The New Appraisal Profession – Why bother!
In today’s new and unimproved appraisal atmosphere, any appraiser that does not “hit the number” is open to detrimental consequences.
Buyers, Sellers, & Refinancers – The U.S. Government from the top down have provided the media and the public in general with so much toxic misinformation and encouragement that any appraiser doing their job, a job that can lead to lower values than expected, can now be turned to HUD itself, or a state appraisal board for racial bias. So, why bother!
Realtors – They are not your friend. Hit a number lower than the contract price and they go to the lender or even the AMC and demand you no longer receive appraisal assignments. It’s called Blacklisting, it’s illegal, but those that regulate you don’t care! So, why bother!
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac – They say you’re needed, but…they really hate you! They are systematically trying to eliminate appraisals altogether. Fortunately, there is a US Code that requires federally related transactions be appraised. Unfortunately, Fannie and Freddie have been provided significant latitude as non-government agencies and purchasers of mortgages. In fact, in 2023, Fannie Mae published documentation stating an appraisal was the LAST alternative needed of the five (5) possible alternatives. And… the government did and said nothing. So, why bother!
Further, Fannie and Freddie have now elected to censure your appraisal reports. Any word they have dreamt up as being racially bias is now red flagged. And by the end of this month (Jan 2024), state boards will start receiving those infamous Fannie Mae “Tips”, which will in most cases become state investigations.
U.S. Government/Regulators – They do not care about you, and they are not on your side. In fact, appraiser/appraisal reform was in Joe Bidens presidential running platform. Once elected he immediately started the “witch hunt” via the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) agency, appointing them the new “witch hunters”. HUD’s Secretary Marcia Fudge is the head witch hunter, along with her accomplices from the PAVE movement, which by the way consists of a number of agencies also in the appraisal regulatory line.
So, while there are only a few of the 80,000 appraisers now in the line of sight of HUD and the state regulatory boards, as long as the new normal is reporting the appraiser when you don’t like the value continues, why bother?

24,23,22… the countdown of months to retirement continues. Aaah
Related Bagott articles. Thank you.
Retired, so glad to be out of this mess that has been conjured up by several entities related to the real estate transactions. This has been going on for sometime and it is not just the fault of the “outsiders”. Appraisers are at fault as well and it started in the late 80’s and early 90’s when some appraisers created the “puppy mill affect”, those that have been appraising for the last 30 to 40 years know what I am talking about. And some if not a majority of you that are currently appraising come from the “mill”. These “mills” created spineless appraisers to afraid to say no to lenders and banks when a request for an appraisal to attain a certain value. Calls from lenders asking, “can you hit this or that value” and of course all they had to do was keep calling until they found an appraiser that would “hit the Value”. We failed as a profession to police our own. We were weak-willed and when the system crashed, who did everyone look at, the appraiser. easy target, lack of ethics and greed by these appraisers and everyone else knew it. Now they have taken your power and you all are upset. You gave them that power. They took your ability to talk with your clients, because the conversations were tainted with collusion and that was a direct violation of USPAP. Now I am not saying that all appraisers did this but I know that every appraiser(even me) knows someone that conducted business like this and we said nothing. We said to ourselves, “Why bother”, well maybe we should have bothered.
If I could agree with you more, I would, but cannot. Right on target with this post, and now that you are retired wouldn’t it be sweet to find a few of us that share the sentiment and provide a fairly reasonable solution that would put things back into some sort of equally reasonable perspective. We still remain about the only industry that I am aware of where the customer writes the rules. When we appraisers go to a mechanic, and inspector, or a physician, we must agree and adhere to THEIR guidelines. So how is it that when the AMC or lender come to us WE must adhere to THEIR guidelines as well? Why and how is it that appraisers never put their heads together long enough to recognize that as bass-ackwards? It is so very logical that it should be the appraiser that makes the guidelines and requirements. We all must comply with industry standards anyway, so that goes unsaid, but how is it that WE are not setting our acceptable guidelines for things like turn times, fees, trip fees, review procedures, charges for participation in the review process when the reviewer being paid to do so never even reads the report prior to automated rejections, invasive photo requirements, scope creep that puts us in the arena of a licensed contractor (proper double strapping, proper CO alarm installations, adequacy of HVAC sources, etc, etc), and all those sorts of client demands that have nothing to do with value or marketability or that blatantly contradict industry standards? How does an appraiser CYA when the standards themselves contradict each other? There is no clear answer as to how an appraiser can be mandated to make an adjustment for an obvious difference between subject and comparable, when in the very next sentence is prohibited for making an adjustment without a verifiable market reaction? This alone creates a situation whereby, say, a subject has an obviously custom or valuable unique feature that cannot be duplicated within the best available or even expanded search comparable sales….. that the appraiser is required to, and precluded from, making an adjustment for a feature without verifiable market reaction. All these, and dozens more, issues could be easily circumvented with a simple Vendor Agreement applied to all potential clients BEFORE the assignment order is placed and accepted rather than blindly accepting what the client proposes. Just sayin I think I have a retirement plan.
