AppraiserFest 2018
The appraisal profession has never experienced an economic and valuation education forum like AppraiserFest 2018. This is the only national appraisal conference that is “appraiser centric” with a true advocacy for the profession. There are no hidden agendas, only appraisers sharing their knowledge, experience, skills and wisdom with other appraiser colleagues and peers from all backgrounds of membership, designations and levels of certification.
Jonathan Miller, CEO of Miller Samuel, Inc. and highly respected appraiser from New York recently stated in his Housing Notes Newsletter,
“This isn’t an event, it’s a happening!”
In just one phrase, Mr. Miller captured the integrity and passion behind the inaugural AppraiserFest conference.
AppraiserFest is a house that appraisers built through support of state coalitions, social media, education, and podcasts. The conference will attract banks, credit unions, regulators, consumer advocacy groups, state board members, state and national lawmakers, journalists and, most importantly, the appraisers of America!
Please see our two event trailers to get a feel of what the conference will be about. We will do the best we can to make 2018… “The Year of the Appraiser!”
Click here for Event Trailer #1.
AppraiserFest will take place in San Antonio, Texas on November 1 – 3, 2018. The venue is the spacious Hemisfair Ballroom in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.
The event is structured differently from other national conferences. The schedule and talent will be interactive, cutting edge, informative, energetic and highly entertaining…we will not disappoint!!!
Tune in to the weekly Voice of Appraisal Podcasts and join the 100% Real Estate Appraisers Facebook page to get updates on this transformative event!
The Appraiserfest 2018 Team
Director Phil Crawford:
Education Director Lori Noble:
Sponsor & Promotions Director Mark Skapinetz

- NFHA Funding Dries Up - March 19, 2025
- HUD Investigation Leads to Illegal Break-In & Evidence Tampering - February 26, 2025
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So looking forward to this ?
Sounds great ! I’m thinking of coming
I tried to join 100% real estate appraisers twice on FB and ended up on some page that approved me and then I started getting post saying some Prince in Zimbabwe had left me 10B USD. Thanks !
Lol. Try again or pm me. You must not have had the name right.
Looking forward to it!
Ummm EJ, If I say I referred Zimbabwe guy can I get a 10% referral fee? As long as it’s not for appraisal business it’s ok. I can probably get by with 5% if you are running a little short on the $10B. Tks in advance!
Definitely looking forward to November 2018.
Great chance to meet peers, put faces to the names and coordinate on issues of interest. Also, great chance to take daughter to the Alamo (which her Mom still thinks was a victory for HER people – but I’ll caution her about saying that in Texas!). First real heroes I ever had. Thanks to Golden Book Encyclopedia
An adaptation of the non-commercial holiday’s celebration (Festivus), as depicted on Seinfeld, which occurs on December 23 and includes a Festivus dinner, an unadorned aluminum Festivus pole, and practices such as the “Airing of Grievances” against AMCs.
Welcome back. Last stand at the Alamo? Poetic. If only this amazing 100% appraisers group was not on facebook… Data security remains as my primary directive when online. Never going to events, I was surprised about the lobbyists outnumbering appraisers story. If that really happened, someone should post a picture of those events, and circle all heads whom were not appraisers so we can have better perspective regarding the origins of this new gathering. Now I live in fear I’m going to run into an amc lobbyist. Do they help out on the phones or how exactly does that position work?
Hello Baggins! I feel sure that the appraisers who attend this event in San Antonio will enjoy their visit to Texas and this great host city! As a native Texan I must point out that there is no similarities between the battle fought at the Alamo and the battle appraisers pretend to be fighting with appraisal management companies and others who exploit our profession. A group of less than 200 banded together inside the mission known as the Alamo and fought an army of over 5,000 Mexican soldiers. The rest of that story is the history of independence for the Republic of Texas, later to be the State of Texas. Our group of appraisers do not have to risk their lives, liberty or freedom. We just need to grow a pair and tell the parasites who are sucking our financial blood to “Remember The Alamo”. Tell these blood suckers that if they accept an appraisal assignment they had best be ready to complete it themselves as we will no longer work to provide a wonderful living for them. We have appraisers in our group that will slap their mother if an AMC told them to do so. None of those belong at the Alamo. Have fun in San Antonio….nothing will be accomplished but it will be a great vacation!
