Category: USPAP

Appraisal of the Industry - analysis - Imagecredit Flickr - VBC17 3

Appraisal of the Industry

Of course any one who has bothered to open USPAP, or read the preface of any appraisal related book is very likely familiar with the valuation process. definition of the problem preliminary analysis data collection highest and best use analysis estimate of land value application of the three appraisal approaches: cost, market, income reconciliation of value estimates report of value Of course the application of this definition and process is where the fun begins. Definition of the problem… If I do not complete this report within the allotted 48 hours that has been so graciously allowed by the high pressure...


NAR on Low Valuation in Home Appraisals

WASHINGTON (October 10, 2012) – The real estate market is recovering but still faces hurdles, notably from tight mortgage credit, but problems with a sizeable share of real estate appraisals also are holding back home sales, according to survey findings by the National Association of Realtors®. Most appraisers are competent and provide good valuations that are compliant with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. However, appraisals generally lag market conditions and some changes to the appraisal process have been causing problems in recent years, including the use of out-of-area valuators without local expertise or full access to local data,...


New Trade Association Announces Launch to Support Appraisal Industry

Announcing the Official Formation of the National Association of Appraisal Management Companies (NAAMC) Providence, RI (PRWEB) August 31, 2012 Filling a long missing void in the ever-changing Appraisal and Residential Home Mortgage sectors, a collection of Industry-leading Appraisal Management Companies joined forces to create a unique and extremely necessary organization exclusively committed to supporting all entities impacted in the Residential Appraisal and Valuation industries. Officially formed in late July 2012, several months’ pre-launch due diligence was completed by the sixteen Founding Members of the National Association of Appraisal Management Companies (NAAMC). This non-profit trade association is officially incorporated in Delaware and...

Appraisal USPAP Definition 0

Is That an Appraisal? USPAP Definition

Why Isn’t that an Appraisal? APPRAISAL: (noun) the act or process of developing an opinion of value; an opinion of value. (adjective) of or pertaining to appraising and related functions such as appraisal practice or appraisal services. Comment: An appraisal must be numerically expressed as a specific amount, as a range of numbers, or as a relationship (e.g., not more than, not less than) to a previous value opinion or numerical benchmark (e.g., assessed value, collateral value). In general terms the USPAP definition is elegant in its simplicity. We all understand what it is that appraisers provide. You provide opinions...

BPO Legislation North Carolina 0

North Carolina Enacts BPO Legislation

What a licensed broker or appraiser must do in performing a BPO or a CMA… North Carolina Governor Beverly Purdue signed S.B. 521 into law July 12, and the legislation will significantly expand the ability of the state’s licensed real estate brokers to offer a broker price opinion or comparative market analysis. The legislation included two amendments provided by the state’s appraisal organizations. Prior to the new legislation, North Carolina real estate brokers were limited to providing a CMA only in the real estate sales context, and they had to have a reasonable expectation that a listing would result from...

Broker Price Opinions BPOs 1

Downturn in Market Leads to Upturn in BPOs

BPOs as an alternative to appraisals! Over the last year, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of broker’s price opinions (a.k.a. comparative market analysis, broker’s estimate of value, etc.) that are being performed by real estate brokers and salespeople, in lieu of appraisals. While BPOs were previously used for very limited purposes, they are now being used as valuation products in the finance arena, primarily for the review of distressed properties prior to short sales or foreclosure. They are also being used in areas previously unimagined several years ago, including segments of the commercial market. The increase...

One Small Step for an Appraiser; One Giant Step for the Profession of Real Estate Appraising 4

One Small Step for an Appraiser; One Giant Step for the Profession of Real Estate Appraising

On August 10, the Arizona Board of Appraisal dismissed the USPAP violation complaint filed by Chase Bank against John Dingeman on initial file review. Why is this newsworthy? Because it represents a major victory for appraisers everywhere. Dingeman, has been fighting strong arm tactics employed by Chase Bank in an attempt to force him to violate Client confidentiality by discussing details about an appraisal on a no-defunct loan that Chase acquired. Dingman took his fight right to the street starting a petition on and other outlets to share his story with fellow appraisers. We are happy to also report...

West Virginia Riskiest State for Appraisers 2

West Virginia Riskiest State for Appraisers

West Virginia has been among the riskiest states in which to be a residential appraiser for several years. It’s my educated guess that a residential appraiser is more likely to be sued in West Virginia than in any other state. A plaintiffs’ law firm has elevated that level of risk to a nightmare for one particular AMC and its panel appraisers in West Virginia who performed appraisals for certain loans by the AMC’s primary client.

At the end of June, the law firm filed an alleged class action on behalf of residential borrowers residing in West Virginia against Title Source, Inc., which operates TSI Appraisal; Quicken Loans, which is the AMC’s corporate affiliate and primary client; two of the AMC’s panel appraisers; and all other appraisers


Appraisal Practices Board: A Free Resource for Appraisers

The genesis of the Appraisal Practices Board was the collapse of the housing market in 2008… Congressional Hearing Provides Opportunity to Clarify Purpose – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 29, 2012. Washington, DC – The Appraisal Foundation (TAF), a non-profit education organization dedicated to professional valuation, testified yesterday before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity. The hearing, entitled Appraisal Oversight: The Regulatory Impact on Consumers and Businesses, focused on the Appraiser Regulatory System in place today and whether there is need for modifications or improvement of this system. One issue discussed...

Self Evident Reports 0

Self Evident Reports

Over the span of the last several decades, many residential appraisers were brought into this profession to meet the demand for residential mortgage lending reports. The problem with this has become clear as many were trained with one mindset, residential lending appraisals. They became “self-proclaimed experts” at filing out forms and meeting client expectations. All in the name of doing a good job and making a living. I hold all residential appraisers responsible for this sad state of affairs. Had more of the professional appraisers taken on one or two trainees and mentored them into producing credible reports then perhaps...

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