VA Appraiser Shortage

VA recruiting appraisers

VA recruiting appraisers in the Western US

Appraisers in the Western US,

A person I know on the ‘inside’ of VA asked that I distribute this message. They are looking for appraisers in the following states and counties.


If anyone wants to apply for the VA panel, they can send a request to 39/ and ask for the application package.

For more information regarding the recruiting process and to download the application, visit Fee or Roster Personnel Designation Application. A credit bureau report will be pulled on all applicants. The credit bureaus used are Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax.

Qualification Requirements:

  • Must have and retain current residential appraiser licensure or certification issued by the State in which VA appraisals will be completed
  • Submit evidence showing at minimum, five years’ experience in appraising residential properties
  • Submit recommendations from other appraisers
  • There may be no comflict of interest between the applicant’s employment and performance as a fee appraiser with VA
  • More info at VA Fee Appraisers Qualification Requirements

Counties that are hardest hit

OREGON. Counties needed: MONTANA. Counties needed:
Marion Gallatin
Polk Carbon
Multnomah Deer Lodge
Washington Lewis and Clark
Clackamas Lincoln
Tillamook Mineral
Clatsop Ravalli
Linn Sweet Grass
Lincoln Wibaux
Deschutes Yellowstone


COLORADO. Counties needed: WASHINGTON. Counties needed:
Adams Clallam
Weld Grays Harbor
Boulder Cowlitz
El Paso Klickitat
Baca Skamania
Clear Creek Columbia
Elbert Kittitas
Gilpin Pierce
Gunnison Thurston
La Plata Skagit
Las Animas Wahkiakum
Ouray Okanogan
Park Ferry
Teller Stevens
Rio Blanco Asotin
Summit Benton


ALASKA. Counties needed: IDAHO. Counties needed:
Matanuska-Susitna Custer
Kenai Peninsula – All cities Lemhi
Southeast Fairbanks – All cities Benewah
But any Alaska appraiser will be added!
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Dave Towne
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Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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11 Responses

  1. Avatar bill johnson says:

    With 1,000 + appraisers in San Diego County alone and an estimated 5,000 within a few hundred miles, I’m not surprised there are no Southern CA counties on the list.

  2. Paddy O'Gray on Facebook Paddy O'Gray on Facebook says:

    I won’t join their panel because I want more say in which jobs I accept and which ones I don’t.

    • Avatar bill johnson says:

      The VA panel in my area Paddy to my knowledge has a wait list of over 5 years. Some in the industry want the work but can’t get it, while others have it, and choose not to do it. The winners and losers of our trade ($$) are often determined by where they are located and not there ability to satisfy the client.

      • Paddy O'Gray on Facebook Paddy O'Gray on Facebook says:

        That’s the same for most professions isn’t it? My point was, some appraisers won’t join their panel because of the crap they give you when you try to decline an assignment. I want greater control over my own business thank you very much. 🙂

  3. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    Screw the VA Panel. They were short a few years ago when I had nearly 20 years experience yet they chose appraisers with 4 years experience over several old school appraisers. Let ’em roast; in fact let the entire “profession” roast.

    • Paddy O'Gray on Facebook Paddy O'Gray on Facebook says:

      Bitter, party of one. Bitter?

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        Bitter is the only thing he drinks.  You’re actually serving up his favorite beverage.


        Koma, yep lots of hoops, lots and lots. But just keep crawling through the application procedures, read the circulars, get the references, etc. It’s more detailed, but is just another application.  No biggie. I want a piece of that 650 per order pie. Hoping they’ll let me have limited coverage in only 650 areas, but I did not stage my application that way. Even if I could just get some standard 650’s now and then, that would be good enough for now. Back pocket reliable volume clients are necessary in order to pump up the volume with the rest of them. Me, I’m still waiting and first app was 7 years ago. Never give up.

      • Avatar koma says:

        Yea Baggins I already went through a long process with the two gov’t contracts I have now. 7 yrs you say you’ve been waiting, wow, I’m planning on retiring before then so maybe Good luck!

  4. Avatar Koma says:

    In my areas I’m told the wait time for these appraisals is between 5-7 weeks due to lack of appraisers. I was told that I should apply. Don’t know if I want to have to jump through all the hoops though.

  5. Avatar Wayne says:

    I am on the VA appraiser panel. There was a time when I really wanted to be on this panel. I sent my first application to the VA twelve years before I was finally accepted, I even contacted my congressman trying to get the appointment. After a very long twelve YEARS this silly state certified appraiser with an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army was finally approved as an appraiser, Thank you!

    I am still on the panel….but, Really? They can take a hike anytime they want. I cannot begin to accept all of the work that is being sent my way!  If you are a general certified appraiser you should be turning down at least five times as much work as is offered to you. If not, you are in the wrong location!

    If you are not busy….market, market, market! Do not chase AMCs or National Appraisal Companies. Go after local and regional banks, credit unions. accountants, lawyers, Realtors, individuals….These folks will keep you so busy that you can join me on a cruise! I am NOT your coach and I do not want your money! I will not sell you a newsletter or sucker you into a seminar/conference or other bullshirt! Use your head for something other than a hat rack! LOL

  6. Avatar rich pfahl says:

    My hatrack is empty! Hah!

    Rich from Michigan


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VA Appraiser Shortage

by Dave Towne time to read: 1 min