Well that’s one negative way to look at things. Apparently your pent up frustrations have the best of you and apparently you don’t quite get this event but glad you seem to think so. Amazing how you have a voice in other threads on topics but without knowing everything like to spew out the negativity towards something you have 0 clue about. I will be attending this event because it’s not like the others out there and something positive for the profession. So while others are learning and something more than what amcs, Fannie and Freddie and lenders want us to do you can sit back relax and talk more nonesense.
Thank you for your comments Mr. Dog,
You referenced my “pent up frustrations” and I admit that statement is totally correct!
I made an early effort to find out what this “Appraiserfest” was all about. I even offered to join in and to provide whatever assistance that I could. You, sir have indicated that this “event” is not like the others out there. Really? Why? What makes this event any different? They are going to allow AMCs to “sponsor” various activities at this event. If this is DIFFERENT, please tell us why? As far as nonsense, I have not worked with an AMC in over a decade. When FHA changed their rules to require that we crawl under houses and run dishwashers, I dropped them also. Our office does not accept assignments from any mortgage broker. Gee, you would think that I would be sitting on the curb wondering where the next assignment will come from. I inspected three single family properties and two land assignments yesterday. Trying to set appointments for two more and two new assignments this morning. “If it is not broke, don’t fix it!” I am approved to do TxDOT work all over the State of Texas (a big place). I am an FHA and VA approved appraiser. I have a general certification and experience with damages from oil and gas situations, I have experience with numerous types of condemnation, foreclosure, divorce, etc. What in the world would I do with all of the assignments if I were to begin accepting AMC, FHA, USDA, IRS, TxDOT, broker mortgage appraisals, on and on? I am pretty sure that you do not know me or anything about me.
My offer to assist with this “event” still holds as long as it does not promote the AMC takeover of our profession. Why not use your real name in these posts…are you ashamed of the name your mother gave you, or not willing to post your opinions in an honest and open manner? Just teasing, wish you the best!
As one of the co founders of AppraiserFest and the promotions director I thought I’d chime in here.
Today we released the agenda for the event and it’s completely different than other events. You can find it on the website. All of our speakers are Appraisers, involved in Economics and a couple we presented opportunities to speak as they are highly involved and knowledgeable on some of the topics. Our agenda is just that appraiser driven and there is no AMC/Lender involvement in the presentations etc.
As far as sponsors go, we legally have to allow anyone who wants to sponsor or be a vendor and pay money to be there an opportunity. We have developed this conference with appraisers in mind to grow, learn new things and have a place of their own. Anyone can be a sponsor at the event, anyone can attend the event (as I believe we have some non appraisers already signed up to attend) but our platform and agenda is pretty well spelled out on the website.
If you have any other questions you can email me at
Hello Mark,
I clicked on your highlighted site and it did not open.
From what I can tell, this conference will offer continuing education for license renewal. I have to congratulate you on your choice of San Antonio, Texas as the site for the conference as it is a great city and everyone should have fun! I really was hoping that this “event” could and would be something “different”. I do wish you and your group the best but I was hoping that some dynamic changes were about to happen! Sounds like just another “rubber chicken” event with the only substance being completion of continuing education requirements. Are the speakers going to tell us how to get on the various AMC panels? Are they going to tell us how to prepare Hybrid appraisal assignments or maybe provide BPOs at $20.00 a pop? Are they going to explain economics 101 or how we should survive on minimum wage salaries? I am not opposed to your “event” I honestly was just hoping for a whole lot more!
Best wishes!
