

On May 29, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on How to Review an FHA Appraisal using the FNMA 1004, and how to review appraisals on more difficult property types; e.g., manufactured homes, 2 to 4 Units, Condominiums, and New Construction. How to spot potential fraud, the condominium approval process, and the common appraisal deficiencies


Free Webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements

On May 22, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements. Webinar will cover: Lenders and appraisers responsibilities as it relates to FHA guideline Marketability and value of the property and information about “For your Protection Get a Home Inspection” Minimum Property Requirements


Free FHA Webinar on FHA Appraisal Frequently Asked Questions

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a webinar on March 20, 2013 on FHA Appraisal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): March 20, 2013: – Webinar: This FREE Webinar training will provide clarification to current Underwriting Hot Topics, Insuring/Eligibility Issues and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in today’s FHA lending environment. Topics covered will include: FHA Updates including most recent


BPC Report: Eliminate GSEs, Rethink Appraisal Processes

A Bipartisan Policy Center report released Feb. 25 primarily focused on reducing the government’s role in the nation’s housing finance system, but it also proposed changes to current appraisal policy. Appraisal-specific recommendations contained within the 136-page report, titled “Housing America’s Future: New Directions for National Policy,” focused on banning the use of distressed home sales as comparables by appraisers, a practice the BPC said was helping to depress local home values and impacting buyers’ ability to secure financing. The report suggested that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Administration should refuse to accept distressed sales as valid comps,...

Home Inspectors Appraisers Doomsday 6

Home Inspectors & Appraisers’ Doomsday

The Sky is Falling for Appraisers & Home Inspectors Chicken Little was right – the sky is falling…and landing on both appraisers AND home inspectors. Home inspectors often suffer from a general lack of respect, part of which is caused by the fact that they have no single set of national standards of practice like appraisers who have USPAP. Appraisers, on the other hand, suffer from what is commonly known as appraisal creep where the conditions and requirements of appraisal work keep expanding, but the fees for the work either shrink or stay the same. Now, forces within the government...


The FHA is Broke – Bailout Broke

Chairman Hensarling Announces Series of Committee Hearings Focused on Looming Financial Crisis at FHA Washington, Jan 30 – Chairman Jeb Hensarling announced today that the Financial Services Committee will hold a series of hearings throughout the year that focus on the financially troubled Federal Housing Administration, the FHA’s outsized role in the nation’s housing finance system, and the need to create a sustainable mortgage finance system. The FHA’s single-family insurance fund, which insures more than $1 trillion worth of home mortgages, has a negative economic value of $16.3 billion, according to an actuarial report released by the Department of Housing...

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