Oh we did rally, and there was accountability. Remember the suspensions and revocations threads? When a hundred thousand appraisers were kicked out of the industry and even more rogue highest and best mortgage brokers were washed out as well? It’s only a matter of time before some legal effort cracks through the illusionary facade of ‘appraisal modernization’ as well.
Bear in mind, that was perhaps the longest running appraisers forum thread ever, over 10 years. That spawned hundreds of individual threads which explored individual cases. It used to be illegal, what happens in this industry every day of the week. Blacklists of non cooperative appraisers, something technical assignment companies now incorporate into their platforms like it’s a helpful feature. Assigning by fee and turn time rather than competency. Fee skimming off the top and not disclosing that to consumers. Commission based people used to commit fraud to avoid the accountability of the appraisal service, which now magically is called ‘value acceptance’ instead and broadly applauded by the lending crowd as a great technical advancement. Like moths to a flame, the consumers went back…
I’m part of that mill. I don’t know how many “deals I broke”. My signature is sacred on any document. I’ve been overhauled by the state board a number of times. No violations, no administrative anythings. But with all the stuff rolling down hill and the major reason: a tumor in my head. I retired.
Very true. The appraiser is now the bogey man, scapegoat, whipping boy of the lending industry. We used to be the lone independent voice of facts and reason in the lending process that assured a legitimate value free of influence. Even the government has forgotten about our true role which is to provide market value of property to guarantee loans, government backed loans and bundled mortgage backed investments.
636 days. or 1 year, 8 months, 27 days. or 20 months, 27 days… until I can stop paying for E & O. Stop paying for license renewal. Stop paying for MLS membership. Stop paying for appraisal software. Stop paying for continuing education.
It was a decent 20 year run. I saved in the busy years and invested.
Sad thing now is watching what it has become.
I’ll sit on the sidelines, listen to the young ones complain and do nothing…. pretty much as we did. What could we do? Nobody agrees on anything.
Maybe sell real estate until A.I. and technology replaces REALTORS. It will. Same with lenders. They will be gone. Cash will be gone sooner than later. The eve is upon us when government and corporations will know every penny you have and how/where/what you spend it on. You want to buy a home? Push a button. If A.I. says you can pay it back…. the house is yours. For awhile.
Doomsday appraiser talk?
Yep… it was a decent run.
even with all the changes, it all comes down to this
Good read
Tired of this publication… Any change this appraisersblog and the appraisers who stew on it maybe write something positive about the industry for once? Look at ALL the advertising on this webpage. What propaganda. So sick of this “The SKY is falling!” mentality. I have been hearing this for 37 years. Here’s a thought…, QUIT BITCH’N. You can leave the business anytime. Actually, some prefer you do… And for the guys who are already retired or almost there…. DON’T YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO THAN FOLLOW THESE POSTS? Your retired… Get a life…
That’s helpful. Thanks.
The reason so many of us still participate despite the obstacles, is we believe in consumer protection in support of this industry. In support of the American dream of home ownership and a responsibly managed financial strategy. Please, by all means, provide an alternative reason justifying walking away or just acquiescing to going with the appraisal modernization program which would eliminate essential checks and balances systems which protect the American consumer and beyond is justified.
Says the guy bitch’n, kicking and screaming. You’re not happy about the articles on this site? Solution is easy: UNSUBSCRIBE!
You don’t like the comments of others? TOO BAD! Just scroll by or don’t read them … problem solved!
Kick’n and screamin’? PLEASE…. what a troll…
Eric: Please read over your own posts, in which I see far more negatives than most of the posts in this pretty informative bunch of participants. By the way, I tire of looking for any forum in any industry that provides any significant amount of positive comment. These forums are designed and intended for interaction meant to recognize and solve the problems of an industry, not to patronize industry manipulators into labeling us as passively pleased with all that is going on. Looks like maybe you noticed that.
Your comments are not worth our time.
anger management classes are available through your insurance
Well, it would appear that we are ALL angry about something in the appraisal industry evolution. I don’t think “anger management” in general is reasonable, since that suggests the problem is our own. It IS our own, but only because most of the anger is mis-directed or not quite focused on the source. People will always take advantage of a situation gifted to them, and that includes the ability to falsely accuse someone of something in order to distract the public (in our case) from reality. While I am reluctant to post this, we all learned from those perceived to be above us in the food chain, and the leaders of our country are doing this to the entire population on daily basis….. hence the impact of those who pull the strings on those that don’t. Conditioned to believe that anyone offended by reality can claim to be a victim and have the alleged offender cancelled. Us little appraisers are just the trickle down result.
If you’re so “tired of this publication” after 37 years WHY ARE YOU STILL READING/RESPONDING?! Being retired also means I’ve had a fulfilling life and now sit back and read what others in my former field have to say and comment on. The irony of you complaining about others complaining is rich. HYPOCRITE.
Don’t stop now, this is just getting good.
Carry on.
Sadly, there is far more appraisal bias in those appraisals that “meet” the number than those that don’t.
