DaVinci for Ipad

DaVinci for iPad, the first real estate appraisal software for Apple’s iPad™, is available in the iTunes store. The sketcher takes advantage of the iPad’s high-resolution 1024 x 768 touch screen. Switching between drawind modes, defining areas, inserting symbols and labels is fast and simple. You can draw a wall with a simple finger swipe. A keyboard layout simplifies entering dimensions and drawing lines. You can pinch to zoom and pan across the screen. Data gathering is also quick and easy.  Gathering data, navigation between forms, data entry form and active QickList item couldn’t be easier to use.

DaVinci for iPad syncs over the air with a la mode’s desktop formfilling software, TOTAL 2010, or WinTOTAL.  Appraisers start reports in the desktop software, sync to iPad, and return to the desktop to complete the report.  They can even sync the same reports to DaVinci for iPhone or DaVinci Mobile Pro on another tablet device.  Syncing is seamless and secure over 3G or WiFi connections.  So while appraisers are still in the field performing inspections, office staff can work on the report.

Davinci for iPad is similar to Davinci for iPod but with more room to work with.

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DaVinci for Ipad

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min