Category: Appraisal Organizations


Is the Appraisal System Broken?

John Brenan, The Appraisal Foundation, and Melissa Cohn, The Manhattan Mortgage Company, discuss on CNBC, whether the home appraisal system is broken after the Dodd-Frank Act. …complaints are skyrocketing and many appraisers are getting low or even failing grades now. Why is this happening?

Appraisal Institute Releases Enhanced ‘Green’ Addendum 0

What is the Value of ‘Green’?

An academic study released last year found that homes with green labels provide a market premium of 9 percent compared to similar homes without the labels. The study, “The Value of Green Labels in the California Housing Market,” examined how green and energy efficient features impacted the sale price of homes in California. It was published by Nils Kok, Maastricht University, Netherlands/University of California, Berkeley; and Matthew E. Kahn, University of California, Los Angeles. The study also found: The premium associated with green labels is highest in areas with hotter climate. The premium is positively correlated to the environmental ideology...

CoesterVMS Flat Fee Appraisal Structure Controversy 3

CoesterVMS Flat Fee Appraisal Structure Controversy

Lately, there has been some controversy surrounding the announcement of CoesterVMS implementation of a flat fee appraisal structure which went into effect on January 1. The announcement appeared on CoesterVMS Blog on January 7: CoesterVMS, a nationwide appraisal management company, has implemented the appraisal industry’s first ever flat fee model for residential appraisals. Under the flat fee model, which took effect on January 1, 2013, all conventional appraisals for mortgage lenders are priced at $450 while FHA appraisals are $475*. Customarily, appraisal management companies utilize a tiered fee structure, whereby prices are determined based on the property type or the...


AQB Releases December 2012 Q&As

TJ’s Rant… Almost all of the questions deal with Supervisor – Trainee issues that will change in 2015. If like me, you believe it is difficult enough to find people to become appraisers today, just wait until you read all of the new requirements. I don’t understand where the AQB is coming from with all these new requirements. Do they really believe that someone will want to go to college (at an average cost of about $120,000) to get a degree and then become a Certified Residential appraiser who would be lucky to make $20,000 for their first few years...

ASA, NAIFA File Comments Regarding Appraisal Complaint Hotline 1

ASA, NAIFA File Comments Regarding Appraisal Complaint Hotline

The establishment of an appraisal complaint hotline… The American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and the National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers (NAIFA) appreciate the opportunity to jointly comment on the Paperwork Reduction Act implications of the establishment of the Appraisal Complaint Hotline system mandated by section 1473 of Dodd-Frank. Although we understand that the public will have an opportunity to comment on the appraisal complaint form itself when it is proposed (described as “the Interagency Appraisal Complaint Form”), we believe the agencies’ October 22nd Federal Register request for comment provides our organizations (and other stakeholders) with an important opportunity to...

Filing a Complaint Against ES Appraisal Services 0

Filing a Complaint Against ES Appraisal Services

Filing a Complaint Against ES Appraisal Services With Arizona Board of Appraisal The Board of Appraisal has received information that ES Appraisal Services, registration #40150, has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and is closing its doors for business. If you have an open invoice on an appraisal completed for ES Appraisal Services in Arizona, which is past the 45 days required by statute, please file a complaint with Rebecca Loar at the Board of Appraisal by January 11, 2013. A.R.S § 32-3675. Payment EXCEPT IN CASES OF BREACH OF CONTRACT OR SUBSTANDARD PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES, EACH APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY SHALL...


Possible USPAP Changes

The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) is always a work in progress. If you haven’t heard, the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) is hard at work considering potential changes for the 2014 –’15 edition. On Aug. 15, 2012, the Board released a second exposure draft covering these proposed changes. The ASB’s work plan for the 2014-’15 edition of USPAP includes reviewing and revising as needed the following areas of USPAP: Reporting and Communication Requirements Reporting Options Retirement of Standards 4 and 5 Other revisions and additions as needed to ensure clarity and relevance The deadline for comment on this...

Letting the AIR out 4

Letting the AIR Out!

After all it’s AIR; not a vacuum. First, HVCC is dead. Dead and buried. It died back in 2010. Second, even when it was still plaguing the profession, it never stated that appraisers couldn’t or shouldn’t talk to real estate agents or brokers. Ever. I still have a copy of the HVCC because you never know when revisionist history will appear. Eventually, AIR took its place. AIR stands for Appraiser Independence Requirements. I have a copy of AIR. It resembles HVCC in many ways but, again, it doesn’t say a single word about appraisers being prohibited from chatting up or...


3rd Exposure Draft: 2014-2015 USPAP

Third Exposure Draft of the Proposed Changes for the 2014-2015 Edition of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice The goal of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) is to promote and maintain a high level of public trust in appraisal practice by establishing requirements for appraisers. With this goal in mind, the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) regularly solicits and receives comments and suggestions for improving USPAP. Proposed changes are intended to improve USPAP understanding and enforcement, and thereby achieve the goal of promoting and maintaining public trust in appraisal practice. The ASB is currently considering changes for...


Free Trial Membership to ICAP

ICAP, the Illinois Coalition of Appraisal Professionals, works hard for you to monitor and make positive changes to Illinois State appraisal law. In an effort to enhance its membership and visibility ICAP has developed a special promotion offering a FREE no-risk trial membership. The FREE trial will allow non-members to receive all the same benefits as paid members through the first quarter of 2013, including: 1. A strong voice in Springfield with membership of over 1,800 appraisers 2. Legislative Alerts and Updates 3. Access to ICAP’s Career Center 4. ICAP Discounts on events and educational Offerings 5. Participation in ICAP’s...

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