Tagged: Appraisal Management Companies

Appraisers - The Reason You Have No Business Functional Obsolescence - Imagecredit Flickr - Howard Lake 16

Appraisers – The Reason You Have No Business: Functional Obsolescence

Functional obsolescence is the reason many appraisers are going out of business. On a daily basis, appraisers moan: “It’s because of the HVCC that my business is down” or “that AMC or X or Y or Z caused my income to decline.” Really? Are you sure? So, why is my company buried in business and you’re not? We’ve all heard about blacksmiths being out of work; Seems the use of horses has declined. And the need for typewriter repairmen, the demand just isn’t what it was 20 years ago. The people in these jobs failed to adapt; Maybe appraiser are having the same problem....

Truth-in-Lending Act - RESPA Ingetraged Disclosure - TRID Coming Soon Imagecredit Flickr - Dennis Skley 1

TRID Coming Soon Your Way

Appraisers and others, TRID is coming to mortgage lending on Aug. 1, 2015. In case you have not been paying attention to new aspects surrounding your typical measuring buildings and writing reports on a daily basis, TRID is set to become a major change in the mortgage lending process. TRID is the acronym for the ‘Truth-in-Lending Act/RESPA Integrated Disclosure’ process that applies to every mortgage loan as of 8/01/15.  It was part of the Dodd-Frank Law, with power given to the CFPB agency to devise the rules, forms and process. The intent is to consolidate and simplify processes that have...

Unpermitted additions assignment condition 1

Unpermitted Additions “Zombie” Assignment Condition

Unpermitted Additions This is a “zombie” assignment condition that seems to never die. Let’s agree that unpermitted means something was constructed without a required written permit. There are plenty of jurisdictions that don’t issue permits because the permit process doesn’t exist. The assignment condition goes something like this: The appraiser is not to include any GLA from any unpermitted additions unless they use comparables that have similar unpermitted additions. Here’s what Fannie Mae stated in their September 2014 FAQs: If the subject property features an unpermitted addition, can the square footage of the unpermitted addition be included in the total gross living area reported on the appraisal report? If the appraiser has identified an addition(s) that does...

Appraisers Blacklisted 24

Blacklisting Lawsuit Continues

Appraiser Michael J. McSwain filed a lawsuit against Yadkin Valley Bank and the appraisal management company (AMC) StreetLinks Lender Solutions, alleging that he was retaliated against for failing to reach targeted values.

According to the suit, McSwain performed two appraisals for StreetLinks in late 2012, on behalf of Yadkin Valley Bank, both of which failed to “meet value.” The suit cites explicit emails from the branch manager at Yadkin which state:

“StreetLinks has sent out a BUTCHER on two of my last refis [sic] … make sure he is not sent out in our county and make sure he is not on the approval list…I thought I would let him do these two just to see. NOW THE DEALS ARE DEAD.”


What Should an Appraiser Do?

Burdensome indemnity language required by a lender or AMC Appraisers are often required to sign lengthy contracts to obtain assignments from lenders or Appraisal Management Companies. These contracts outline the scope of work, when the assignment is due, how to transmit reports and other items that require review and understanding. Once the contract is formalized, the appraiser is then legally required to comply with its’ provisions. One important and often troublesome requirement is the Indemnity Provision. The concept of indemnity means “security against hurt, loss or damage”. Through indemnity, one party can shift the responsibility of loss to another party...

Scope Creep - Appraisers 4

Scope Creep!!!

Seems like everyone hates AMC’s and scope creep. Scope Creep!! I ordered a sub at a sub shop. I love tomatoes! So I asked for extra tomatoes. I was charged. I took my car in for inspection. I told the mechanic since my car was up in the air and the tires were off to rotate the tires. I was charged. BUT, the tires were off. The cook’s hand was in the tomatoes. WHAT’s up? I was asked for two listings. I wanted to charge. I did a restricted report on an office building (sales comp approach only). The client called and wanted a cap rate, then an expense ratio. They refused...

Bottled water and Automated Valuation Model (AVM) - Lie 4

Bottled Water and AVM – Sold on a Lie

How about bottled water? Advertising is a powerful tool and very smart people will do some very dumb things, if they are properly motivated. There are many examples of how advertising creates an illusion and how we all fall victim (at least for a while) to smooth ad campaigns. One great example is automobile insurance rates. “Switch and Save. Every insurance company ran ads promising savings over their competition. Well, of course, they all can’t be true, but for over a year there was a massive switch in policies by consumers. The ads worked. How about bottled water? News shows...

Going the distance in USPAP 3

Going the Distance in USPAP

Arbitrary distance limitations…. When I was in private practice, much of my litigation work took me to Somonauck, Sandwich and Plano, Illinois. That’s about 45 miles west of where I live. Still, I had so much work in those areas, you’d think I had an office there. However, if I were working for many AMCs, I’d have been considered too far out of my area for the assignment. Some AMCs, under the guise of authenticating geo-competency, restrict assignments to Illinois certified appraisers based upon arbitrary distance limitations. Most typically seen are 15 miles for urban/suburban locations and 25 miles for...

Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) renewal 0

AMCs Renewal: Two Years Later

AMCs procrastinated or missed the renewal period We started registering AMCs about this time back in 2013. It was a slow roll from the nascent 9 applications received in March of 2013 to a peak of 42 applications received in August 2013 just ahead of the deadline to register. Since that time the number of AMCs in Illinois has ebbed and flowed. At one point we had 192. As of this writing, we stand at 155. Nationwide there are less than 700 AMC entities. The universe is small. We’ve already completed our first renewal that ended on December 31, 2014. Like...

LenderVend Requirement For Appraisers to Upload Copies of Appraisal Workfiles - Imagecredit Flickr - GotCredit 23

LenderVend Requirement For Appraisers to Upload Copies of Appraisal Workfiles

Many residential appraisers we insure and several appraiser organizations have contacted us in the last few days about an appraisal management company’s new requirement that their panel appraisers upload a PDF copy of their appraisal workfile for each assignment they perform.  The AMC is LenderVend, LLC and, according to its website, it is affiliated with mortgage lender Provident Funding. We understand that LenderVend’s requirement imposes an additional burden on appraisers.  We’ve also heard firsthand from appraisers about the anxiety the policy is creating because of the unknown uses to which the workfile may be put by the AMC.  As is the case with any peculiar...

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