Tagged: appraiser

Seven Cases the Defendant Appraisers Won Based on Expiration of the Statute of Limitations 0

Seven Cases the Defendant Appraisers Won Based on Expiration of the Statute of Limitations

I am biased in favor of defendant appraisers. I always root for the defense, even if it’s one appraiser suing another appraiser (as in one case below). Defense is our business. Here, are seven cases where the defendant appraisers won based on a statute of limitations defense. That means even if there was something wrong with the appraisal at issue, the defense counsel still won the case. So, you have to give the credit to the defense counsel. That’s not to say there really was a problem with the appraisal in each case below — it just didn’t matter if...

Lenders May Still Profit Most from Appraisal Fees 2

To Disclose or Not to Disclose AMC Fees

To Disclose or not to Disclose AMC Fees… With the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) up and running, there are numerous regulatory issues still pending relating to the Dodd-Frank Act. The regulatory issues include appraisal independence rules, AMC fee disclosure, AMC registration, required physical property visit by appraisers in “higher risk” mortgages, HUD-1/RESPA Consumer Disclosure, and asset backed securities. Of particular note, the CFPB has proposed a new Consumer Disclosure form that is intended to replace the HUD-1 settlement statement. The proposed rule which was release for public until November, allows disclosure of appraisal management company fees, but does not...


Who Has Been Suing the Most Appraisers?

Two Names You Know. Two Names You’ve Probably Never Heard. These are four of the parties who have been suing the most appraisers in 2011-12. I suspect most appraisers won’t recognize two of the names, unless the appraisers are defendants in one of their cases. The parties are in no particular order, but the last one does file the most lawsuits. LSF6 Mercury REO Investments This is an investment fund of a private equity company named Lone Star. LSF6 bought discounted mortgage debt from bankrupt CIT Group in 2008. In late 2011, LSF6 began suing appraisers in New York as...


Black Cat Causes Fair Housing Issue with AMC

An appraiser was required by an AMC to edit/crop the photos in an appraisal report because of a black cat. The AMC claimed that the black cat violated fair housing act. This was the response of the AMC in regard to the cat: “Please be advised that the following issues were found: a cat appears in the rear open patio photo and the landscaping photo. Please edit or crop this photo accordingly, as this is a fair lending issue for the client.” Fast forward the video below to 1 minute:


New Trade Association Announces Launch to Support Appraisal Industry

Announcing the Official Formation of the National Association of Appraisal Management Companies (NAAMC) Providence, RI (PRWEB) August 31, 2012 Filling a long missing void in the ever-changing Appraisal and Residential Home Mortgage sectors, a collection of Industry-leading Appraisal Management Companies joined forces to create a unique and extremely necessary organization exclusively committed to supporting all entities impacted in the Residential Appraisal and Valuation industries. Officially formed in late July 2012, several months’ pre-launch due diligence was completed by the sixteen Founding Members of the National Association of Appraisal Management Companies (NAAMC). This non-profit trade association is officially incorporated in Delaware and...


New York Attorney General v. eAppraiseIT: Settlement

The New York Attorney General’s Office announced yesterday that it has reached a settlement with CoreLogic, as successor to eAppraiseIT, over the 2007 lawsuit filed against eAppraiseIT by then-Attorney General Cuomo. This was the case, of course, that led to the HVCC with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It also put the AMC liability train in motion, which has kept rolling since — resulting in significant lawsuits filed by both government agencies and private parties against a majority of the 10 largest AMCs. The NY AG noted that the lawsuit concerned approximately 10,000 appraisals in New York for WaMu in...

Financing Concessions for Comparables 2

Update on Financing Concessions for Comparables

Appraisers, The GSE’s have issued a UAD newsletter on Sept. 18, 2012. Mostly it has ‘stuff’ in it that appraisers should be doing, i.e., checking for proper UAD compliance prior to report submittal by using your report software on-board reviewer. However, this little gem is the last item on page 2: Update on Financing Concessions for Comparables The GSEs expect appraisers to determine the financing concessions, if any, for all settled sales used as comparables in appraisal reports. Appraisers are expected to do what is necessary to determine concession amounts through the normal course of business and not automatically default...


Mortgage Originators: Appraisals a Huge Concern

Early results released Aug. 20 from the 2012 Loan Originator Survey conducted by Mortgage Daily revealed that the real estate appraisal process is considered one of the most frustrating issues for mortgage loan originators. Respondents also cited the Dodd-Frank Act as having a big impact on their business. The results are only preliminary because the survey is ongoing and won’t officially close until Sept. 15. Respondents must be mortgage originators registered in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry. The survey showed strong opposition to current appraisal requirements, with many respondents having made negative comments about today’s appraisal environment. Most...


Gordon Cowden Children’s Fund

Morning Appraisers, I am writing to you in sadness, but yet, with hope. One of the victims in the Aurora theater killings was Gordon Cowden, a fellow appraiser. He was taking his two teenage daughters to the movie and he was gunned down. REAA has opened a memorial fund to help his family. Along with the natural grief and pain, they are facing the possibility of losing their home. On our home page of www.reaa.org is a donate button that takes credit cards and pay pal accounts. We are in the process of fine tuning the page withmore information on...


FDIC Diversifies Its Appraiser Targets

In the last three months, since May 1, 2012, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has sued 45 individual appraisers and appraisal firms in its capacity as receiver for one of the failed banks or lending institutions under its supervision. The appraisers targeted by the FDIC in its recent cases are a more diverse group, geographically and professionally, than in earlier cases, but in other respects the FDIC’s recent cases represent more of the same familiar story — suing appraisers to recover money damages for allegedly appraising properties too high for loans extended during the peak of the real estate...

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