Tagged: labor shortages

Rebuttals to Klosterman's (Bankers League) Appraisal Shortage Claims 10

Klosterman’s Appraiser Shortage Claims

I understand that Mr. Klosterman gets paid to deceive & misrepresent on behalf of his principals who are promoting the meme of appraiser shortage… Fellow Appraisers, In a variety of posts here on AppraisersBlogs we have had the somewhat veiled or at least unclear perspective of a banking interest lobbyist being self-promoted (Bankers League?). When I responded in a manner I felt was applicable based on his specific post he was offended. You be the judges, please. Following are copies of his linkedIn communications to me. Copied from Mr. Klosterman’s message post above for ease of reading: “Nice timing Mike,...

AMC Business Model is Based on Lies That Hurt The Consumer 36

The Reality

There is no shortage of appraisers, only appraisers willing to work for Appraisal Management Companies, but there will be a shortage if the current toxic business climate does not change. The AMC business model is based on lies that hurt the consumer and your constituents. There are many voices that have agendas to reduce the qualifications to become a Real Estate appraiser, whether it be a Licensed Appraiser, Certified Residential Appraiser or a Certified General Appraiser. There are also voices that would like the requirements of an appraisal by a person licensed by the state to be waived as there is a...

Topics Needing Your Attention: AQB, Track Delays & Receivables 3

Action Reminders

Topics getting a lot of attention… Life can be hectic around this time of the year and we wanted to remind everyone of a few items that need your attention and action: First: The AQB has another exposure draft out concerning appraiser licensing qualifications. The big issues are Degree Requirements, Alternative Tracks, Practical Applications and Experience Requirements. These topics have been getting a lot of attention as the “perceived appraiser shortage” card is being played by lenders and AMCs. Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts. The exposure draft and comment instructions can be found here. VaCAP urges every appraiser to comment on these topics. The deadline...

Another Appraisal Waiver Request 101

Another Appraisal Waiver Request

Another Appraisal Waiver request has been sent to the ASC. This time from City Bank and Trust in Oklahoma. The bank is claiming a shortage of acceptable appraisers in the area. Their solution: “Our bank has on staff an individual who has maintained a Certified Residential Appraiser license until April 2017. This individual has provided acceptable appraisals and evaluations for the past 20+ years. He determined to allow his license to expire due to the rather burdensome CE requirements and the distance to and from approved course within the state. With the educational requirements, training process, number of hours required...

Tristar Alleging Appraiser Shortage, AGA Opposes Appraisal Waivers 10

AGA Opposes Appraisal Waivers

Letter outlining the American Guild of Appraisers position in the national precedent setting matter of granting appraisal waivers for TriStar Bank in Dickson County TN. …this type of waiver is an outright invitation for fraud… December 8, 2017 RE: Tristar Bank, Dickson, Tennessee-Appraiser Waivers Request 11/20/2017 Dear R. Park The American Guild of Appraisers opposes the above referenced appraisal waiver request on behalf of our appraisal members and our more than 13 million taxpayers, consumer members of our parent unions. Tristar bank cites an absence of certified general real estate appraisers in their home office county (Dickson) as the basis...

Track Delays Between Contract Date & Appraisal Ordered Date 26

Tracking Appraisal Delays

Help us track appraisal delays… VaCAP and your fellow colleagues need your help! As you all have probably heard, according to some, appraisals are taking too long and delaying closing. Their take on this is that there is an appraisal shortage. Some of our Network colleagues have discovered a delay in which the appraisals are being ordered. From a limited sample, an average of 21 days occurs between contract ratification and when the appraisal is ordered. The Network of State Appraiser Organizations is working hard to solve this issue, but first we need to know where the problem truly is...

Staff Appraisers, Monopolies, Labor Shortages 6

Staff Appraisers, Monopolies, Labor Shortages…

The issue of staff appraisers at AMCs and more…. Kilts, Labor Shortages, High Performance Homes, Monopolies, Politics, Surveys and a new direction for VaCAP… all within the last 24 hours! Yesterday was the 2017 Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals (VaCAP) Annual Conference, while we discussed our mission, accomplishments and goals, we voted unanimously to change our by-laws to allow our continued growth. Moving forward our processes will be streamlined and we will be offering educational opportunities for our members. We discussed current issues in Louisiana with the FTC and how the outcome will impact the industry throughout the country, monopolistic...

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