Tagged: education

The Great Debate on Appraisal Fees 32

The Great Debate on Appraisal Fees

She included several different fee split examples indicating AMCs retained as much as 70 percent of the total appraisal fee paid by the borrower, which prompted her to stop working with AMCs because of the lack of transparency.  The appraisal industry is abuzz with a discussion about appraisal fees. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently issued a Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions [Docket No. CFPB-2024-0021] in which it solicited feedback from the public and industry stakeholders on the fees charged to consumers by mortgage providers and related settlement services. The CFPB framed it as...

United Appraisers Network Challenges Appraisal Institute 45

United Appraisers Network Challenges Appraisal Institute

Ultimately, the United Appraisers Network would represent a bold and progressive alternative to the Appraisal Institute…  The recent firing of Cindy Chance, the CEO of the Appraisal Institute (AI), has ignited widespread outrage and a profound sense of distrust among appraisers nationwide. In the wake of this controversial decision, discussions have emerged on industry forums about the potential creation of a new appraisal organization that would better serve the needs and interests of all appraisers, regardless of their specialization or credentials. Leading this charge is David Samnick, a Georgia-based appraiser, who has proposed the establishment of the “United Appraisers Network”...

Fight Unfair AMC Practices - Leverage State Authorities 32

Fight Unfair AMC Practices – Leverage State Authorities

Alarmed by predatory practices among AMCs, a peer has drafted letters urging appraisers to call on state authorities to address unfair AMC conduct and potential regulatory violations.  As appraisers, we have faced an ongoing challenge with Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) offering fees that are well below the customary and reasonable rates for standard appraisal assignments. This practice has created a troubling trend of “bid wars” where AMCs pit appraisers against one another, driving down fees to unacceptably low levels. In response to this issue, a peer has provided two draft letters that can be easily modified and used by other...

Uncovering Flaws in FHA Appraisal & Loan Review Process 30

Uncovering Flaws in FHA Appraisal & Loan Review Process

The story of this single mother’s harrowing experience with a defective home purchase and HUD’s negligent oversight exposes deep flaws in the FHA appraisal and loan review process. After sacrificing for years to rebuild her credit and earn the right to become a homeowner, this borrower found her dream home in the country – or so she thought. During the home inspection, several issues were flagged. The seller, an investor who had purchased the home in an estate sale, was unaware of the septic system’s location. The seller agreed to have the tanks pumped so the location could be determined....

Gov't-Indulged Middlemen Are Wrong RX for Battered Borrowers, The Infirm 14

Gov’t-Indulged Middlemen Are Wrong RX for Battered Borrowers, The Infirm

The U.S. government impoverishes homebuyers as it does the chronically ill – by promoting the use of middlemen who prey upon them. A cadre of such middlemen was created decades ago as a firewall between Big Pharma, the insurance companies and the pharmacy chains. Called “pharmacy benefit managers,” they were to negotiate drug prices, streamline distribution and manage lists of prescription drugs covered by insurance plans. But since the government has gone whole-hog into health care under the Affordable Care Act and into drug-price controls under the Inflation Reduction Act, things have gotten crazy at the slop trough. Today, according...

Reforming the Appraisal Review Process: The Illogical Reality of Mortgage Appraisal Reviews 27

The Illogical Reality of Mortgage Appraisal Reviews 

Reforming the appraisal review process is essential to maintaining the integrity of the real estate market and protecting consumers and homeowners.  In mortgage financing, the appraisal process is often seen as the foundation of accurate property valuation and market stability. However, beneath this façade of reliability lies a troubling rift: while real estate appraisers must navigate stringent licensing protocols and scrutiny, the individuals reviewing the appraisals often operate with minimal oversight, instead leaning heavily on automated systems and algorithms. This stark disparity not only undermines the credibility of the review process but also revives the threat of past missteps, once...

The Lack of Transparency in Appraiser Compensation 20

The Lack of Transparency in Appraiser Compensation

The current system of bundling appraiser compensation with third-party fees can lead to confusion and frustration for both appraisers and consumers.  In their letter to the ASC, NAR highlighted the importance of appropriate compensation for appraisers. They stated that fair and reasonable compensation is critical to attracting and retaining high-quality appraisers, as well as allowing them to invest in their skills and education. However, the current system lacks transparency when it comes to reporting appraiser compensation. The issue lies in the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) form, which requires an aggregate appraisal fee to be reported. This means that the fee...

Should Property Data Collectors Be Licensed 63

Should Property Data Collectors Be Licensed?

Should “property data collectors” who inspect properties and provide information to real estate appraisers be licensed by state appraiser boards? In Mississippi, a bill has been introduced this week to require exactly that. The legislator behind the bill happens to be an appraiser. HB1663 would establish a license category for property data collectors under the jurisdiction of the Mississippi Real Estate Appraisal Board. A property data collector would be defined as an individual or company, who is not a licensed appraiser and “who collects, either physically, virtually, or digitally, any information on real property, and produces such information to a...

McKissock Ditches PAREA 31

McKissock Ditches PAREA

On January 1, 2024, McKissock announced that they were pulling the plug on their PAREA project. The primary factor contributing to this cancellation was the substantial resource cost, which exceeded initial estimates and resulted in a higher-end price for customers. This decision was made with the recognition that a higher cost would create a new barrier to entry into the appraisal profession, potentially hindering individuals from pursuing a career due to financial constraints. Happy New Year to you and yours. We hope this letter finds you well. With a strong commitment to responsibility and transparency, we want to inform you...

The Elephant In the Room: Fannie's Modernization Program 35

The Elephant In the Room: Fannie’s Modernization Program

The Elephant I refer to is simply this: Fannie Mae’s modernization program is going to put a lot of appraisers out of business. It’s all “lender centric”. It’s all about better, faster, cheaper, appraisals (with lots more data) for lenders. As an appraiser, all I see are sticks… no carrots. Nobody wants to talk about the Elephant in The Room. Post COVID 19, business was excellent; fees were high and we profited. High interest rates killed the market and most all of us now are not profiting. Losing money is not sustainable for any business and waiting for the next...

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