Category: Appraisal

What Are Recognized Techniques & Methods? Adjustments: Now What? 14

Adjustments: Now What?

So, what are these methods and techniques? We’re told to “support” our adjustments. We hear words like “prove” your adjustments… as if there were some magic formula which can give an exact, correct, and absolutely true number. It used to be so easy… Our trainer gave us a sheet with the “right” adjustments. Simple. USPAP Standards Rule 1-1 says we must be aware of, understand, and correctly employ recognized methods and techniques. What are they? Who recognizes them? How do I apply them? So, what are these methods and techniques? Let’s look. In The Appraisal of Real Estate (ARE) p.46, it says: “Qualitative analysis techniques may also be...

Experienced and New: A Review of Appraiserfest 2018 - Appraisers Blogs 7

Experienced and New

Experienced and New: A Review of Appraiserfest 2018 By Tom Horn, SRA and Woody Fincham, SRA, AI-RRS, RAA Member of RAC A Newbie Conference Attendee’s Take on Appraiserfest 2018 Tom Horn, SRA I just got back from the first ever Appraiserfest conference, held in San Antonio, Texas, and while it is fresh on my mind I thought I would share my thoughts. This is my first national appraisal conference to attend and I have to say it did not disappoint. I have been an appraiser for quite a while but have never been interested in spending my money or time to attend...

Has Mortgage Lending System Improved Due to AMCs? 34

The AMC Dog and Pony Show

From the HVCC to today, can we really say the mortgage lending system has improved due to AMCs? The AMC dog and pony show has been going on for the better part of a decade. Appraisers have been called out for every problem associated with a real estate closing. Ever silent is any talk of better educating Realtors®. They are the ones with the most power in the pricing process, and the majority of so-called “appraisal problems” are because they say it’s a problem. That’s a LOT of power. But somehow, they manage to stay under the radar and no...

See Something, Say Something - Engage in a Campaign to Expose Lies 6

See Something, Say Something

…engage in a brief healthy debate with the other side to expose the falsities being spread… Anyone wanna play the “what if” game with me? Ok fine… I’ll be the dreamer and you tell me the reality of it. Here we go…. What if… all of us independent appraisers, since we are the only ones with a voice for the industry, were to actively engage in a campaign to call out real estate and mortgage marketing propaganda across the internet as and when we see it, which should be several times a day. The internet is riddled with lies that...

Ditech, You Are Out of Here... Appraiser Whistleblowers Stepping Forward 3

You Are Out of Here…

The New York Stock Exchange has removed Ditech Holdings from trading due to their share value and volume of shares. According to a HousingWire article, Ditech shares are less than $1.00. It’s been a swift fall in the stock price department for Ditech. When the company emerged from bankruptcy, it began trading under a new symbol, “DHCP.” See the article here. Please watch your receivables. The market is slowing and there is chatter about late payments from several amcs and lenders in social media appraisal groups. Save the Date: The VaCAP conference will be held February 7-8th in Northern Virginia!  More...

Upcoming Events & Daily Dose of Real Estate News - Appraisers Blogs 5

Upcoming Events & Daily Dose News

Per popular demand, we added two new tools to the website, an Events calendar and a news feed section. The Events calendar will keep you informed about upcoming events, continuing educations, appraisal board meetings, appraisal conferences, etc. These are submitted by organizers, appraisal coalitions, appraisal boards, appraisers, and others, and can be submitted via our contact form. These events are not sponsored or affiliated with AppraisersBlogs. They are listed as a courtesy, and to offer appraisers information opportunities regarding upcoming events. To view the Events calendar click here or on the Events link in the menu above. Your Daily Dose...

Appraisers Tell Their Stories at AppraiserFest - Appraisers Blogs 8

Appraisers Tell Their Stories at AppraiserFest

The entire presentation was filmed and many appraisers were interviewed to tell their stories… Wow…That About Sums it Up! The first ever AppraiserFest has come and gone. Elliot Eisenberg, Bill Black, Jonathan Miller, Ryan Lundquist, and Maureen Sweeney all on one stage; it does not get better than that! This will be a tough act to follow. VaCAP was represented by three Executive Board members and several other members. There were several others from Virginia as well. From as far as Alaska, appraisers came to listen, learn and participate. The central theme of the conference was appraisers; specifically why you...

New Client, Same Property... Allowed Options - Appraisers Blogs 2

New Client, Same Property

There is a problem that I would guess most appraisers run into on a somewhat frequent basis. Imagine the following scenario (it probably won’t be too hard since you have likely encountered something similar): You do an appraisal for Client A. Somewhere during the loan process, the loan is turned over or changed to Client B. Client B knows you recently completed an appraisal on the same property for Client A and asks for a copy of the appraisal in their name. What do you do next? It seems to me, at this point, you have at least four options:...

Independent Appraisers Task Force to Overcome the Number Game 12

Independent Appraisers Task Force

Create a task force of only independent appraisers… Appraisers are a minority in the real estate/lending world and tasked as the gatekeepers of mortgage transactions to protect everyone in the transaction from their immediate rapacity. Of the 40 some thousand residential appraisers I have no idea of the exact division of field appraisers to reviewers. I’m guessing that maybe it’s divided in half, or say a third which are reviewers and then there’s probably another third or so that are newer licensed appraisers. So now we have around 20,000 or so Certified Appraisers that are in the field and are...

Appraiser’s Response to MyAMC Panel Invitation - Appraisers Blogs 28

Appraiser’s Response to MyAMC

Thank you for your invitation to join your panel. I read all your details. They are addressed in the following: I find it unlikely you retain top appraisers nationwide if you think $350 is a reasonable fee in my area. Did you arrive at that by buying Corelogic’s purported ‘independent survey’? I don’t accept 30 day billing from any unproven clients with unspecified volume. Provide a copy of your current Dunn and Bradstreet rating along with a guarantee of a minimum of 25 orders per month, and I will consider deferred billing. Otherwise you would have to pay me by...

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