Appraisers regularly intentionally “meet” the number so that they don’t get “wrongly accused” of being biased yet commit the crime of being biased in doing so.
Those are subjective points though. If the agents have performed their job in an acceptable ethical manner, the task is rather easy for the appraiser, and it is fair and appropriate to the market and data, to ‘hit the number’. Where as if agents are back patting, wrangling and steering customers into overpriced deals, then the appraiser has to put more work in and ‘kills the deal’. So it’s always the dang most aggressive agents whom deal with appraisers not allowing their deals to work. Because we refuse to sign off on their inflated figures which don’t comp in the market. I’ve been reading a lot of bpo’s over the past few years. It’s a miracle with some of these lackluster methods that agents even come close to market value figures. Just think about it, come about a number, apply one lump sum adjust in condition to back into that number, call it a day. Bpo’s are a totally inadequate substitute for a real appraisal, even a desktop.
That’s why I still to this day comp search everything and simply decline orders if I can’t see an avenue to success. If more appraisers did that, more lenders would become responsive and actually pass the comp feedback to agents, as most of us when we decline for these reasons clearly state this is not going to work and does not comp out. Send the agents back for a new analysis, restructured deal, add an appraisal gap, come down on the price, whatever is necessary but one way or another, I’m not getting involved in deals like that. Before amc’s came around and brokers actually dealt with appraisers directly that way, fewer consumers got wrangled in because the appraiser and the mortgage person could work together to share that sort of information. Where as an amc just shops until they find an appraiser willing to make it work.
The topic of appraisers hitting the number is often confused and conjoined with applied pressure, but depending on appraisers approach in the pre acceptance sow forming phase of assignment, that’s not always the case. You know, I almost always hit that number, believe it because it’s true. On the other side of the coin, I’ve passed over a lot of work when agents line up deals that are out of range. I leave that headache for the next guy in line. If I can make a deal work in a defensible manner, I will. If I can’t, I walk away. The toughest ones are concealed issues and hidden defaults not showcased in the listings. Sometimes there is no way out and now and then agents will simply need to be clearly and politely informed why there was disagreement. Things like non qualified space, foundation structural issues, or the worst ones is when they had believed a home was larger than it really was. That’s what makes ansi so problematic, their approach that what should be qualified space according to local market standards, is not qualified space due to inflexible rather arbitrary qualifiable space ansi rule setting.
HUD and VA Racist Complaint: I am sure someone out there is going through a investigation from a government agency. I have two myself. I would like to sue the homeowner for putting me through this.
Is there anyone out there that can help me? Give me a referral. Read the case below and let me know. Ken
Let me state the case but first off I am possibly looking for a lawyer to send to the homeowner a mediation letter with their letterhead on it that tries to get the homeowner into “mediation” with me. I do not want to go court with a lawsuit unless your company agrees to take the case. I can do the mediation myself or your company can. It involves Intentional Infliction of Emotion Distress ect… (SLAPP etc.).
This case does not involve the government (The VA or HUD) – it is against a homeowner. This is about a complete fraud against me by a disgruntled homeowner. His complaints are based on: deception, a scheme, malicious persecution, lying, fraud, and deceit, which I can prove.
I appraised a home for a homeowner in a predominately black area of LA, the homeowner was a veteran, and is a “racist” against white people. He did not like the value I came in at with my appraisal and he did not get his refinance, so in retribution of that fact he filed a complaint against me that I was “White Racist Appraiser” with the Veteran’s Administration. The complaint was built on fraud and lies, which I can prove. The homeowner called me every name in the book in his complaint. The VA did a year’s long investigation and found no racism or evidence of discrimination, thus a “Close Out” letter was generated.
The homeowner had two refinance appraisals done after my appraisal was performed that show his claims against me are false, riddled with dishonesty and had many falsehoods. Lender’s keep records when homeowners ask for and then get a copy of any appraisal. He filed his claim against me with the VA 9 months after my report was performed so he had two other appraisals showing the truth of the value of his home.
After the VA cleared me and sent me the “Close Out Letter”, he then went to a second government agency HUD and filed a second complaint for the same thing “Racism” against me and the lender Omni-Fund and HUD. He was just informed that no racism existed by the VA.
Now HUD after another year of investigation of me demanded of the homeowner those two past appraisals after mine was done, he did not provide those two appraisals to HUD so he is hiding evidence that will show that he purposefully lied in order to slander me to two “Two Government Agencies” and try to ruin my career, business and health. The second complaint file with HUD shows this is an Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, personal injure etc…
This has now been over 3 years that this has been going on. I have been appraising for 35 years so I know a few things about this situation. Because of these facts I went into therapy have had to undergo therapy and a medical doctor’s care because of two government agencies after me. I just started therapy so the statue of limitations just started.
Kenneth J. Mullinix
I have been through the mill in the last 3 years. A racial claim from a “serial financer”. Then when it came to mine where I was honest and did not hit the value he thought his home was worth, he brought forth all hell. Complained to the VA and HUD with racist claims against me. Your turn will come, it is just a matter of time. This is horrible!!!