UAD to Assist Local Assessors?
Folks, 16 local Assessors across the US have requested to FHFA that the GSE’s UAD property rating data be provided to Assessors, with the belief that UAD will help them be more accurate in their local tax assessments.
This info has been circulating the past few days, in the link below:
From the article:
Kaegi (Cook County, Illinois) has suggested that the Uniform Appraisal Database maintained by the federally chartered mortgage buyers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac might help plug the gap. The UAD contains information on the condition and quality of millions of U.S. homes that were appraised for mortgages. Kaegi recruited 15 other tax officials from major urban areas — including Seattle, Miami, Philadelphia and Dallas — to join him in asking for access to that information.
While it’s true UAD has tons of data kept in the mason jars on Funk and Wagnalls porch (tribute to the late Johnny Carson!), the UAD does not have data on all homes within Assessor jurisdictions.
The UAD only has data from 2011 forward, since it didn’t exist before then.
UAD only has data for homes that have been appraised, or that have had ratings applied by appraisers looking at comps; not all homes have been in jurisdictions.
Just because ‘house A’ has Q & C ratings of “X and Y” does not mean those ratings will transfer to the other homes nearby. Thus, how does that dearth of data make tax assessments any more ‘fair’ than the current process Assessors use for mass appraisal?
As noted in the article, scrubbing appraisal data to only provide a street address, city, ZIP and two ratings for every home will be a very involved process, even for the whiz-bang programmers at FHFA. If done, there probably would be a cost involved. Since there’s no ‘free lunch’ anywhere for anything government does, despite what some believe, someone, likely property taxpayers, will have to foot the bill.
Then there is a question about Commercial properties, since appraisals for those don’t use the UAD process.
So, call me a skeptic about this proposal. But, as always when government officials are concerned, it will be interesting to see what FHFA decides to do about providing UAD property rating info to Assessors.

- New UAD Overhaul: What Appraisers Can Expect in 2025 & Beyond - September 19, 2024
- Cindy Chance Terminated - September 16, 2024
- Key Part of USPAP Not Available from TAF - July 19, 2024
There’s already many assessor’s who use Realtor information and pictures in their assessment of finished living area, so part of me thinks this shouldn’t be a big deal, however arent the appraisals in question, and the content therein considered CONFIDENTIAL in nature? When Realtors use photos and statistics as part of their public marketing, they also expose the property to the local assessors, but when an appraisal is done, the data that’s reported is exclusive to the client (and their assigns).
Great, now we will be blamed for taxes going up on properties….
They need additional revenue. This gives them a reason to increase taxable value. I would say no. If assessors want to know go out and do your own work Make your own opinions and stop trying to ride out coat tails
Great! Another way to screw appraisers. If FHFA sells my collected data, I should at least get some $$ out of it!
If they get access, we want access. They could just scrape comps sharing databases. In Denver the assessors office now maintains an MLS subscription and employs several people who’s sole purpose is to review all sales data and use that current information to update their assessment records on quality size and feature. They reportedly review every single sale.
The data is already at their fingertips and it’s more reliable to hire someone to enter information accurately from an MLS relay than to count on a GSE database. They’ll be copying data copied by the third party typists. Everything will be Q3 C3. They’ll be asking, why do all these reports have nearly identical property description language? This is two entirely different scope of work approaches.
Are they paying appraisers for their data collection?
New IRS rules under Biden.
So they want our educated opinion on these properties for hiking taxes, YET they call us biased and racist when it suits them. Maybe they wont use UAD for THOSE properties. What a joke. Some properties will be assessed higher while others will be assumed AVERAGE in condition and quality. This will create more tax appeals and bog down the system as it is not entirely fair. There is a RANGE of opinion and values within each rating of C3 and Q3 or Q4. How are they going to determine how much value each rating is really worth? Good luck with that process!
Although GSE’s are federally chartered, they are private companies. Appears several assessors are confusing FNMA CU database with a sort of possible government partnership. The CU systems are patented and owned. FHFA calls the shots now but if you presume they’re an objective third party, think again.
The systematic formulation of biased appraisal accusations are also brought to us by special interests seeking private partnerships. Seeking to redirect GSE monies and relief programs which are taxpayer backed to their preferred populace segments, skimming fees along the way. And then there is money to be made in upcoming proprietary tech and new automated systems. Just more taxation without representation. The whole thing is brought to you by the federal reserve, another private entity. 100 years of not being federal, and not having any reserves. ‘All wars are bankers wars’.
Now that first receivers of money are increasing speculation in residential housing, the game is on like never before. What we have all come to know and understand about real estate and monetary stability will never again be the same. RESO group and other automated endeavors will allow speculators from around the world easy access. We’re only in the first few years of this, just wait… Or join the movement and fight back but no ground will be gained going back and forth about the racist tripes or whatever contrived argument is being pushed that day. The root cause of all of this is our failure to adhere to Article1 SectionX. Otherwise there would not be ‘free money’ to give with an endless line of special interests all with their hands out, manipulating public opinion and policy along the way.
I completely disagree with that idea. For example here in Arizona, assessor’s offices since 1964 have been using a 28 coding system for the quality of construction for residential properties. Fannie / Freddie only use six codes. So why should assessment offices go to an inferior system? I have been unhappy with F/F six code system since it was developed because of Arizona’s superior assessment system. And because F/F only have six codes, no two appraisers have same opinion because so many properties are at or near the differences between two codes. So one appraiser says it is a Q3 and the other appraiser says it is a Q4.
UAD is lacking and misleading. It is too broad but a step in the right direction. It is subject to interpretation. I recently reviewed a home 90 + years of age. It was a flip sale reno. The appraiser stated C2. It still had aluminum siding that was fading and oxidized. This is one of many. Most homes that are not new will fall under C-4. What it does not due is state the modernization. I saw a non-modern home that was in perfect condition. C3. Thats not comparable to a home that has been rehabilitated or modern and well maintained. They need appraisers to set the rating system. The data must be shared. There should be a point system for key components.
“A points system for key components.” An excellent suggestion. Wow, imagine just filling out a more detailed list of components and updates to come about that information, something not subjective but rather fixed in scientific measurements. But how would the tiny minds of bureaucrats process and monetize the data while simultaneously placing more pressure on appraisers for higher loan production alongside increased efficiency with lower fee compensation? Your suggestion is so good that it can not compute at the GSE level.
Wait until the assessors find out Fannie Mae is mandating ANSI next April. None of the assessors in the counties around our office use ANSI now. I wonder if Fannie Mae is planning to tell them?
Hey liberals and race baiters! When performing assessments utilizing CU will assessors who value properties in predominantly black neighborhoods be called racist when the values are lower then those in predominantly white neighborhoods? Oh the hypocrisy!
The primary problem is they are simply not paying enough taxes.