Well apparently you didn’t read the agenda. So here is a link. Once you have read it please come back and tell me if this is anything like you just described above. We are trying to get CE approved but it’s not the same old CE classes etc. it revolves around all of our topics.
Link: AppraiserFest Agenda
OK Mark, I totally understand that al a comode and companies such as CoreLogic, Zillow, etc. will be there in force to teach us pitiful appraisers how we should behave. How we should provide our license/certification and E&O insurance for chump change to make their corporations millions of dollars while we suck wind! Is that the agenda for your conference? Sorry, I just want to be a part of something different!
Retired Appraiser, I am impressed…where in the world do you come up with all of this? Your ability to do research is awesome! LOL…As YOGI said, you are smarter than the average bear!
Wayne, I know the originator and promoter of this. He’s a Georgia appraiser that started the 100%Appraisers Group on Facebook.
He has an excellent reputation among many other appraisers. The group of people there that are from ALL aspects of the appraisal profession like and help each other on a more micro-oriented basis, and like any group of appraisers, they chat (myself included).
Aprpaiserfest arose from a collective expressed desire for many of the appraisers there to get together as a few smaller groups have already done. It is not a coalition function; a Guild function, an AI function or any other group except the 100% Appraisers Facebook Group.Over time, it developed that a consensus of folks agreed they’d like to attend a group function pushing no agenda other than that of appraisers. These are not a bunch of ‘yes men. I’ve butted heads ‘energetically’ with several many times. They don’t always agree with each other. DIFFERENT ideas get exposed and considered, and that is a good thing.
The costs and logistics involved made it necessary for them to seek sponsors.I originally expressed concern to Mark about both aspects and was assured that just because a ‘sponsor’ of the event may be someone many or most of us aren’t fond of, that the sponsors messages or endorsement of them is NOT a function of AppraiserFest.
Personally I’m not the biggest fan of these kinds of events because I think they tend to distract for specific issues BUT having said that, they are also an opportunity for appraisers to go and learn about those very same specific issues…and begin to learn to trust each other. That alone makes it worth while to me.
In that sense I’m very supportive.That Facebook group has somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500- readers or accepted members (its a closed group where ONLY appraisers can join).
These folks are as diversified group of appraisers as one is likely to find anywhere. They are not controlled or subjected to only one vein of thought…other than trying to be good appraisers.I take it as an act of faith, that AF in San Antonio will be a positive, appraiser-issue-oriented affair.
While I have never gone to one of these type trade events before, my intent right now is to attend this one. For my part, if a sponsor is spouting drivel I intend to call them on it. In public if that is where it is identified and observed.
I sincerely doubt Mark will permit his appraisers-first event to be hijacked by any set of sponsors, no matter who they are.
‘Good’ sponsors are those that will appear and submit their services openly and hopefully honestly. Letting their promoted idea speak for itself.Bad sponsors are ones we will all recognize and their only benefit there is to help defray some of the costs.
I hope all will keep an open mind and understand to the extent that I can tell, Marks motives are nothing more than to promote the interests of appraisers above all else.
Thanks Mike. Although I won’t take all the credit. It was an idea that had floated around and when I got together with Phil Crawford it’s became a reality. We then added Lori Noble to our team and have accomplished a lot in the past 9 months putting this together. We are very specific in what our vision is. Everything that you said is pretty much dead on. Right now we have A LA Mode doing their road show, DataMaster, ANOW, Spark, Landy insurance as committed sponsors with a couple others soon to come aboard. I would suggest everyone go to the website (if on a mobile device click the blue banner) and review the agenda.
AB!!!!!!! Para Spacing!
No worries I took care of it. Edited typos, spacing, line breaks and all other goodies 🙂
Wow. That’s service. I just type and let it go. Lol. Thanks.
Hello Mark,
I clicked on your highlighted site and it did not open. From what I can tell, this conference will offer continuing education for license renewal.
I have to congratulate you on your choice of San Antonio, Texas as the site for the conference as it is a great city and everyone should have fun!
