Tagged: National Fair Housing Alliance

Lack of Evidence, Appraiser Challenges Discrimination Claims 6

Lack of Evidence, Appraiser Challenges Discrimination Claims

The next morning I went to my trusted AI program and asked if there was any evidence of bias. “Where is the evidence?”  The issue of perceived bias and discrimination in the appraisal industry has become a highly contentious and polarizing topic in recent years, sparking intense debate and controversy. At the heart of this complex issue lies a fundamental tension between the appraisal profession’s commitment to objectivity and impartiality, and the persistent allegations of systemic racism and unfair practices that have plagued the industry. As exemplified in the response from Maryland Certified General Appraiser William Turner to an article...

NFHA's False Narrative Undermines the Appraisal Industry 11

NFHA’s False Narrative Undermines the Appraisal Industry

A barrage of billboards, magazine ads, and TV/radio public service announcements is being used to amplify and spread this false narrative.  The latest attack on the appraisal industry is being spearheaded by the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), who are aggressively pushing a false narrative of widespread appraisal bias against Black and Latino homeowners. Through a relentless media campaign employing emotive messaging, vivid anecdotes, and dubious statistics, these entities are painting a picture of widespread, systemic bias among appraisers against Black and Latino homeowners. However, the reality is that not a...

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