DPOR AMC Public Hearing CALL to ACTION
CALL to ACTION: DPOR Public Hearing for Initial Appraisal Management Company Regulations
Thursday, February 27, 2014, DPOR is holding a public hearing on the proposed Initial Appraisal Management Company Regulations. The hearing will begin at 9:00AM in the DPOR Â meeting room at 9960 Maryland Dr, Richmond.
The new regulation establishes definitions, qualifications, fees, and standards of practice and conduct for appraisal management companies. The new regulation is required to implement Chapter 405 of the Acts of the 2012 General Assembly, which resulted from HB 210. The goal of the regulation is to establish qualifications, fees, and standards of practice and conduct for the licensure and regulation of appraisal management companies in Virginia pursuant to HB 210.
This is the only public hearing scheduled for this issue. NOW is the time to attend and voice your constructive comments on this very important issue. The comment period  will end on 03/28/2014.
The VREAB needs our presence and support on this issue. I do not know this for a fact, but I anticipate AMC reps to be present and push back hard against these proposed regulations that many have worked so hard to develop.
Please plan to attend. Don’t expect someone else to do it for you!!!
Below is a PDF copy of the proposed regulations for you review.
Mark White
President VaCAP

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Colorado put forth licensing for these amc companies. I have not noticed any changes in their sleezy approaches. Licensing them only added to their illusionary legitimacy.