I really was hoping that this “event” could and would be something “different”. I do wish you and your group the best but I was hoping that some dynamic changes were about to happen! Sounds like just another “rubber chicken” event with the only substance being completion of continuing education requirements. Are the speakers going to tell us how to get on the various AMC panels? Are they going to tell us know how to prepare Hybred appraisal assignments or maybe provide BPOs at $20.00 a pop? Are they going to explain economics 101 or how we should survive on minimum wage salaries? I am not opposed your your “event” I honestly was just hoping for a whole lot more! I want to be a part of an appraisal revolution that will take this profession back! If appraisers were organized under one banner we could tell AMCs and others how WE WILL PREPARE APPRAISALS! If they do not like that they can go broke and out of business…suites me fine! Lets grow a pair and take our profession back. Oh well, let the AMCs sponsor the “fest” we never tire of rubber chicken and green beans!
Best wishes!
Click this link. AppraiserFest Agenda
if you go to the site click the blue banner of on a phone or tablet. This link works for me and others.
Thanks Mark, I have researched your agenda for the ‘appraiserfest”. I have no intention of making jokes or “off the wall” comments regarding this event. I am just so sad to see that this event will be more of the same. Seems that we never learn! The appraisal profession needs so much serious help and it is just a shame to see the same old crap over and over. Sorry, wish you well!
Ok. Thanks for taking the time to review. Appreciate the response.
Is a la mode really a friend of the typical appraiser? (do some research) Why would we be interested in a Canadian real estate expert teaching those of central Texas how the world turns? Mortgage fraud experts….damn we work with those folks on an everyday basis. Really??? come and attend, enjoy San Antonio, TX and have fun. This is not, NOT anything different than the typical rubber chicken banquet! Take your CE on-line and save money…but you will be missing out on the fun of a vacation to San Antonio!
Wayne I think you need a snickers.
Yes, Dog…you are correct! LOL……… Lord, I need something, I am just so pizzed at times that I could dip snuff!… I just need to go to the creek and fish! Wish you the best! LOL
Wayne, in my opinion – no. They are friends to their own stockholders only, and have been terrible at listening to appraisers BEFORE they commit to new product suite launches. Neither is ACI which was bought outright by First American…and produced one of the first and worst hybrids ever proposed in their PACE PRO product. Alamode is the most comprehensive suite available. ACI is fully prostituted now. Bradford is ok but more limited than others.
I wonder if any of these firms would survive if it were not for FNMA. Id rather dump forms completely and use Narrative1 as long as I have to be held hostage to annual service contracts.
Mike, I have never claimed to be very smart. If you can open the above post you will see that FNMA lost 6.5 BILLION in one quarter. Come on…6.5 Billion dollars in three months? In my opinion that goes beyond stupid all the way to retarded. These folks are telling the appraisal profession how to conduct our business? There are about 80,000 appraisers and none of us seem to have a brain! Don’t hate me because I am beautiful! LOL
I’ve been saying Feds should cut Fannie loose for a very long time. Now its nothing more than a shell game. Paying taxpayers back but doing so at a loss to themselves and then asking taxpayers to recapitalize them.
After the next crash, I hope consumers will just say no. Not make ONE single house purchase no r one single refinance for a full year. Just sit out the entire crash and watch Congress and Too Big to Fail…fall on their faces.
So true!
I know that I am old and grey. The world is passing me by pretty fast. Do you really believe that an appraisal “fest” should have as a focus “cryptocurrency”? Should an appraisal “fest” be concerned with drug use on Wall Street, student loan debt, treasury rates, etc.? Does the typical appraiser have any input into these topics? Should the economic conditions of Canada be a concern to appraisers in the U.S.? The various situations facing the typical appraiser in the U.S. is the appraisal wavers, De Minimus limits, AMC domination into our profession, etc., etc. Shouldn’t appraisers be seeking information that will help them go back home and earn more money? I am not trying to be critical, just asking a few honest questions.
