Tagged: Class Valuation

Classless Class Valuation AMC Lives Up to Its Nickname Again! 22

Classless Class Valuation

Class Valuation has done some pretty horrific things in the past, but this one has earned them the true title of Classless… It finally happened… I was sent an email from Class Valuation. The subject line “New Benefits from Class Valuation – Just in time for Thanksgiving!” Well fellow appraisers, I can honestly state with 100% certainty, Class Valuation has lived up to its nick name given to them by so many… Classless! Class Valuation has done some pretty horrific things in the past, but this one has earned them the true title of Classless. You see, the benefits Class...

AMC Celebrating One Million Appraisal Orders Sucker Punches Appraisers 40

AMC Sucker Punches Appraisers

Class Valuation sucker punches appraisers! Class Valuation has been celebrating completing 1,000,000 orders and sent a Tweet thanking their clients and staff. There is no mention of the boots on the ground licensed professional appraisers who actually completed those appraisals. Is this the true feelings of Class Valuation? Do they not realize not one order would have been completed without appraisers? Not one simple thank you… Meanwhile VaCAP has learned InHouse Solutions, the AMC division of Get Connexions, Inc. is ceasing all operations as of February 28th. Appraisers on their panel across the country have been getting this email: Jan...

Class Valuation Fits Squarely Into the Low Life Company Category 53

Class Valuation Did Me a Favor

My profile has been disabled from Class Valuation. They actually did me a favor. This does not bother me in the least as I have gotten nothing but bid requests from them. My resolution for 2020 is to change my focus and remove unwanted low-life companies from my business. Class Valuation fits squarely into the low life company category. I cannot call them a client as I have never received any work from them. Here is an email I received from them. Hello, Please note your profile is currently disabled with us pending a completed direct deposit form. The state...

Landmark Acquired by Class Valuation - VA Drops 1004MC...Done Deal! 17

Done Deal

AMC Consolidaton – Class Valuation (formerly Class Appraisal) of Troy, MI is acquiring Landmark Network, of Van Nuys, CA. This document does not say ‘when’ it will occur, or if the transaction has concluded, but the way it is written, the implication is that it’s a “dun deel.” Anybody have any scuttlebutt on which of the hundreds of the remaining AMC’s might be next to be consolidated with another one? Landmark Network’s email: Hello! Eleven years ago, I set out to create a different kind of appraisal management company. One that truly valued our appraiser partners while embracing the efforts...

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