Consumer Protection Campaign Launched

VaCAP Launches Consumer Protection CampaignVaCAP Launches Consumer Protection Campaign

VaCAP is excited to launch a Consumer Protection Campaign! For months we prepped, we discussed, we negotiated, we wrote, we edited, wrote some more, edited some more… finally, we recorded.

We have three 60 second consumer protection announcements airing on WRVA 1140 News Radio starting on Monday April 29th. The three consumer protection announcements will air randomly throughout the day for two weeks. WRVA 1140 News Radio live streams through and iHeartRadio so anyone can tune in and listen. The consumer protection announcements will refer listeners to VaCAP’s website for more information where we have added a consumer page. This page has articles directly relating to consumer protection and consumer education.

Click on the topics to listen to our announcements.

The Importance of an Appraisal

Protect Your Largest Investment

Raising the Appraisal Threshold


In addition to the consumer protection announcements:

VaCAP President Pat Turner will be a guest on  The Home Show with Richard McKann, Saturday May 4th from 7:30 to 8:00 AM Eastern time. The discussion will focus mainly on consumer protection, however listeners can call in with questions, so the conversation could go anywhere. This too can be lived streamed through and iHeartRadio.

This is just the beginning of greater things to come!

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VaCAP Board
Image credit flickr - curtis.kennington
VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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10 Responses

  1. Baggins Baggins says:

    Oh wow. Remarkable, and excellent. Really great job. Thank you.


  2. Avatar MD appraiser says:

    Great job VACAP! Thanks for doing this

  3. Avatar JW says:

    Great job VACAP. Thank you

  4. Avatar Vicki Grant says:

    Minnesota Appraisers? Would any of you like to talk about a MN coalition?

  5. it would be great to have a short video to link or share on our business websites and FB pages.

  6. Great work VaCAP. Hopefully, all state coalitions will adopt the same idea. Perhaps VaCap can show them how?

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Tell them free to use or copy the exact language, but cost to issue the clips as radio ads is on them? It’s not necessarily proprietary but rather a really comprehensive capture of what we talk about in amazingly brief clips.

      Pepsi challenge to anyone whom can get an amc to adopt these advertisements. Amc’s claim they’re partners to the appraiser, well, why don’t they promote similar messages if those claims are really true?

      It’s so simple, why didn’t anyone think of this before? We’re in the business of consumer protection with something around 80,000 appraisers nationally. We’ve had no voice to advocate for everyday appraisers for far too long. Industry heads like use us as disposable resources. We can only get sold down the river so many times before something has to give. If they won’t advocate for us and traditional process, we’ll do that ourselves. Brilliant!

      Create a radio ad fund we can all chip into, sub the ending of the message as brought to you by your local real estate appraiser community, send them out on a national scale. Cheers.

  7. Avatar Koma says:

    Positive step. Thank you.

  8. Avatar CA Appraiser says:

    Per Baggins, “Create a radio ad fund we can all chip into, sub the ending of the message as brought to you by your local real estate appraiser community, send them out on a national scale.”

    I would donate to this fund and I know many others would too! Let’s make it happen!


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Consumer Protection Campaign Launched

by VaCAP Board time to read: 1 min