Tagged: DEI

Appraisal Industry Outlook Under Trump Administration 56

Appraisal Industry Outlook Under Trump Administration

In a recent article, John D. Russell, JD explored the potential impact of the new Trump administration on the appraisal industry. With Republicans set to control the legislative process, Russell analyzed various documents and comments to distill expectations for how appraisal-related issues may be handled going forward. He noted that the Trump administration’s efforts will likely reflect much of the Project 2025 platform, and that its approach to the GSEs and FHFA in the first term could mirror that of the previous administration. Late first-term efforts on housing finance reform may also provide insight into second term priorities. Regarding the...

Government-Sponsored Mortgage Giant Fannie Flouts Law 17

Fannie Wants to Script Conclusions of Outside Analyst – Believes It Is Above the Law

Government-sponsored mortgage giant Fannie Mae is essentially forcing banks to repurchase any loan it wants if [the appraiser] refuses to use the comparables Fannie has selected.  [The corporation] was created by the government, is controlled by the government, and operates for the government’s benefit,” wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy in a unanimous Supreme Court ruling in 2015. He was describing passenger rail hegemon Amtrak, but he could easily have been describing government-sponsored mortgage giant Fannie Mae. The Roberts Court held the National Railroad Passenger Corporation – known more commonly as Amtrak – was a government entity for the purposes of the...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Is Overlooked by HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge 19

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Is Overlooked by HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge

Marcia Fudge, the Secretary of HUD, decided to convene a special meeting of master minds with absolutely no real diversity, equity or inclusion included, with the intent of “closing the racial gap and increasing access to homeownership in African American communities.” Appraisers, all the racial mud-slinging against appraisers by the current government is extremely disheartening toward our honored profession. The people ‘in power’ over the last few years have been fond of image building and acronyms, believing those items will have magical influence over property values, and how people conduct themselves. One of these is named DEI, which stands for...

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