Appraisal Advisor Now Completely Free for Appraisers

Appraisal Advisor is completely free for appraisers from here on out. They will not be charging appraisers anything to rate and review clients, and appraisers won’t be charged to view other appraisers’ reviews either.

The OCC is now requiring that lenders “assess the third party’s reputation, including history of customer complaints or litigation,” and “assess the third party’s financial condition.”

What does this mean for appraisers? It means that lenders are required to listen to what you’re saying about AMCs based on your scores, the invoices, reviews, and fees that you submit through

It’s up to you to submit reviews and scores consistently through – so do it every chance you get. You can even go through all your previous 2012 and 2013 invoices and submit them through the site to be more effective.

Here are the steps to making a difference, adding transparency to the industry, and having your voice heard:

  1. Sign up at
  2. Submit a General Experience Review about each of your clients each quarter (to keep the data fresh and relevant)
  3. Submit a Fee Report after each appraisal …(only take 1-2 minutes each) to help calculate a client’s average payment time frame (i.e financial health) and fees in a given area.

~ By Kim Drago, Co-founder of AppraisalAdvisor

opinion piece disclaimer


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1 Response

  1. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    Smart Move. Make your money from advertisers. As much as I loved the idea, I would never have paid for it if I were an active appraiser.

    Why? Because if I were a working appraiser I would already be working for free. LMAO


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Appraisal Advisor Now Completely Free for Appraisers

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min