Tagged: appraisal profession

Appraiser Shortage Myth Used to Raise De Minimis Value 43

Appraiser Shortage Myth Used to Raise De Minimis Value

Appraisers, I know everyone is busy right now, but this cannot wait. This may be the most important blog post affecting appraisers this year. I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that if something is not done, it really COULD lead to the end of ALL residential appraisers for federally regulated transactions under $500,001. FFIEC under the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act (EGRPRA), is considering raising the de minimis lending level from $250,000 to $500,000, because the local community banks are complaining that they cannot find enough appraisers in rural America to handle the volume! If...

Comments Continue to be Invited - Appraisers Call to Action 6

Should the Government Accept Appraisers’ Complaints?

If you believe the government should be accepting complaints from appraisers regarding Appraiser Independence Issues, then please send your comments Please respond to the call to action below! The IACF was developed for use by those who wish to file a formal, written complaint that an entity subject to the jurisdiction of one or more Agencies, the Board, or the NCUA has failed to comply with the appraisal independence standards or USPAP. The IACF is designed to collect information necessary for one or both of the Agencies, the Board, or the NCUA to take further action on a complaint from...

An Appraisal Profession Tsunami is Coming 16

An Appraisal Profession Tsunami is Coming

TSUNAMI! Before the Internet and YouTube, most of us read about or saw a few pictures of Tsunami’s in books. Reading about a tsunami though, will never be the same as actually being in a tsunami, or seeing a video of a tsunami. A YouTube video of the Japanese tsunami of 2011 truly captures what a tsunami is, and how destructive it can be. If you have never seen that video, take a look at it below. People die in tsunamis. Tsunami death pictures can be found all over the internet. But who were those people and why did they...

Experience, Education Criteria Input Request & AGA Open Letter 18

AGA Open Letter Regarding Changes to the Criteria

Request for appraiser input on current and future educational / experience requirements… The AGA sent the below letter to the AQB in response to their outreach asking for comments. Please write them and tell them YOUR views. If you agree with what we have said, then just copy it and add your name to it saying “we agree”. Or don’t copy it, and just say “We agree with the AGA letter”. If there are any significant parts you disagree with, then please ‘except’ those. If you have additional thoughts or suggestions for them (civil ones), feel free to add them....

College Degree Requirement is Flawed - AppraisersBlogs 51

College Degree Requirement is Flawed

Why the 4-year college degree requirement is flawed and how to make the requirement work? Many, many years ago, my local college offered appraisal classes. You could take a couple classes, go take the state test and start knocking on doors. New people didn’t need a mentor. And new people learned by trial and error. It probably wasn’t the best way to do things. But it did allow for new people to freely get into the profession without a bunch of hurdles to overcome. Times have changed. Today, new people have to have a 4-year college degree in anything first,...

Competition & Joe Above-Average 16

Competition & Joe Above-Average

The appraisal profession is in competition with other professions Ask any appraiser nowadays, and they can give you numerous details and opinions about why things are a mess and why appraisers are leaving this profession in droves. In a previous story, it was reported that Illinois alone lost somewhere near 900 appraisers last renewal. Every appraiser already knows about the fee problem, insane liability, higher costs, ridiculous revision requests, and the list goes on. All those reasons are the finer details. I would like to add a different perspective and paint a bigger picture as to why I think appraisers...

Talked lately - We need to Talk VaCAP 6

Talked Lately? We Need to Talk!

Being informed is the key to success. Have you talked lately? Communication among appraisers is critical to our continued success. Whether it is reading a newsletter, having lunch with a colleague, or socializing at an industry function, this is how we learn, grow and succeed. Are you registered with the Townhall? The Virginia Regulatory Townhall is the regulatory website for information. Here you will find the regulations of the Virginia Appraisal Board, proposed regulations, and proposed changes. The Townhall is also the place to go for dates, times, agendas, and meeting minutes of the Virginia Appraisal Board Meetings. This is a must...

Real Estate Appraisers - Who are we 7

Real Estate Appraisers…Who Are We?

Appraisers…Who are we? With the current requirements to enter the profession of real estate appraisal, it is likely that who we are will conceivably change in the coming years. Perhaps for the better? Or, it could be to the detriment of the professions. Appraisers today, and for many years prior to today, have come from a variety of prior jobs and professions. Many of us are former military, teachers, nurses, contractors, builders, home inspectors, real estate agents, lenders, accountants, environmental consultants and engineers, and minimum wage folks aspiring to better themselves. Some of us have dual roles as real estate...

You Are Not Alone - American Guild of Appraisers - AGA - Imagecredit Flickr - David Pacey 20

You Are Not Alone – AGA

How many appraisers do you know that are enthusiastic about the future of our profession? How many appraisers believe that they are alone in the fight to save their profession? How many appraisers do you know that feel trapped in a “no win” situation with increasing liability and time commitment without being properly compensated or appreciated? My name is Jan Bellas. I am the National Membership Coordinator for the American Guild of Appraisers (AGA). Please give me a few minutes to tell you how the AGA can help you and other professional real estate appraisers. AGA is a national organization focused...

Voice of Appraisal Podcast RE Coester vs. Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board (VREAB) Lawsuit - Imagecredit Flickr - Patrick Breitenbach 7

Lawsuit of Coester vs. VREAB

Voice of Appraisal Podcast RE Coester vs. VREAB Lawsuit Folks, Phil Crawford with Voice of Appraisal has another great podcast about the appraisal profession and the recent lawsuit filed in Virginia against the Real Estate Appraiser Board (VREAB). This is probably the most important Voice of Appraisal show to date. In this “must listen” podcast, Phil discusses Coester lawsuit against VREAB and AMCs’ unsustainable business model. He does a stellar job with his analysis and recommendations of Coester vs. VREAB lawsuit. Phil, a fellow appraiser, who has become a catalyst for change in the appraisal profession, stated in his earlier...

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