The Con, The American Dream Dies…

The Con, the American Dream Dies Where Power Lies - End of Corelogic?The Con is a 5-part series in-depth investigation into the 2008 financial crisis. If you attended the Appraisers Economic Forum, better known as AppraiserFest, in San Antonio, Texas back in October 2018, you may recall a couple of guys with video cameras. Many of the appraisers attending were  interviewed for this production. The 5 part docu-series premieres August 5, 2020. You definitely want to clear your calendar to watch. See the trailer below and sign up for updates here.

From writer/director Eric Vaughan, producer Patrick Lovell and executive producer Adam Bronfman, The Con is an in-depth investigation into the 2008 financial crisis nine years in the making. Who did it, why it happened and how our country went from “of, for and by the people,” to “of, for and by the corporation.” And what’s past is prologue: The heist of our democracy that includes fraudulent practices, massive credit card debt, student loans, auto loans, and the revolving door between finance and government, is still going on, and will become even worse than before.

“We went into this expecting to create an in-depth feature documentary about the causes and effects of 2008, but once we started piecing the story together it became apparent that the story was far too big for one ninety-minute feature. The Con is a culmination of six years of work putting together the entire true story of the Great Financial Crisis and how the corrosive energy of the forces at work imperil us to this very day,” Vaughan and Lovell said in their own statement.

Good or Bad: The end of CoreLogic?

CoreLogic receives unsolicited bid from Cannae Holdings and Senator Investments for $65 per share. The two companies currently own 15% of CoreLogic shares.

Cannae Holdings Chairman William Foley, who is also executive chairman of Black Knight and vice chairman of Fidelity National Information Services, has appeared to be actively raising capital in preparation for a deal.

See the complete article “Behind a hostile bid for CoreLogic lies a tale of two rivals” on National Mortgage News.

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VaCAP Board
VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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11 Responses

  1. As the producer of this project I am so grateful and proud to have had the opportunity to hear your stories in San Antonio during Appraisal Fest. It is so shocking to me that your stories haven’t been front and center the whole time. I hope better late than never. You guys make everything make sense, and that was my objective from the beginning, because as an outsider, none of it made sense until you guys parted the clouds so we could see the light. Thank you for your integrity.

    • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

      Thanks for seeking the truth Patrick Lovell. When others know the truth, only then can we judge their action or inaction “Bill Johnson”.

      On a side note Patrick, will we see in the series the connection of Andrew Cuoma to appraisal management companies (AMC’s), who of course benefited with the start of HVCC? Meaning, at the time of HVCC he was chairman of AMCO’s advisory committee on governmental and regulatory affairs, and was a member of the company’s board of directors?

      Seek the truth.

    • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

      Also Patrick, do you spend any time in the series relating to Washington Mutual and their collusion with an AMC called EAppraiseIT? You know, the former AMC which filtered out those appraisers who sought the truth (independent value / opinion), and rewarded others for hitting THEIR predetermined value? On that same note, will we hear the term “blacklisting” in your series which refers to an internal list appraisers were put on if they didn’t play ball with the lender / AMC?

      Seek the truth.

  2. Avatar Lori says:

    “Dishonest lenders extort appraisers to inflate value to create a “Gresham’s Dynamic” in which unethical appraisals drive honest appraisers from the profession and inflated values become endemic.” William K. Black

    One of the highlights of my career was meeting Professor Black. When he connected us with Patrick Lovell and Eric Vaughn, it became clear that we are on the side of right. Perhaps not the popular side but right wins ~ every time, all the time.

    I’m very excited appraisers finally get to tell their story. Now, it is our turn. #FindMyAppraiser

    Save the date. August 5, 2020. The CON

  3. Avatar TruthBTold says:

    My Heros!

  4. Avatar MO says:

    Bill that’s old news that no one cares about. I got something better for you.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg coming with lender portals.

    Cause and effect.
    So many lenders have moved to portals recently. AMC’s lost their grip on us just in the past 60 days. AMC’s are freaking out!! Looks like the Ponzi model is dying. AMC’s are adapting to the changing environment. I got about 20 requests to join panels this week. 75% were AMC’s. Many AMC’s are paying in 7 days now. I fired every AMC on my rotation but I might consider working with a few of these now.

    • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

      I fully agree Mo “old news”, but hey if the’re pealing back the onion from some 15 years ago, it will be interesting to see how far down the appraisal rabbit hole they go.

      Seek the truth.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        It’s doubtful they’ll go all the way back to the root cause of this. One retains hope anyways.

        Audit the Fed.

        MO, your link no longer works.

  5. Mark Skapinetz on Facebook Mark Skapinetz on Facebook says:

    These guys filming appraisers at the Appraiserfest was one of any highlights we had there and I know we were all proud to have it happen at our event. It was great to see so many appraisers sit down and talk to them, telling the actual truth and facts. I’m looking forward to seeing this documentary.

  6. Avatar michael jones says:

    I would very much like to watch The Con but have not been able to find it other than some trailers. Can anyone direct me to link or other service? thanks


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The Con, The American Dream Dies…

by VaCAP Board time to read: 1 min