Category: Appraisal Organizations

Verisite Photo Appraisal Report... Is the Door Open Wide for Fraud? 42

Verisite Photo Appraisal

Appraisal Photo Report for use on loans, pick and choose pictures… Is the Welcome Mat Down and the Door Opened Wide for Fraud? “What Appraisers Need to Know about Property Data Collection” is a topic of discussion in the latest Fannie Mae Newsletter. The article describes how property data is being collected and being sent to Fannie Mae to determine the type of valuation that is needed on a property. It discusses Appraisal Modernization, Desktop appraisals, Scope of Work and USPAP. It even references The Appraisal Foundation Video on Inspections & Hybrid Appraisal Assignments. Well, Fannie Mae is the last entity that should be discussing...

Mueller Sample Bifurcated Appraisals. YOU Decide! - AppraisersBlogs 48

Mueller Sample Report. You Decide!

A recruiter for Mueller Services, Inc. (Mueller Reports) contacted a VaCAP member about joining their team as a W-2 employee to complete bifurcated appraisals. Our member communicated with them and received samples of their product.  During the course of the communication, the recruiter mentioned, via email: In the past 30 days, we have had 23 cases in Virginia as a whole and expect that number only to increase. A quick check on the Department of Professional Occupational Regulations (DPOR) website revealed Mueller Services, Inc. is not registered as an appraisal firm. In fact they are not registered at all. In Virginia, to operate an...

$599 Appraisal Waiver to Save the Borrower Money? - Appraisers Blogs 16

$599 Waiver to Save the Borrower Money?

The consumer is being fed yet another lie! Remember when we heard an appraisal waiver will save the borrower money? Do you recall all those videos from loan officers and mortgage companies encouraging borrowers to obtain an appraisal waiver to save them money? News flash – they lied! But you already knew that. Well, fellow appraiser and blogger Krystal Schware of Paragon Appraisal Services has a story for you: “The Danger of Saying Yes to an Appraisal Waiver”. “For only $599, we will grant you an appraisal waiver to help you avoid having an appraisal that ‘comes in short’.” **...

Appraisers Disappointed at Federal Banking Agencies - Appraisers Blogs 21

Appraisers Disappointed at Federal Agencies

I’ve read a number of posts where appraisers are disappointed at federal banking agencies declining to hold public hearings on the topic of raising the appraisal minimum threshold for residential real estate transactions from $250,000 to $400,000. The request for a public hearing on the issue was ‘worth a shot’ but was never a realistic expectation. We knew that when we joined with others in signing the letter. Federal rulemaking agencies already have policies and procedures in place for mandatory public input. It’s unrealistic to expect them to make special exceptions. Especially when existing lobbyists that promoted the short-sighted policy...

Feds Deny Public Hearing - Denial of a Public Hearing is Undemocratic 16

Feds Deny Public Hearing

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency have denied  the request for a public hearing on raising the appraisal minimum threshold for residential real estate transactions from $250,000 to $400,000. See the “agencies” rejection letter here. …we do not believe that holding a public hearing would elicit relevant information that could be conveyed through the comment process described above. While the agencies are, therefore, declining your request for a public hearing, we will carefully consider your written comments… The American Society of Appraisers, The Appraisal...

Appraisals Costs Hardly a Burdensome Cost? Appraisers & Realtors Unite! 19

Standing With Us Protecting Consumers!

…average costs and appraisal turnaround times are minimal… VaCAP joins 29 State Appraisal Organizations in opposing an increase in the appraisal threshold. Behind the scenes, VaCAP and the Network have been working with Constantine Cannon LLP on drafting a formal comment on the proposed appraisal threshold increase from $250,000 to $400,000. The result is very thorough and factual. Each state organization contributed facts, figures and scenarios and Constantine Cannon compiled it all referencing current law and prior attempts of increasing the threshold. VaCAP is proud of the work that has been accomplished and proud to be part of a Network...

Another Draft to a USPAP Draft! Everyone Should be on Their Toes... 13

Another Draft to a USPAP Draft!

Well, don’t toss your reading bifocals in the wastebasket just yet. Apparently, there were so many negative issues with the THIRD exposure draft to the 2020-21 version of USPAP, that the ASB jettisoned it, and will move forward with a FOURTH draft. Everyone should be on their toes, ready to peruse this stellar document when it is released not long from now! Can’t we, please, establish a set of reliable and understandable procedures, and leave them in place for 5 years minimum? Please! Here’s the announcement issued on February 8, 2019, after the ASB meeting in Scottsdale, AZ: (From the Appraisal Foundation)...

Clarocity's Government Shutdown Excuse for Late Payments 18

AMC’s Shutdown Excuse for Late Payments

Clarocity cites possible upcoming government shutdown as excuse to delay payments to appraiser. From our Sister Coalition in Mississippi: “BEWARE if you accept any orders from Clarocity. I got a call from one of our members today telling me that Clarocity is citing the upcoming government shutdown as a reason appraisers may not get paid timely on the orders they are currently sending out. The scope of work and terms of the orders indicate that the appraisals for USDA may not get paid within the 60 day period if the government shuts down. This is really no excuse but if...

Third Party Inspectors, Hybrids... Spelling Out the Consequences 10

Hybrid Assignments, the Consequences

The concept of a third party providing one or more functions in an appraisal assignment is nothing new. Back in the 1970s and 1980s there were plenty of appraisers who used somebody else to do the sketch or to take the pictures or to pull comps. The “appraiser” put all of the pieces together and signed the report. Then came USPAP in 1989. Licensing followed shortly thereafter. Today, there are a number of lenders and AMCs who believe that they’ve invented something no one else has ever considered. The bifurcated or hybrid appraisal process. To be clear, we’re not talking...

What If the Algorithms Are Wrong? Weapons of Math Destruction... 12

What If the Algorithms Are Wrong?

Algorithms are everywhere… “Algorithms decide who gets a loan, who gets a job interview, who gets insurance and much more — but they don’t automatically make things fair. Mathematician and data scientist Cathy O’Neil coined a term for algorithms that are secret, important and harmful: “weapons of math destruction.” Learn more about the hidden agendas behind the formulas.” “Algorithms are opinions embedded in code. It’s really different from what you think most people think of algorithms. They think algorithms are objective and true and scientific. That’s a marketing trick. It’s also a marketing trick to intimidate you with algorithms, to...

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