I know its bad manners to take even a little joy in the misfortunes of others but bit coin gambling was not an unforeseeable misfortune, It was and remains a scam promoted by hucksters with no more morality or integrity than those that are pushing appraisal hybrids or “alternative standards evaluations.”
Unless near criminal stupidity is a misfortune I find it difficult to gin up sympathy for those fools that gambled ‘more than they could afford to throw away’ without being inconvenienced by it.
THAT was the standard an old professional gambler told me to use back when I was a 22-23 year old Las Vegas blackjack, roulette and wheel of chance dealer circa 1973-74, transitioning from broke real estate agent to eventual respectability at a credit union.
I’m old too. The ‘cybercoin currency’ reference first made me think of fools and money soon being parted.
Then I read it through and realized it really IS an age difference thing. It’s meant to be a fun distraction-not serious promotion of bitcoins or any other cyber-fraud. Like the game of hangman or sudden death solitaire or the game of Clue. No one really thinks death is a reality in those.
Especially those under the magic graying-ages of our profession that still see fun in a cold beer or adult beverage and over indulging in barbecued red meat. Presumably those that haven’t yet had their first heart attack, and with God’s help hopefully never will. Let them have some fun.
Mark, Lori and Phil have all put a lot of effort into Appraiser Fest. Lets wish them nothing but success with it.
I remember fun. I think I’ll sneak away this week and practice on the Fast-Kart Track so I make sure I beat my eleven year old daughter over the weekend.
I may be old, but devious experience will beat youthful exuberance every time!
“I’m old too. The ‘cybercoin currency’ reference first made me think of fools and money soon being parted”. I cannot help but agree. Back in my younger and even more foolish days I remember asking a bank president buddy of mine ” I bet your bank is happy to have that new industry move into town!” I remember him laughing at me and basically saying he did not care about the new industry…He only cared about the “BLUE HAIRED” ladies that were his clients. He explained that husbands had died and left mucho money and these ladies knew nothing about banking. They only knew that they were supposed to trust him and carry all that money to whatever bank he went too! No wonder he was the bank president! We are talking about the old times where if he said your loan was approved….It damn sure was! LOL…Fast forward to where all of this sucks today! I really miss those old timers and the way they played the game. I do not want to see the appraisal profession go down the toilet, but be aware that a lot of money can be made without “US” in the picture. Maybe that is why “they” want us gone?
I like the reminder about the blue haired old ladies. My friend calls them “Blue haired donkey killers”. Dead husbands pulled that millstone around in a circle all their lives until it eventually kills them. NOT the ladies fault – it’s just how our society and sense of self worth and values developed. Men work. Period.
The other observation is how ‘we’ always seem to wrap the worst scoundrels up under the guise of ‘professionalism’. Bankers, attorneys, congress members, financial advisors, CPAs (the ones hired purely for their ability to hide profit and show it as tax exempt loss), school boards and administrators etc..
There are plenty other scoundrels too. The difference is they are not usually in positions of public trust. Food for thought.
Each time I hear that “PUBLIC TRUST” description I cannot help but smile. The “Public” that I have dealt with for a lifetime does NOT want us to be involved in “their” transaction. They woke up this morning and seem to believe that they are a hell of a lot smarter than any of us. The Realtards sell them on the idea that values always go up and they had best put in the best offer possible or they will miss out! Gee….they should even bid up the offer over and above the list price! Seems that most of these “PUBLIC” want to borrow “X” number of dollars to buy that pie in the sky.
The ONLY public I care about are those folks that have deposited their savings into Bank of the Galaxy and seem to trust the system. I do feel sorry for those folks. Sure, the FDIC has insured their deposits…. I remember damn well when a few banks in our area went belly up and it took a VERY LONG time for the FDIC to pay those depositors. Been there, done that and “T” Shirt is worn out. If only our government will go back to allowing these lenders to make loans without appraisals and/or documentation… I will have a very good retirement in the future!