Author: Dave Towne

Marijuana and Appraising 5

Marijuana and Appraising

Should appraisers notify client about marijuana growing on property? This topic is sure to elicit many opinions. Both “fer & agin”. Should you notify your lender client about marijuana plant growing prior to completing an appraisal of a property if you observe such activity? Especially if you see more than the MAXIMUM allowed in your state. See the chart in the PDF article below. I’ve had this discussion with Washington State appraisers after our initiative was successfully passed. Some appraisers frankly don’t give a rip about potentially illegal or property damaging activities. They only believe they are there to ‘appraise...

Collateral Underwriter Stew & Hedonic Regression 5

Census Tracts, Hedonic Regression and the CU Stew

Bet you didn’t know that the adjustment grid is a form of Hedonic Regression! Appraisers, The new Collateral Underwriter electronic review process developed by Fannie Mae has many appraisers on edge. This will become the ‘ultimate authority’ or gold standard for reviewing appraisal reports as of January 26, 2015… at least as far as FNMA is concerned.  Your reports will either ‘pass’ or ‘fail’, depending on many factors.  Some of those factors are outside your immediate control. “Big Data” is one giant pile of stuff that is being put into the CU pot, stirred together like a stew. Except there...

Fannie Mae "CU" Scoring is a Danger for Appraisers 5

Fannie Mae “CU” Scoring is a Danger for Appraisers

Appraisers, Many know by now that the GSE’s, primarily Fannie Mae, have instituted a new ‘appraisal scoring’ procedure based on an electronic read of your reports, specifically on a SFR 1004 or the Condo 1073. Those are the only forms currently being analyzed by the CU process. On Nov. 18, 2014, FNMA released a document named “UCDP Fannie Mae Appraisal Messaging Change Notification” which you can find here. I encourage all appraisers to actually read this document … all 11 pages. When you do read this document, you will learn that your reports are being compared to your peer’s reports, and...

FNMA Big Data to Check Appraisals 2

FNMA Big Data to Check Appraisals

FNMA New Collateral Underwriter to Check Appraisals Using Fannie’s Big Data FNMA Collateral Underwriter Flyer showing info about the FNMA Collateral Underwriter process they will make available to lenders (NOT APPRAISERS) in January 2015. You should review it. It has to do with their Enhancement of Risk Controls. This is what we know as Appraisal Quality Monitoring (AQM), which was announced almost 2 years ago. FNMA has already been using the ‘scope’ on your reports, but will soon allow the lenders to have access to the software so that they can do pre-submittal exams prior to uploading the loan file,...

Customary but NOT Reasonable Fees 28

Customary but NOT Reasonable Fees

REASONABLE needs to become the appraiser’s operative word Appraisers, It’s time to grow a pair as some people say, or to stiffen the backbone, and quit caving in to the low ball fees being offered by some in this crazy “industry.” Another true statement is “you are what you are worth”. If you, as an business person, only know how to say yes to low fees, you won’t be worth anything higher to the majority of clients. Further, your self image and actual net worth are negatively impacted. You cannot expect to earn a certain income, then wonder why you gave yourself...


Deadbeat AMCs – FBI Wants to Know

We are passing along this message from Dave Towne: “Ivor Hill has been working with the FBI. Today (1/24/13) the FBI collected all the files he had for JVI and appraisers that are owed money.” “He has asked to ask everyone, and that they ask everyone they know, to spread word that if anyone is owed money from ES Appraisal or any other AMC that went out of business without paying for appraisals to please contact him.  He is putting together information directly for FBI investigations.” Please tell your friends to contact Ivor at:

NREIS AMC closure 5

National Real Estate Information Services (NREIS) Closing

National Real Estate Information Services (NREIS) to Close in February. Information is circulating from various sources that National Real Estate Information Services (NREIS) will be closing within the next sixty days. Sources say NREIS employees have been notified that it will be closing. If you are owed for unpaid appraisal reports, you should contact NREIS immediately and demand payment. When the shutdown happens, and you are still unpaid, contact the LENDER directly. LENDERS are responsible under federal lending regulations for the actions of their AGENTS (such as NREIS), and thus are legally responsible for your fee payment. If you are in...

Financing Concessions for Comparables 2

Update on Financing Concessions for Comparables

Appraisers, The GSE’s have issued a UAD newsletter on Sept. 18, 2012. Mostly it has ‘stuff’ in it that appraisers should be doing, i.e., checking for proper UAD compliance prior to report submittal by using your report software on-board reviewer. However, this little gem is the last item on page 2: Update on Financing Concessions for Comparables The GSEs expect appraisers to determine the financing concessions, if any, for all settled sales used as comparables in appraisal reports. Appraisers are expected to do what is necessary to determine concession amounts through the normal course of business and not automatically default...


Putting Your Licence in Your Appraisals?

Why I refuse to put a full size copy of my appraisal license in reports This story appeared in the Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio on Jan. 14, 2012.  I have ‘clipped’ excerpts: Durk Reese’s efforts to launch an appraisal business were nearly destroyed when his name was used without his knowledge on inflated appraisals as part of a mortgage-fraud scheme. Mark Harmon is still trying to recover from the damage to his reputation after his name was used in the scam two years ago. Both were victims of identity theft committed by Daniel J. Nichter, a former Franklin County development...

Home appraisers slapped in the face by NAR 2

Another NAR Slap in the Face of Home Appraisers

We need to combat NAR negative stereotype and flood the various media outlets continually to discuss why home appraisers are not bound by the ‘sale price’ of a property. Appraisers, The National Association of Realtors has put out another news release extolling the increase in August home sales, while still BLAMING you. This is a common theme of theirs. Excerpts of the release found in the e-newsletter marketwire on 9/21/2011: Existing-home sales increased in August, even with ongoing tight credit and appraisal problems, along with regional disruptions created by Hurricane Irene, according to the National Association of Realtors(R). Monthly...

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